Some documentation and factor changes related to ℓ_F and ℓ_r. dev

Fri, 14 Feb 2025 23:46:43 -0500

Tuomo Valkonen <>
Fri, 14 Feb 2025 23:46:43 -0500
changeset 49
parent 48
child 50

Some documentation and factor changes related to ℓ_F and ℓ_r.

Also allow Zed to re-indent the modified files.

src/ file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/forward_model/ file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/forward_model/ file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/ file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/ file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/src/	Fri Feb 14 23:16:14 2025 -0500
+++ b/src/	Fri Feb 14 23:46:43 2025 -0500
@@ -2,56 +2,56 @@
 Forward models from discrete measures to observations.
-pub use alg_tools::linops::*;
+use alg_tools::error::DynError;
 use alg_tools::euclidean::Euclidean;
-use alg_tools::error::DynError;
 use alg_tools::instance::Instance;
-use alg_tools::norms::{NormExponent, L2, Norm};
+pub use alg_tools::linops::*;
+use alg_tools::norms::{Norm, NormExponent, L2};
+use crate::measures::Radon;
 use crate::types::*;
-use crate::measures::Radon;
+pub mod bias;
 pub mod sensor_grid;
-pub mod bias;
 /// `ForwardeModel`s are bounded preadjointable linear operators  $A ∈ 𝕃(𝒵(Ω); E)$
 /// where $𝒵(Ω) ⊂ ℳ(Ω)$ is the space of sums of delta measures, presented by
 /// [`crate::measures::DiscreteMeasure`], and $E$ is a [`Euclidean`] space.
-pub trait ForwardModel<Domain : Space, F : Float = f64, E : NormExponent = Radon>
-    : BoundedLinear<Domain, E, L2, F, Codomain=Self::Observable>
+pub trait ForwardModel<Domain: Space, F: Float = f64, E: NormExponent = Radon>:
+    BoundedLinear<Domain, E, L2, F, Codomain = Self::Observable>
     + GEMV<F, Domain, Self::Observable>
     + Preadjointable<Domain, Self::Observable>
-    for<'a> Self::Observable : Instance<Self::Observable>,
-    Domain : Norm<F, E>,
+    for<'a> Self::Observable: Instance<Self::Observable>,
+    Domain: Norm<F, E>,
     /// The codomain or value space (of “observables”) for this operator.
     /// It is assumed to be a [`Euclidean`] space, and therefore also (identified with)
     /// the domain of the preadjoint.
-    type Observable : Euclidean<F, Output=Self::Observable>
-                      + AXPY<F>
-                      + Space
-                      + Clone;
+    type Observable: Euclidean<F, Output = Self::Observable> + AXPY<F> + Space + Clone;
     /// Write an observable into a file.
-    fn write_observable(&self, b : &Self::Observable, prefix : String) -> DynError;
+    fn write_observable(&self, b: &Self::Observable, prefix: String) -> DynError;
     /// Returns a zero observable
     fn zero_observable(&self) -> Self::Observable;
 /// Trait for operators $A$ for which $A_*A$ is bounded by some other operator.
-pub trait AdjointProductBoundedBy<Domain : Space, D> : Linear<Domain> {
-    type FloatType : Float;
+pub trait AdjointProductBoundedBy<Domain: Space, D>: Linear<Domain> {
+    type FloatType: Float;
     /// Return $L$ such that $A_*A ≤ LD$.
-    fn adjoint_product_bound(&self, other : &D) -> Option<Self::FloatType>;
+    fn adjoint_product_bound(&self, other: &D) -> Option<Self::FloatType>;
 /// Trait for operators $A$ for which $A_*A$ is bounded by a diagonal operator.
-pub trait AdjointProductPairBoundedBy<Domain : Space, D1, D2> : Linear<Domain> {
-    type FloatType : Float;
+pub trait AdjointProductPairBoundedBy<Domain: Space, D1, D2>: Linear<Domain> {
+    type FloatType: Float;
     /// Return $(L, L_z)$ such that $A_*A ≤ (L_1 D_1, L_2 D_2)$.
-    fn adjoint_product_pair_bound(&self, other1 : &D1, other_2 : &D2)
-        -> Option<(Self::FloatType, Self::FloatType)>;
+    fn adjoint_product_pair_bound(
+        &self,
+        other1: &D1,
+        other_2: &D2,
+    ) -> Option<(Self::FloatType, Self::FloatType)>;
@@ -72,14 +72,12 @@
-/// Trait for [`ForwardModel`]s that satisfy bounds on the curvature $𝒦_F$.
+/// Trait for [`ForwardModel`]s that satisfy bounds on curvature.
 pub trait BoundedCurvature {
-    type FloatType : Float;
+    type FloatType: Float;
-    /// Returns components for a bound $ℓ_F$ on the curvature
-    /// $$
-    ///     𝒦_F(μ, γ) = ∫ B_{F'(μ)} dγ +  B_F(μ, μ+Δ).
-    /// $$
-    /// such that $𝒦_F(μ, γ)  ≤ ℓ_F ∫  c_2 d|γ|$.
+    /// Returns factor $ℓ_F$ and $ℓ_r$ such that
+    /// $B_{F'(μ)} dγ ≤ ℓ_F c_2$ and $⟨F'(μ)+F'(μ+Δ)|Δ⟩ ≤ ℓ_r|γ|(c_2)$,
+    /// where $Δ=(π_♯^1-π_♯^0)γ$.
     fn curvature_bound_components(&self) -> (Option<Self::FloatType>, Option<Self::FloatType>);
--- a/src/forward_model/	Fri Feb 14 23:16:14 2025 -0500
+++ b/src/forward_model/	Fri Feb 14 23:46:43 2025 -0500
@@ -2,28 +2,28 @@
 Simple parametric forward model.
-use numeric_literals::replace_float_literals;
-use alg_tools::types::{Float, ClosedAdd};
-use alg_tools::mapping::Space;
+use super::{AdjointProductBoundedBy, AdjointProductPairBoundedBy, BoundedCurvature, ForwardModel};
+use crate::measures::RNDM;
 use alg_tools::direct_product::Pair;
-use alg_tools::linops::{Linear, RowOp,  IdOp, ZeroOp, AXPY};
 use alg_tools::error::DynError;
-use alg_tools::norms::{L2, Norm, PairNorm, NormExponent};
-use crate::measures::RNDM;
-use super::{ForwardModel, AdjointProductBoundedBy, AdjointProductPairBoundedBy, BoundedCurvature};
+use alg_tools::linops::{IdOp, Linear, RowOp, ZeroOp, AXPY};
+use alg_tools::mapping::Space;
+use alg_tools::norms::{Norm, NormExponent, PairNorm, L2};
+use alg_tools::types::{ClosedAdd, Float};
+use numeric_literals::replace_float_literals;
 impl<Domain, F, A, E> ForwardModel<Pair<Domain, A::Observable>, F, PairNorm<E, L2, L2>>
-for RowOp<A, IdOp<A::Observable>>
+    for RowOp<A, IdOp<A::Observable>>
-    E : NormExponent,
-    Domain : Space + Norm<F, E>,
-    F : Float,
-    A::Observable : ClosedAdd + Norm<F, L2> + 'static,
-    A : ForwardModel<Domain, F, E> + 'static
+    E: NormExponent,
+    Domain: Space + Norm<F, E>,
+    F: Float,
+    A::Observable: ClosedAdd + Norm<F, L2> + 'static,
+    A: ForwardModel<Domain, F, E> + 'static,
     type Observable = A::Observable;
-    fn write_observable(&self, b : &Self::Observable, prefix : String) -> DynError {
+    fn write_observable(&self, b: &Self::Observable, prefix: String) -> DynError {
         self.0.write_observable(b, prefix)
@@ -35,17 +35,17 @@
 impl<Domain, F, A, D, Z> AdjointProductPairBoundedBy<Pair<Domain, Z>, D, IdOp<Z>>
-for RowOp<A, IdOp<Z>>
+    for RowOp<A, IdOp<Z>>
-    Domain : Space,
-    F : Float,
-    Z : Clone + Space + ClosedAdd,
-    A : AdjointProductBoundedBy<Domain, D, FloatType=F, Codomain = Z>,
-    A::Codomain : ClosedAdd,
+    Domain: Space,
+    F: Float,
+    Z: Clone + Space + ClosedAdd,
+    A: AdjointProductBoundedBy<Domain, D, FloatType = F, Codomain = Z>,
+    A::Codomain: ClosedAdd,
     type FloatType = F;
-    fn adjoint_product_pair_bound(&self, d : &D, _ : &IdOp<Z>) -> Option<(F, F)> {
+    fn adjoint_product_pair_bound(&self, d: &D, _: &IdOp<Z>) -> Option<(F, F)> {
         self.0.adjoint_product_bound(d).map(|l_0| {
             // [A_*; B_*][A, B] = [A_*A, A_* B; B_* A, B_* B] ≤ diag(2A_*A, 2B_*B)
             // ≤ diag(2l_A𝒟_A, 2l_B𝒟_B), where now 𝒟_B=Id and l_B=1.
@@ -79,12 +79,11 @@
-impl<F, A, Z> BoundedCurvature
-for RowOp<A, IdOp<Z>>
+impl<F, A, Z> BoundedCurvature for RowOp<A, IdOp<Z>>
-    F : Float,
-    Z : Clone + Space + ClosedAdd,
-    A : BoundedCurvature<FloatType = F>,
+    F: Float,
+    Z: Clone + Space + ClosedAdd,
+    A: BoundedCurvature<FloatType = F>,
     type FloatType = F;
@@ -94,17 +93,16 @@
-impl<'a, F, D, XD, Y, const N : usize> AdjointProductBoundedBy<RNDM<F, N>, D>
-for ZeroOp<'a, RNDM<F, N>, XD, Y, F>
+impl<'a, F, D, XD, Y, const N: usize> AdjointProductBoundedBy<RNDM<F, N>, D>
+    for ZeroOp<'a, RNDM<F, N>, XD, Y, F>
-    F : Float,
-    Y : AXPY<F> + Clone,
-    D : Linear<RNDM<F, N>>,
+    F: Float,
+    Y: AXPY<F> + Clone,
+    D: Linear<RNDM<F, N>>,
     type FloatType = F;
     /// Return $L$ such that $A_*A ≤ L𝒟$ is bounded by some `other` operator $𝒟$.
-    fn adjoint_product_bound(&self, _ : &D) -> Option<F> {
+    fn adjoint_product_bound(&self, _: &D) -> Option<F> {
--- a/src/forward_model/	Fri Feb 14 23:16:14 2025 -0500
+++ b/src/forward_model/	Fri Feb 14 23:46:43 2025 -0500
@@ -2,124 +2,120 @@
 Sensor grid forward model
+use nalgebra::base::{DMatrix, DVector};
 use numeric_literals::replace_float_literals;
-use nalgebra::base::{
-    DMatrix,
-    DVector
 use std::iter::Zip;
 use std::ops::RangeFrom;
+use alg_tools::bisection_tree::*;
+use alg_tools::error::DynError;
+use alg_tools::instance::Instance;
+use alg_tools::iter::{MapX, Mappable};
+use alg_tools::lingrid::*;
 pub use alg_tools::linops::*;
-use alg_tools::norms::{
-    L1, Linfinity, L2, Norm
-use alg_tools::bisection_tree::*;
-use alg_tools::mapping::{
-    RealMapping,
-    DifferentiableMapping
-use alg_tools::lingrid::*;
-use alg_tools::iter::{MapX, Mappable};
+use alg_tools::mapping::{DifferentiableMapping, RealMapping};
+use alg_tools::maputil::map2;
 use alg_tools::nalgebra_support::ToNalgebraRealField;
+use alg_tools::norms::{Linfinity, Norm, L1, L2};
 use alg_tools::tabledump::write_csv;
-use alg_tools::error::DynError;
-use alg_tools::maputil::map2;
-use alg_tools::instance::Instance;
-use crate::types::*;
+use super::{AdjointProductBoundedBy, BoundedCurvature, ForwardModel};
+use crate::frank_wolfe::FindimQuadraticModel;
+use crate::kernels::{AutoConvolution, BoundedBy, Convolution};
 use crate::measures::{DiscreteMeasure, Radon};
-use crate::seminorms::{
-    ConvolutionOp,
-    SimpleConvolutionKernel,
-use crate::kernels::{
-    Convolution,
-    AutoConvolution,
-    BoundedBy,
 use crate::preadjoint_helper::PreadjointHelper;
-use super::{
-    ForwardModel,
-    BoundedCurvature,
-    AdjointProductBoundedBy
-use crate::frank_wolfe::FindimQuadraticModel;
+use crate::seminorms::{ConvolutionOp, SimpleConvolutionKernel};
+use crate::types::*;
-type RNDM<F, const N : usize> = DiscreteMeasure<Loc<F,N>, F>;
+type RNDM<F, const N: usize> = DiscreteMeasure<Loc<F, N>, F>;
-pub type ShiftedSensor<F, S, P, const N : usize> = Shift<Convolution<S, P>, F, N>;
+pub type ShiftedSensor<F, S, P, const N: usize> = Shift<Convolution<S, P>, F, N>;
 /// Trait for physical convolution models. Has blanket implementation for all cases.
-pub trait Spread<F : Float, const N : usize>
-: 'static + Clone + Support<F, N> + RealMapping<F, N> + Bounded<F> {}
+pub trait Spread<F: Float, const N: usize>:
+    'static + Clone + Support<F, N> + RealMapping<F, N> + Bounded<F>
-impl<F, T, const N : usize> Spread<F, N> for T
-where F : Float,
-      T : 'static + Clone + Support<F, N> + Bounded<F> + RealMapping<F, N> {}
+impl<F, T, const N: usize> Spread<F, N> for T
+    F: Float,
+    T: 'static + Clone + Support<F, N> + Bounded<F> + RealMapping<F, N>,
 /// Trait for compactly supported sensors. Has blanket implementation for all cases.
-pub trait Sensor<F : Float, const N : usize> : Spread<F, N> + Norm<F, L1> + Norm<F, Linfinity> {}
+pub trait Sensor<F: Float, const N: usize>:
+    Spread<F, N> + Norm<F, L1> + Norm<F, Linfinity>
-impl<F, T, const N : usize> Sensor<F, N> for T
-where F : Float,
-      T : Spread<F, N> + Norm<F, L1> + Norm<F, Linfinity> {}
+impl<F, T, const N: usize> Sensor<F, N> for T
+    F: Float,
+    T: Spread<F, N> + Norm<F, L1> + Norm<F, Linfinity>,
-pub trait SensorGridBT<F, S, P, const N : usize> :
-Clone + BTImpl<F, N, Data=usize, Agg=Bounds<F>>
-where F : Float,
-      S : Sensor<F, N>,
-      P : Spread<F, N> {}
+pub trait SensorGridBT<F, S, P, const N: usize>:
+    Clone + BTImpl<F, N, Data = usize, Agg = Bounds<F>>
+    F: Float,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
-impl<F, S, P, T, const N : usize>
-SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>
-for T
-where T : Clone + BTImpl<F, N, Data=usize, Agg=Bounds<F>>,
-      F : Float,
-      S : Sensor<F, N>,
-      P : Spread<F, N> {}
+impl<F, S, P, T, const N: usize> SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N> for T
+    T: Clone + BTImpl<F, N, Data = usize, Agg = Bounds<F>>,
+    F: Float,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
 // We need type alias bounds to access associated types
-pub type SensorGridBTFN<F, S, P, BT : SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>, const N : usize>
-= BTFN<F, SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>, BT, N>;
+pub type SensorGridBTFN<F, S, P, BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>, const N: usize> =
+    BTFN<F, SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>, BT, N>;
 /// Sensor grid forward model
-pub struct SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, const N : usize>
-where F : Float,
-      S : Sensor<F, N>,
-      P : Spread<F, N>,
-      Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N>,
-      BT : SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
+pub struct SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize>
+    F: Float,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
+    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
+    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
-    domain : Cube<F, N>,
-    sensor_count : [usize; N],
-    sensor : S,
-    spread : P,
-    base_sensor : Convolution<S, P>,
-    bt : BT,
+    domain: Cube<F, N>,
+    sensor_count: [usize; N],
+    sensor: S,
+    spread: P,
+    base_sensor: Convolution<S, P>,
+    bt: BT,
-impl<F, S, P, BT, const N : usize> SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
-where F : Float,
-      BT : SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
-      S : Sensor<F, N>,
-      P : Spread<F, N>,
-      Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>,
+impl<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
+    F: Float,
+    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
+    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>,
     /// Create a new sensor grid.
     /// The parameter `depth` indicates the search depth of the created [`BT`]s
     /// for the adjoint values.
     pub fn new(
-        domain : Cube<F, N>,
-        sensor_count : [usize; N],
-        sensor : S,
-        spread : P,
-        depth : BT::Depth
+        domain: Cube<F, N>,
+        sensor_count: [usize; N],
+        sensor: S,
+        spread: P,
+        depth: BT::Depth,
     ) -> Self {
         let base_sensor = Convolution(sensor.clone(), spread.clone());
         let bt = BT::new(domain, depth);
@@ -141,15 +137,14 @@
-impl<F, S, P, BT, const N : usize> SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
-where F : Float,
-      BT : SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
-      S : Sensor<F, N>,
-      P : Spread<F, N>,
-      Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N>
+impl<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
+    F: Float,
+    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
+    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
     /// Return the grid of sensor locations.
     pub fn grid(&self) -> LinGrid<F, N> {
         lingrid_centered(&self.domain, &self.sensor_count)
@@ -162,7 +157,7 @@
     /// Constructs a sensor shifted by `x`.
-    fn shifted_sensor(&self, x : Loc<F, N>) -> ShiftedSensor<F, S, P, N> {
+    fn shifted_sensor(&self, x: Loc<F, N>) -> ShiftedSensor<F, S, P, N> {
@@ -174,57 +169,55 @@
     /// Returns the maximum number of overlapping sensors $N_\psi$.
     pub fn max_overlapping(&self) -> F {
         let w = self.base_sensor.support_hint().width();
-        let d = map2(self.domain.width(), &self.sensor_count, |wi, &i| wi/F::cast_from(i));
+        let d = map2(self.domain.width(), &self.sensor_count, |wi, &i| {
+            wi / F::cast_from(i)
+        });
-         .zip(d.iter())
-         .map(|(&wi, &di)| (wi/di).ceil())
-         .reduce(F::mul)
-         .unwrap()
+            .zip(d.iter())
+            .map(|(&wi, &di)| (wi / di).ceil())
+            .reduce(F::mul)
+            .unwrap()
-impl<F, S, P, BT, const N : usize> Mapping<RNDM<F, N>> for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
+impl<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> Mapping<RNDM<F, N>> for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
-    F : Float,
-    BT : SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
-    S : Sensor<F, N>,
-    P : Spread<F, N>,
-    Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N>,
+    F: Float,
+    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
+    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
-    type Codomain =  DVector<F>;
+    type Codomain = DVector<F>;
-    fn apply<I : Instance<RNDM<F, N>>>(&self, μ : I) -> DVector<F> {
+    fn apply<I: Instance<RNDM<F, N>>>(&self, μ: I) -> DVector<F> {
         let mut y = self._zero_observable();
         self.apply_add(&mut y, μ);
-impl<F, S, P, BT, const N : usize> Linear<RNDM<F, N>> for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
+impl<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> Linear<RNDM<F, N>> for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
-    F : Float,
-    BT : SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
-    S : Sensor<F, N>,
-    P : Spread<F, N>,
-    Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N>,
-{ }
+    F: Float,
+    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
+    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
-impl<F, S, P, BT, const N : usize> GEMV<F, RNDM<F, N>, DVector<F>> for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
-where F : Float,
-      BT : SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
-      S : Sensor<F, N>,
-      P : Spread<F, N>,
-      Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N>,
+impl<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> GEMV<F, RNDM<F, N>, DVector<F>> for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
+    F: Float,
+    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
+    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
-    fn gemv<I : Instance<RNDM<F, N>>>(
-        &self, y : &mut DVector<F>, α : F, μ : I, β : F
-    ) {
+    fn gemv<I: Instance<RNDM<F, N>>>(&self, y: &mut DVector<F>, α: F, μ: I, β: F) {
         let grid = self.grid();
         if β == 0.0 {
@@ -243,9 +236,7 @@
-    fn apply_add<I : Instance<RNDM<F, N>>>(
-        &self, y : &mut DVector<F>, μ : I
-    ) {
+    fn apply_add<I: Instance<RNDM<F, N>>>(&self, y: &mut DVector<F>, μ: I) {
         let grid = self.grid();
         for δ in μ.ref_instance() {
             for &d inδ.x) {
@@ -254,23 +245,20 @@
-impl<F, S, P, BT, const N : usize>
-BoundedLinear<RNDM<F, N>, Radon, L2, F>
-for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
-where F : Float,
-      BT : SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N, Agg=Bounds<F>>,
-      S : Sensor<F, N>,
-      P : Spread<F, N>,
-      Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>
+impl<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> BoundedLinear<RNDM<F, N>, Radon, L2, F>
+    for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
+    F: Float,
+    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N, Agg = Bounds<F>>,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
+    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>,
     /// An estimate on the operator norm in $𝕃(ℳ(Ω); ℝ^n)$ with $ℳ(Ω)$ equipped
     /// with the Radon norm, and $ℝ^n$ with the Euclidean norm.
-    fn opnorm_bound(&self, _ : Radon, _ : L2) -> F {
+    fn opnorm_bound(&self, _: Radon, _: L2) -> F {
         // With {x_i}_{i=1}^n the grid centres and φ the kernel, we have
         // |Aμ|_2 = sup_{|z|_2 ≤ 1} ⟨z,Αμ⟩ = sup_{|z|_2 ≤ 1} ⟨A^*z|μ⟩
         // ≤ sup_{|z|_2 ≤ 1} |A^*z|_∞ |μ|_ℳ
@@ -287,20 +275,22 @@
-type SensorGridPreadjoint<'a, A, F, const N : usize> = PreadjointHelper<'a, A, RNDM<F,N>>;
+type SensorGridPreadjoint<'a, A, F, const N: usize> = PreadjointHelper<'a, A, RNDM<F, N>>;
-impl<F, S, P, BT, const N : usize>
-Preadjointable<RNDM<F, N>, DVector<F>>
-for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
-where F : Float,
-      BT : SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
-      S : Sensor<F, N>,
-      P : Spread<F, N>,
-      Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>
+impl<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> Preadjointable<RNDM<F, N>, DVector<F>>
+    for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
+    F: Float,
+    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
+    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>,
     type PreadjointCodomain = BTFN<F, SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>, BT, N>;
-    type Preadjoint<'a> = SensorGridPreadjoint<'a, Self, F, N> where Self : 'a;
+    type Preadjoint<'a>
+        = SensorGridPreadjoint<'a, Self, F, N>
+    where
+        Self: 'a;
     fn preadjoint(&self) -> Self::Preadjoint<'_> {
@@ -318,7 +308,7 @@
       Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N> + Lipschitz<L2, FloatType=F> + DifferentiableMapping<Loc<F,N>> + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>,
       for<'b> <Convolution<S, P> as DifferentiableMapping<Loc<F,N>>>::Differential<'b> : Lipschitz<L2, FloatType=F>,
     type FloatType = F;
     fn value_unit_lipschitz_factor(&self) -> Option<F> {
@@ -342,96 +332,92 @@
-impl<'a, F, S, P, BT, const N : usize> BoundedCurvature
-for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
-where F : Float,
-      BT : SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
-      S : Sensor<F, N>,
-      P : Spread<F, N>,
-      Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N> + Lipschitz<L2, FloatType=F> + DifferentiableMapping<Loc<F,N>> + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>,
-      for<'b> <Convolution<S, P> as DifferentiableMapping<Loc<F,N>>>::Differential<'b> : Lipschitz<L2, FloatType=F>,
+impl<'a, F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> BoundedCurvature for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
+    F: Float,
+    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
+    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>
+        + Lipschitz<L2, FloatType = F>
+        + DifferentiableMapping<Loc<F, N>>
+        + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>,
+    for<'b> <Convolution<S, P> as DifferentiableMapping<Loc<F, N>>>::Differential<'b>:
+        Lipschitz<L2, FloatType = F>,
     type FloatType = F;
-    /// Returns a bound $ℓ_F$ on the curvature
-    /// $$
-    ///     𝒦_F(μ, γ) = ∫ B_{F'(μ)} dγ +  B_F(μ, μ+Δ).
-    /// $$
-    /// such that $𝒦_F(μ, γ)  ≤ ℓ_F ∫  c_2 d|γ|$.
+    /// Returns factors $ℓ_F$ and $Θ²$ such that
+    /// $B_{F'(μ)} dγ ≤ ℓ_F c_2$ and $⟨F'(μ)+F'(μ+Δ)|Δ⟩ ≤ Θ²|γ|(c_2)‖γ‖$,
+    /// where $Δ=(π_♯^1-π_♯^0)γ$.
-    /// For $F(μ)=(1/2)‖Aμ-b‖^2$, we have $B_F(μ, μ+Δ)=(1/2)‖AΔ‖^2$, where $Δ = (π_♯^1-π_♯^0)γ$.
-    /// So we use Lemma 3.8 for that, bounding
-    /// $(1/2)‖AΔ‖^2 ≤ Θ ∫ c_2 dγ$ for $Θ=2N_ψML_ψ^2$, where
-    ///   * $L_ψ$ is the 2-norm Lipschitz factor of $ψ$ (sensor * base_spread), and
-    ///   * $N_ψ$ the maximum overlap,
-    ///   * M is a bound on $|γ|(Ω^2)$.
-    ///
-    /// We also have $B_{F'(μ)}(x, y) = v(y) - v(x) ⟨∇v(x), x-y⟩$ for $v(x)=A^*(Aμ-b)$.
-    /// This we want the Lipschitz factor of $∇v$.
-    /// By Example 4.15, it makes sense to estimate this by $√(2N_ψ)L_{∇ψ}‖b‖$, where
-    /// $L_{∇ψ}$ is the Lipshitz factor of $∇ψ$.
+    /// See Lemma 3.8, Lemma 5.10, Remark 5.14, and Example 5.15.
     fn curvature_bound_components(&self) -> (Option<Self::FloatType>, Option<Self::FloatType>) {
         let n_ψ = self.max_overlapping();
         let ψ_diff_lip = self.base_sensor.diff_ref().lipschitz_factor(L2);
         let ψ_lip = self.base_sensor.lipschitz_factor(L2);
-        let a = ψ|l| (2.0 * n_ψ).sqrt() * l);
-        let b = ψ|l| 2.0 * n_ψ * l.powi(2));
+        let ℓ_F = ψ|l| (2.0 * n_ψ).sqrt() * l);
+        let θ2 = ψ|l| 4.0 * n_ψ * l.powi(2));
-        (a, b)
+        (ℓ_F, θ2)
-pub struct SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, const N : usize>
-where F : Float,
-      S : Sensor<F, N>,
-      P : Spread<F, N>
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, const N: usize>
+    F: Float,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
-    base_sensor : Convolution<S, P>,
-    grid : LinGrid<F, N>,
-    weights : DVector<F>
+    base_sensor: Convolution<S, P>,
+    grid: LinGrid<F, N>,
+    weights: DVector<F>,
-impl<F, S, P, const N : usize> SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
-where F : Float,
-      S : Sensor<F, N>,
-      P : Spread<F, N>,
-      Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N>
+impl<F, S, P, const N: usize> SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
+    F: Float,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
+    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
-    fn construct_sensor(&self, id : usize, w : F) -> Weighted<ShiftedSensor<F, S, P, N>, F> {
+    fn construct_sensor(&self, id: usize, w: F) -> Weighted<ShiftedSensor<F, S, P, N>, F> {
         let x = self.grid.entry_linear_unchecked(id);
-    fn construct_sensor_and_id<'a>(&'a self, (id, w) : (usize, &'a F))
-    -> (usize, Weighted<ShiftedSensor<F, S, P, N>, F>) {
+    fn construct_sensor_and_id<'a>(
+        &'a self,
+        (id, w): (usize, &'a F),
+    ) -> (usize, Weighted<ShiftedSensor<F, S, P, N>, F>) {
         (id.into(), self.construct_sensor(id, *w))
-impl<F, S, P, const N : usize> SupportGenerator<F, N>
-for SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
-where F : Float,
-      S : Sensor<F, N>,
-      P : Spread<F, N>,
-      Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N>
+impl<F, S, P, const N: usize> SupportGenerator<F, N> for SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
+    F: Float,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
+    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
     type Id = usize;
     type SupportType = Weighted<ShiftedSensor<F, S, P, N>, F>;
-    type AllDataIter<'a> = MapX<'a, Zip<RangeFrom<usize>,
-                                        std::slice::Iter<'a, F>>,
-                                Self,
-                                (Self::Id, Self::SupportType)>
-                           where Self : 'a;
+    type AllDataIter<'a>
+        = MapX<
+        'a,
+        Zip<RangeFrom<usize>, std::slice::Iter<'a, F>>,
+        Self,
+        (Self::Id, Self::SupportType),
+    >
+    where
+        Self: 'a;
-    fn support_for(&self, d : Self::Id) -> Self::SupportType {
+    fn support_for(&self, d: Self::Id) -> Self::SupportType {
         self.construct_sensor(d, self.weights[d])
@@ -442,21 +428,24 @@
     fn all_data(&self) -> Self::AllDataIter<'_> {
-        (0..).zip(self.weights.as_slice().iter()).mapX(self, Self::construct_sensor_and_id)
+        (0..)
+            .zip(self.weights.as_slice().iter())
+            .mapX(self, Self::construct_sensor_and_id)
-impl<F, S, P, BT, const N : usize> ForwardModel<DiscreteMeasure<Loc<F, N>, F>, F>
-for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
-where F : Float + ToNalgebraRealField<MixedType=F> + nalgebra::RealField,
-      BT : SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
-      S : Sensor<F, N>,
-      P : Spread<F, N>,
-      Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>,
+impl<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> ForwardModel<DiscreteMeasure<Loc<F, N>, F>, F>
+    for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
+    F: Float + ToNalgebraRealField<MixedType = F> + nalgebra::RealField,
+    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
+    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>,
     type Observable = DVector<F>;
-    fn write_observable(&self, b : &Self::Observable, prefix : String) -> DynError {
+    fn write_observable(&self, b: &Self::Observable, prefix: String) -> DynError {
         let it = self.grid().into_iter().zip(b.iter()).map(|(x, &v)| (x, v));
         write_csv(it, prefix + ".txt")
@@ -467,19 +456,18 @@
-impl<F, S, P, BT, const N : usize> FindimQuadraticModel<Loc<F, N>, F>
-for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
-where F : Float + ToNalgebraRealField<MixedType=F> + nalgebra::RealField,
-      BT : SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
-      S : Sensor<F, N>,
-      P : Spread<F, N>,
-      Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>
+impl<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> FindimQuadraticModel<Loc<F, N>, F> for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
+    F: Float + ToNalgebraRealField<MixedType = F> + nalgebra::RealField,
+    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
+    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>,
     fn findim_quadratic_model(
-        μ : &DiscreteMeasure<Loc<F, N>, F>,
-        b : &Self::Observable
+        μ: &DiscreteMeasure<Loc<F, N>, F>,
+        b: &Self::Observable,
     ) -> (DMatrix<F::MixedType>, DVector<F::MixedType>) {
         assert_eq!(b.len(), self.n_sensors());
         let mut mA = DMatrix::zeros(self.n_sensors(), μ.len());
@@ -500,25 +488,24 @@
 /// **This assumes (but does not check) that the sensors are not overlapping.**
-impl<F, BT, S, P, K, const N : usize>
-AdjointProductBoundedBy<RNDM<F, N>, ConvolutionOp<F, K, BT, N>>
-for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
-where F : Float + nalgebra::RealField + ToNalgebraRealField,
-      BT : SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
-      S : Sensor<F, N>,
-      P : Spread<F, N>,
-      Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N>,
-      K : SimpleConvolutionKernel<F, N>,
-      AutoConvolution<P> : BoundedBy<F, K>
+impl<F, BT, S, P, K, const N: usize> AdjointProductBoundedBy<RNDM<F, N>, ConvolutionOp<F, K, BT, N>>
+    for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
+    F: Float + nalgebra::RealField + ToNalgebraRealField,
+    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
+    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
+    K: SimpleConvolutionKernel<F, N>,
+    AutoConvolution<P>: BoundedBy<F, K>,
     type FloatType = F;
-    fn adjoint_product_bound(&self, seminorm : &ConvolutionOp<F, K, BT, N>) -> Option<F> {
+    fn adjoint_product_bound(&self, seminorm: &ConvolutionOp<F, K, BT, N>) -> Option<F> {
         // Sensors should not take on negative values to allow
         // A_*A to be upper bounded by a simple convolution of `spread`.
         if self.sensor.bounds().lower() < 0.0 {
-            return None
+            return None;
         // Calculate the factor $L_1$ for betwee $ℱ[ψ * ψ] ≤ L_1 ℱ[ρ]$ for $ψ$ the base spread
@@ -536,49 +523,51 @@
 macro_rules! make_sensorgridsupportgenerator_scalarop_rhs {
     ($trait:ident, $fn:ident, $trait_assign:ident, $fn_assign:ident) => {
-        impl<F, S, P, const N : usize>
-        std::ops::$trait_assign<F>
-        for SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
-        where F : Float,
-              S : Sensor<F, N>,
-              P : Spread<F, N>,
-              Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N> {
-            fn $fn_assign(&mut self, t : F) {
+        impl<F, S, P, const N: usize> std::ops::$trait_assign<F>
+            for SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
+        where
+            F: Float,
+            S: Sensor<F, N>,
+            P: Spread<F, N>,
+            Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
+        {
+            fn $fn_assign(&mut self, t: F) {
-        impl<F, S, P, const N : usize>
-        std::ops::$trait<F>
-        for SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
-        where F : Float,
-              S : Sensor<F, N>,
-              P : Spread<F, N>,
-              Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N> {
+        impl<F, S, P, const N: usize> std::ops::$trait<F> for SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
+        where
+            F: Float,
+            S: Sensor<F, N>,
+            P: Spread<F, N>,
+            Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
+        {
             type Output = SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>;
-            fn $fn(mut self, t : F) -> Self::Output {
+            fn $fn(mut self, t: F) -> Self::Output {
                 std::ops::$trait_assign::$fn_assign(&mut self.weights, t);
-        impl<'a, F, S, P, const N : usize>
-        std::ops::$trait<F>
-        for &'a SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
-        where F : Float,
-              S : Sensor<F, N>,
-              P : Spread<F, N>,
-              Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N> {
+        impl<'a, F, S, P, const N: usize> std::ops::$trait<F>
+            for &'a SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
+        where
+            F: Float,
+            S: Sensor<F, N>,
+            P: Spread<F, N>,
+            Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
+        {
             type Output = SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>;
-            fn $fn(self, t : F) -> Self::Output {
-                SensorGridSupportGenerator{
-                    base_sensor : self.base_sensor.clone(),
-                    grid : self.grid,
-                    weights : (&self.weights).$fn(t)
+            fn $fn(self, t: F) -> Self::Output {
+                SensorGridSupportGenerator {
+                    base_sensor: self.base_sensor.clone(),
+                    grid: self.grid,
+                    weights: (&self.weights).$fn(t),
-    }
+    };
 make_sensorgridsupportgenerator_scalarop_rhs!(Mul, mul, MulAssign, mul_assign);
@@ -586,13 +575,13 @@
 macro_rules! make_sensorgridsupportgenerator_unaryop {
     ($trait:ident, $fn:ident) => {
-        impl<F, S, P, const N : usize>
-        std::ops::$trait
-        for SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
-        where F : Float,
-              S : Sensor<F, N>,
-              P : Spread<F, N>,
-              Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N> {
+        impl<F, S, P, const N: usize> std::ops::$trait for SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
+        where
+            F: Float,
+            S: Sensor<F, N>,
+            P: Spread<F, N>,
+            Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
+        {
             type Output = SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>;
             fn $fn(mut self) -> Self::Output {
                 self.weights = self.weights.$fn();
@@ -600,55 +589,57 @@
-        impl<'a, F, S, P, const N : usize>
-        std::ops::$trait
-        for &'a SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
-        where F : Float,
-              S : Sensor<F, N>,
-              P : Spread<F, N>,
-              Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N> {
+        impl<'a, F, S, P, const N: usize> std::ops::$trait
+            for &'a SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
+        where
+            F: Float,
+            S: Sensor<F, N>,
+            P: Spread<F, N>,
+            Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
+        {
             type Output = SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>;
             fn $fn(self) -> Self::Output {
-                SensorGridSupportGenerator{
-                    base_sensor : self.base_sensor.clone(),
-                    grid : self.grid,
-                    weights : (&self.weights).$fn()
+                SensorGridSupportGenerator {
+                    base_sensor: self.base_sensor.clone(),
+                    grid: self.grid,
+                    weights: (&self.weights).$fn(),
-    }
+    };
 make_sensorgridsupportgenerator_unaryop!(Neg, neg);
-impl<'a, F, S, P, BT, const N : usize> Mapping<DVector<F>>
-for PreadjointHelper<'a, SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>, RNDM<F,N>>
-where F : Float,
-      BT : SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
-      S : Sensor<F, N>,
-      P : Spread<F, N>,
-      Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, Bounds<F>, N>,
+impl<'a, F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> Mapping<DVector<F>>
+    for PreadjointHelper<'a, SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>, RNDM<F, N>>
+    F: Float,
+    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
+    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, Bounds<F>, N>,
     type Codomain = SensorGridBTFN<F, S, P, BT, N>;
-    fn apply<I : Instance<DVector<F>>>(&self, x : I) -> Self::Codomain {
+    fn apply<I: Instance<DVector<F>>>(&self, x: I) -> Self::Codomain {
         let fwd = &self.forward_op;
-        let generator = SensorGridSupportGenerator{
-            base_sensor : fwd.base_sensor.clone(),
-            grid : fwd.grid(),
-            weights : x.own()
+        let generator = SensorGridSupportGenerator {
+            base_sensor: fwd.base_sensor.clone(),
+            grid: fwd.grid(),
+            weights: x.own(),
         BTFN::new_refresh(&, generator)
-impl<'a, F, S, P, BT, const N : usize> Linear<DVector<F>>
-for PreadjointHelper<'a, SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>, RNDM<F,N>>
-where F : Float,
-      BT : SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
-      S : Sensor<F, N>,
-      P : Spread<F, N>,
-      Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, Bounds<F>, N>,
-{ }
+impl<'a, F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> Linear<DVector<F>>
+    for PreadjointHelper<'a, SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>, RNDM<F, N>>
+    F: Float,
+    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
+    S: Sensor<F, N>,
+    P: Spread<F, N>,
+    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, Bounds<F>, N>,
--- a/src/	Fri Feb 14 23:16:14 2025 -0500
+++ b/src/	Fri Feb 14 23:46:43 2025 -0500
@@ -4,56 +4,43 @@
 use numeric_literals::replace_float_literals;
-use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
 //use colored::Colorize;
 //use nalgebra::{DVector, DMatrix};
 use itertools::izip;
 use std::iter::Iterator;
+use alg_tools::euclidean::Euclidean;
 use alg_tools::iterate::AlgIteratorFactory;
-use alg_tools::euclidean::Euclidean;
-use alg_tools::mapping::{Mapping, DifferentiableRealMapping, Instance};
+use alg_tools::mapping::{DifferentiableRealMapping, Instance, Mapping};
+use alg_tools::nalgebra_support::ToNalgebraRealField;
 use alg_tools::norms::Norm;
-use alg_tools::nalgebra_support::ToNalgebraRealField;
-use crate::types::*;
-use crate::measures::{DiscreteMeasure, Radon, RNDM};
+use crate::forward_model::{AdjointProductBoundedBy, BoundedCurvature, ForwardModel};
 use crate::measures::merging::SpikeMerging;
-use crate::forward_model::{
-    ForwardModel,
-    AdjointProductBoundedBy,
-    BoundedCurvature,
+use crate::measures::{DiscreteMeasure, Radon, RNDM};
+use crate::types::*;
 //use crate::tolerance::Tolerance;
-use crate::plot::{
-    SeqPlotter,
-    Plotting,
-    PlotLookup
+use crate::dataterm::{calculate_residual, calculate_residual2, DataTerm, L2Squared};
 use crate::fb::*;
+use crate::plot::{PlotLookup, Plotting, SeqPlotter};
 use crate::regularisation::SlidingRegTerm;
-use crate::dataterm::{
-    L2Squared,
-    DataTerm,
-    calculate_residual,
-    calculate_residual2,
 //use crate::transport::TransportLipschitz;
 /// Transport settings for [`pointsource_sliding_fb_reg`].
 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
-pub struct TransportConfig<F : Float> {
+pub struct TransportConfig<F: Float> {
     /// Transport step length $θ$ normalised to $(0, 1)$.
-    pub θ0 : F,
+    pub θ0: F,
     /// Factor in $(0, 1)$ for decreasing transport to adapt to tolerance.
-    pub adaptation : F,
+    pub adaptation: F,
     /// A posteriori transport tolerance multiplier (C_pos)
-    pub tolerance_mult_con : F,
+    pub tolerance_mult_con: F,
-impl <F : Float> TransportConfig<F> {
+impl<F: Float> TransportConfig<F> {
     /// Check that the parameters are ok. Panics if not.
     pub fn check(&self) {
         assert!(self.θ0 > 0.0);
@@ -63,12 +50,12 @@
-impl<F : Float> Default for TransportConfig<F> {
+impl<F: Float> Default for TransportConfig<F> {
     fn default() -> Self {
         TransportConfig {
-            θ0 : 0.9,
-            adaptation : 0.9,
-            tolerance_mult_con : 100.0,
+            θ0: 0.9,
+            adaptation: 0.9,
+            tolerance_mult_con: 100.0,
@@ -76,55 +63,54 @@
 /// Settings for [`pointsource_sliding_fb_reg`].
 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
-pub struct SlidingFBConfig<F : Float> {
+pub struct SlidingFBConfig<F: Float> {
     /// Step length scaling
-    pub τ0 : F,
+    pub τ0: F,
     /// Transport parameters
-    pub transport : TransportConfig<F>,
+    pub transport: TransportConfig<F>,
     /// Generic parameters
-    pub insertion : FBGenericConfig<F>,
+    pub insertion: FBGenericConfig<F>,
-impl<F : Float> Default for SlidingFBConfig<F> {
+impl<F: Float> Default for SlidingFBConfig<F> {
     fn default() -> Self {
         SlidingFBConfig {
-            τ0 : 0.99,
-            transport : Default::default(),
-            insertion : Default::default()
+            τ0: 0.99,
+            transport: Default::default(),
+            insertion: Default::default(),
 /// Internal type of adaptive transport step length calculation
-pub(crate) enum TransportStepLength<F : Float, G : Fn(F, F) -> F> {
+pub(crate) enum TransportStepLength<F: Float, G: Fn(F, F) -> F> {
     /// Fixed, known step length
     /// Adaptive step length, only wrt. maximum transport.
     /// Content of `l` depends on use case, while `g` calculates the step length from `l`.
-    AdaptiveMax{ l : F, max_transport : F, g : G },
+    AdaptiveMax { l: F, max_transport: F, g: G },
     /// Adaptive step length.
     /// Content of `l` depends on use case, while `g` calculates the step length from `l`.
-    FullyAdaptive{ l : F, max_transport : F, g : G },
+    FullyAdaptive { l: F, max_transport: F, g: G },
 /// Constrution of initial transport `γ1` from initial measure `μ` and `v=F'(μ)`
 /// with step lengh τ and transport step length `θ_or_adaptive`.
-pub(crate) fn initial_transport<F, G, D, const N : usize>(
-    γ1 : &mut RNDM<F, N>,
-    μ : &mut RNDM<F, N>,
-    τ : F,
-    θ_or_adaptive : &mut TransportStepLength<F, G>,
-    v : D,
+pub(crate) fn initial_transport<F, G, D, const N: usize>(
+    γ1: &mut RNDM<F, N>,
+    μ: &mut RNDM<F, N>,
+    τ: F,
+    θ_or_adaptive: &mut TransportStepLength<F, G>,
+    v: D,
 ) -> (Vec<F>, RNDM<F, N>)
-    F : Float + ToNalgebraRealField,
-    G : Fn(F, F) -> F,
-    D : DifferentiableRealMapping<F, N>,
+    F: Float + ToNalgebraRealField,
+    G: Fn(F, F) -> F,
+    D: DifferentiableRealMapping<F, N>,
     use TransportStepLength::*;
     // Save current base point and shift μ to new positions. Idea is that
@@ -132,10 +118,10 @@
     //  μ_base_minus_γ0 = μ^k - π_♯^0γ^{k+1}
     //  γ1 = π_♯^1γ^{k+1}
     //  μ = μ^{k+1}
-    let μ_base_masses : Vec<F> = μ.iter_masses().collect();
+    let μ_base_masses: Vec<F> = μ.iter_masses().collect();
     let mut μ_base_minus_γ0 = μ.clone(); // Weights will be set in the loop below.
-    // Construct μ^{k+1} and π_♯^1γ^{k+1} initial candidates
-    //let mut sum_norm_dv = 0.0;
+                                         // Construct μ^{k+1} and π_♯^1γ^{k+1} initial candidates
+                                         //let mut sum_norm_dv = 0.0;
     let γ_prev_len = γ1.len();
     assert!(μ.len() >= γ_prev_len);
@@ -149,7 +135,7 @@
         } else {
-    };
+    }
     // Calculate transport rays.
     match *θ_or_adaptive {
@@ -158,15 +144,23 @@
             for (δ, ρ) in izip!(μ.iter_spikes(), γ1.iter_spikes_mut()) {
                 ρ.x = δ.x - v.differential(&δ.x) * (ρ.α.signum() * θτ);
-        },
-        AdaptiveMax{ l : ℓ_F, ref mut max_transport, g : ref calculate_θ } => {
+        }
+        AdaptiveMax {
+            l: ℓ_F,
+            ref mut max_transport,
+            g: ref calculate_θ,
+        } => {
             *max_transport = max_transport.max(γ1.norm(Radon));
             let θτ = τ * calculate_θ(ℓ_F, *max_transport);
             for (δ, ρ) in izip!(μ.iter_spikes(), γ1.iter_spikes_mut()) {
                 ρ.x = δ.x - v.differential(&δ.x) * (ρ.α.signum() * θτ);
-        },
-        FullyAdaptive{ l : ref mut adaptive_ℓ_F, ref mut max_transport, g : ref calculate_θ } => {
+        }
+        FullyAdaptive {
+            l: ref mut adaptive_ℓ_F,
+            ref mut max_transport,
+            g: ref calculate_θ,
+        } => {
             *max_transport = max_transport.max(γ1.norm(Radon));
             let mut θ = calculate_θ(*adaptive_ℓ_F, *max_transport);
             // Do two runs through the spikes to update θ, breaking if first run did not cause
@@ -187,7 +181,7 @@
                 if !changes {
-                    break
+                    break;
@@ -203,24 +197,29 @@
     // Calculate μ^k-π_♯^0γ^{k+1} and v̆ = A_*(A[μ_transported + μ_transported_base]-b)
-    μ_base_minus_γ0.set_masses(μ_base_masses.iter().zip(γ1.iter_masses())
-                                                   .map(|(&a,b)| a - b));
+    μ_base_minus_γ0.set_masses(
+        μ_base_masses
+            .iter()
+            .zip(γ1.iter_masses())
+            .map(|(&a, b)| a - b),
+    );
     (μ_base_masses, μ_base_minus_γ0)
 /// A posteriori transport adaptation.
-pub(crate) fn aposteriori_transport<F, const N : usize>(
-    γ1 : &mut RNDM<F, N>,
-    μ : &mut RNDM<F, N>,
-    μ_base_minus_γ0 : &mut RNDM<F, N>,
-    μ_base_masses : &Vec<F>,
-    extra : Option<F>,
-    ε : F,
-    tconfig : &TransportConfig<F>
+pub(crate) fn aposteriori_transport<F, const N: usize>(
+    γ1: &mut RNDM<F, N>,
+    μ: &mut RNDM<F, N>,
+    μ_base_minus_γ0: &mut RNDM<F, N>,
+    μ_base_masses: &Vec<F>,
+    extra: Option<F>,
+    ε: F,
+    tconfig: &TransportConfig<F>,
 ) -> bool
-where F : Float + ToNalgebraRealField {
+    F: Float + ToNalgebraRealField,
     // 1. If π_♯^1γ^{k+1} = γ1 has non-zero mass at some point y, but μ = μ^{k+1} does not,
     // then the ansatz ∇w̃_x(y) = w^{k+1}(y) may not be satisfied. So set the mass of γ1
     // at that point to zero, and retry.
@@ -238,19 +237,22 @@
     let nγ = γ1.norm(Radon);
     let nΔ = μ_base_minus_γ0.norm(Radon) + μ.dist_matching(&γ1) + extra.unwrap_or(0.0);
     let t = ε * tconfig.tolerance_mult_con;
-    if nγ*nΔ > t {
+    if nγ * nΔ > t {
         // Since t/(nγ*nΔ)<1, and the constant tconfig.adaptation < 1,
         // this will guarantee that eventually ‖γ‖ decreases sufficiently that we
         // will not enter here.
-        *γ1 *= tconfig.adaptation * t / ( nγ * nΔ );
+        *γ1 *= tconfig.adaptation * t / (nγ * nΔ);
         all_ok = false
     if !all_ok {
         // Update weights for μ_base_minus_γ0 = μ^k - π_♯^0γ^{k+1}
-        μ_base_minus_γ0.set_masses(μ_base_masses.iter().zip(γ1.iter_masses())
-                                                        .map(|(&a,b)| a - b));
+        μ_base_minus_γ0.set_masses(
+            μ_base_masses
+                .iter()
+                .zip(γ1.iter_masses())
+                .map(|(&a, b)| a - b),
+        );
@@ -262,29 +264,28 @@
 /// The parametrisation is as for [`pointsource_fb_reg`].
 /// Inertia is currently not supported.
-pub fn pointsource_sliding_fb_reg<F, I, A, Reg, P, const N : usize>(
-    opA : &A,
-    b : &A::Observable,
-    reg : Reg,
-    prox_penalty : &P,
-    config : &SlidingFBConfig<F>,
-    iterator : I,
-    mut plotter : SeqPlotter<F, N>,
+pub fn pointsource_sliding_fb_reg<F, I, A, Reg, P, const N: usize>(
+    opA: &A,
+    b: &A::Observable,
+    reg: Reg,
+    prox_penalty: &P,
+    config: &SlidingFBConfig<F>,
+    iterator: I,
+    mut plotter: SeqPlotter<F, N>,
 ) -> RNDM<F, N>
-    F : Float + ToNalgebraRealField,
-    I : AlgIteratorFactory<IterInfo<F, N>>,
-    A : ForwardModel<RNDM<F, N>, F>
-        + AdjointProductBoundedBy<RNDM<F, N>, P, FloatType=F>
-        + BoundedCurvature<FloatType=F>,
-    for<'b> &'b A::Observable : std::ops::Neg<Output=A::Observable> + Instance<A::Observable>,
-    A::PreadjointCodomain : DifferentiableRealMapping<F, N>,
-    RNDM<F, N> : SpikeMerging<F>,
-    Reg : SlidingRegTerm<F, N>,
-    P : ProxPenalty<F, A::PreadjointCodomain, Reg, N>,
-    PlotLookup : Plotting<N>,
+    F: Float + ToNalgebraRealField,
+    I: AlgIteratorFactory<IterInfo<F, N>>,
+    A: ForwardModel<RNDM<F, N>, F>
+        + AdjointProductBoundedBy<RNDM<F, N>, P, FloatType = F>
+        + BoundedCurvature<FloatType = F>,
+    for<'b> &'b A::Observable: std::ops::Neg<Output = A::Observable> + Instance<A::Observable>,
+    A::PreadjointCodomain: DifferentiableRealMapping<F, N>,
+    RNDM<F, N>: SpikeMerging<F>,
+    Reg: SlidingRegTerm<F, N>,
+    P: ProxPenalty<F, A::PreadjointCodomain, Reg, N>,
+    PlotLookup: Plotting<N>,
     // Check parameters
     assert!(config.τ0 > 0.0, "Invalid step length parameter");
@@ -301,23 +302,23 @@
     //let ℓ = opA.transport.lipschitz_factor(L2Squared) * max_transport;
     let ℓ = 0.0;
     let τ = config.τ0 / opA.adjoint_product_bound(prox_penalty).unwrap();
-    let (maybe_ℓ_v0, maybe_transport_lip) = opA.curvature_bound_components();
+    let (maybe_ℓ_F0, maybe_transport_lip) = opA.curvature_bound_components();
     let transport_lip = maybe_transport_lip.unwrap();
-    let calculate_θ = |ℓ_v, max_transport| {
-        let ℓ_F = ℓ_v + transport_lip * max_transport;
-        config.transport.θ0 / (τ*(ℓ + ℓ_F))
+    let calculate_θ = |ℓ_F, max_transport| {
+        let ℓ_r = transport_lip * max_transport;
+        config.transport.θ0 / (τ * (ℓ + ℓ_F + ℓ_r))
-    let mut θ_or_adaptive = match maybe_ℓ_v0 {
-        //Some(ℓ_v0) => TransportStepLength::Fixed(calculate_θ(ℓ_v0 * b.norm2(), 0.0)),
-        Some(ℓ_v0) => TransportStepLength::AdaptiveMax {
-            l: ℓ_v0 * b.norm2(), // TODO: could estimate computing the real reesidual
-            max_transport : 0.0,
-            g : calculate_θ
+    let mut θ_or_adaptive = match maybe_ℓ_F0 {
+        //Some(ℓ_F0) => TransportStepLength::Fixed(calculate_θ(ℓ_F0 * b.norm2(), 0.0)),
+        Some(ℓ_F0) => TransportStepLength::AdaptiveMax {
+            l: ℓ_F0 * b.norm2(), // TODO: could estimate computing the real reesidual
+            max_transport: 0.0,
+            g: calculate_θ,
         None => TransportStepLength::FullyAdaptive {
-            l : 10.0 * F::EPSILON, // Start with something very small to estimate differentials
-            max_transport : 0.0,
-            g : calculate_θ
+            l: 10.0 * F::EPSILON, // Start with something very small to estimate differentials
+            max_transport: 0.0,
+            g: calculate_θ,
     // We multiply tolerance by τ for FB since our subproblems depending on tolerances are scaled
@@ -326,14 +327,12 @@
     let mut ε = tolerance.initial();
     // Statistics
-    let full_stats = |residual : &A::Observable,
-                      μ : &RNDM<F, N>,
-                      ε, stats| IterInfo {
-        value : residual.norm2_squared_div2() + reg.apply(μ),
-        n_spikes : μ.len(),
+    let full_stats = |residual: &A::Observable, μ: &RNDM<F, N>, ε, stats| IterInfo {
+        value: residual.norm2_squared_div2() + reg.apply(μ),
+        n_spikes: μ.len(),
         // postprocessing: config.insertion.postprocessing.then(|| μ.clone()),
-        .. stats
+        ..stats
     let mut stats = IterInfo::new();
@@ -341,9 +340,8 @@
     for state in iterator.iter_init(|| full_stats(&residual, &μ, ε, stats.clone())) {
         // Calculate initial transport
         let v = opA.preadjoint().apply(residual);
-        let (μ_base_masses, mut μ_base_minus_γ0) = initial_transport(
-            &mut γ1, &mut μ, τ, &mut θ_or_adaptive, v
-        );
+        let (μ_base_masses, mut μ_base_minus_γ0) =
+            initial_transport(&mut γ1, &mut μ, τ, &mut θ_or_adaptive, v);
         // Solve finite-dimensional subproblem several times until the dual variable for the
         // regularisation term conforms to the assumptions made for the transport above.
@@ -354,18 +352,29 @@
             // Construct μ^{k+1} by solving finite-dimensional subproblems and insert new spikes.
             let (maybe_d, within_tolerances) = prox_penalty.insert_and_reweigh(
-                &mut μ, &mut τv̆, &γ1, Some(&μ_base_minus_γ0),
-                τ, ε, &config.insertion,
-                &reg, &state, &mut stats,
+                &mut μ,
+                &mut τv̆,
+                &γ1,
+                Some(&μ_base_minus_γ0),
+                τ,
+                ε,
+                &config.insertion,
+                &reg,
+                &state,
+                &mut stats,
             // A posteriori transport adaptation.
             if aposteriori_transport(
-                &mut γ1, &mut μ, &mut μ_base_minus_γ0, &μ_base_masses,
+                &mut γ1,
+                &mut μ,
+                &mut μ_base_minus_γ0,
+                &μ_base_masses,
-                ε, &config.transport
+                ε,
+                &config.transport,
             ) {
-                break 'adapt_transport (maybe_d, within_tolerances, τv̆)
+                break 'adapt_transport (maybe_d, within_tolerances, τv̆);
@@ -387,8 +396,15 @@
         let ins = &config.insertion;
         if ins.merge_now(&state) {
             stats.merged += prox_penalty.merge_spikes(
-                &mut μ, &mut τv̆, &γ1, Some(&μ_base_minus_γ0), τ, ε, ins, &reg,
-                Some(|μ̃ : &RNDM<F, N>| L2Squared.calculate_fit_op(μ̃, opA, b)),
+                &mut μ,
+                &mut τv̆,
+                &γ1,
+                Some(&μ_base_minus_γ0),
+                τ,
+                ε,
+                ins,
+                &reg,
+                Some(|μ̃: &RNDM<F, N>| L2Squared.calculate_fit_op(μ̃, opA, b)),
@@ -412,7 +428,12 @@
         // Give statistics if requested
         state.if_verbose(|| {
             plotter.plot_spikes(iter, maybe_d.as_ref(), Some(&τv̆), &μ);
-            full_stats(&residual, &μ, ε, std::mem::replace(&mut stats, IterInfo::new()))
+            full_stats(
+                &residual,
+                &μ,
+                ε,
+                std::mem::replace(&mut stats, IterInfo::new()),
+            )
         // Update main tolerance for next iteration
--- a/src/	Fri Feb 14 23:16:14 2025 -0500
+++ b/src/	Fri Feb 14 23:46:43 2025 -0500
@@ -4,83 +4,69 @@
 use numeric_literals::replace_float_literals;
-use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
 //use colored::Colorize;
 //use nalgebra::{DVector, DMatrix};
 use std::iter::Iterator;
-use alg_tools::iterate::AlgIteratorFactory;
+use alg_tools::convex::{Conjugable, Prox};
+use alg_tools::direct_product::Pair;
 use alg_tools::euclidean::Euclidean;
-use alg_tools::mapping::{Mapping, DifferentiableRealMapping, Instance};
-use alg_tools::norms::{Norm, Dist};
-use alg_tools::direct_product::Pair;
+use alg_tools::iterate::AlgIteratorFactory;
+use alg_tools::linops::{Adjointable, BoundedLinear, IdOp, AXPY, GEMV};
+use alg_tools::mapping::{DifferentiableRealMapping, Instance, Mapping};
 use alg_tools::nalgebra_support::ToNalgebraRealField;
-use alg_tools::linops::{
-    BoundedLinear, AXPY, GEMV, Adjointable, IdOp,
-use alg_tools::convex::{Conjugable, Prox};
-use alg_tools::norms::{L2, PairNorm};
+use alg_tools::norms::{Dist, Norm};
+use alg_tools::norms::{PairNorm, L2};
+use crate::forward_model::{AdjointProductPairBoundedBy, BoundedCurvature, ForwardModel};
+use crate::measures::merging::SpikeMerging;
+use crate::measures::{DiscreteMeasure, Radon, RNDM};
 use crate::types::*;
-use crate::measures::{DiscreteMeasure, Radon, RNDM};
-use crate::measures::merging::SpikeMerging;
-use crate::forward_model::{
-    ForwardModel,
-    AdjointProductPairBoundedBy,
-    BoundedCurvature,
 // use crate::transport::TransportLipschitz;
 //use crate::tolerance::Tolerance;
-use crate::plot::{
-    SeqPlotter,
-    Plotting,
-    PlotLookup
 use crate::fb::*;
+use crate::plot::{PlotLookup, Plotting, SeqPlotter};
 use crate::regularisation::SlidingRegTerm;
 // use crate::dataterm::L2Squared;
+use crate::dataterm::{calculate_residual, calculate_residual2};
 use crate::sliding_fb::{
-    TransportConfig,
-    TransportStepLength,
-    initial_transport,
-    aposteriori_transport,
+    aposteriori_transport, initial_transport, TransportConfig, TransportStepLength,
-use crate::dataterm::{
-    calculate_residual2,
-    calculate_residual,
 /// Settings for [`pointsource_sliding_pdps_pair`].
 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
-pub struct SlidingPDPSConfig<F : Float> {
+pub struct SlidingPDPSConfig<F: Float> {
     /// Primal step length scaling.
-    pub τ0 : F,
+    pub τ0: F,
     /// Primal step length scaling.
-    pub σp0 : F,
+    pub σp0: F,
     /// Dual step length scaling.
-    pub σd0 : F,
+    pub σd0: F,
     /// Transport parameters
-    pub transport : TransportConfig<F>,
+    pub transport: TransportConfig<F>,
     /// Generic parameters
-    pub insertion : FBGenericConfig<F>,
+    pub insertion: FBGenericConfig<F>,
-impl<F : Float> Default for SlidingPDPSConfig<F> {
+impl<F: Float> Default for SlidingPDPSConfig<F> {
     fn default() -> Self {
         SlidingPDPSConfig {
-            τ0 : 0.99,
-            σd0 : 0.05,
-            σp0 : 0.99,
-            transport : TransportConfig { θ0 : 0.9, ..Default::default()},
-            insertion : Default::default()
+            τ0: 0.99,
+            σd0: 0.05,
+            σp0: 0.99,
+            transport: TransportConfig {
+                θ0: 0.9,
+                ..Default::default()
+            },
+            insertion: Default::default(),
-type MeasureZ<F, Z, const N : usize> = Pair<RNDM<F, N>, Z>;
+type MeasureZ<F, Z, const N: usize> = Pair<RNDM<F, N>, Z>;
 /// Iteratively solve the pointsource localisation with an additional variable
 /// using sliding primal-dual proximal splitting
@@ -88,39 +74,45 @@
 /// The parametrisation is as for [`crate::forward_pdps::pointsource_forward_pdps_pair`].
 pub fn pointsource_sliding_pdps_pair<
-    F, I, A, S, Reg, P, Z, R, Y, /*KOpM, */ KOpZ, H, const N : usize
+    F,
+    I,
+    A,
+    S,
+    Reg,
+    P,
+    Z,
+    R,
+    Y,
+    /*KOpM, */ KOpZ,
+    H,
+    const N: usize,
-    opA : &A,
-    b : &A::Observable,
-    reg : Reg,
-    prox_penalty : &P,
-    config : &SlidingPDPSConfig<F>,
-    iterator : I,
-    mut plotter : SeqPlotter<F, N>,
+    opA: &A,
+    b: &A::Observable,
+    reg: Reg,
+    prox_penalty: &P,
+    config: &SlidingPDPSConfig<F>,
+    iterator: I,
+    mut plotter: SeqPlotter<F, N>,
     //opKμ : KOpM,
-    opKz : &KOpZ,
-    fnR : &R,
-    fnH : &H,
-    mut z : Z,
-    mut y : Y,
+    opKz: &KOpZ,
+    fnR: &R,
+    fnH: &H,
+    mut z: Z,
+    mut y: Y,
 ) -> MeasureZ<F, Z, N>
-    F : Float + ToNalgebraRealField,
-    I : AlgIteratorFactory<IterInfo<F, N>>,
-    A : ForwardModel<
-            MeasureZ<F, Z, N>,
-            F,
-            PairNorm<Radon, L2, L2>,
-            PreadjointCodomain = Pair<S, Z>,
-        >
-        + AdjointProductPairBoundedBy<MeasureZ<F, Z, N>, P, IdOp<Z>, FloatType=F>
-        + BoundedCurvature<FloatType=F>,
-    S : DifferentiableRealMapping<F, N>,
-    for<'b> &'b A::Observable : std::ops::Neg<Output=A::Observable> + Instance<A::Observable>,
-    PlotLookup : Plotting<N>,
-    RNDM<F, N> : SpikeMerging<F>,
-    Reg : SlidingRegTerm<F, N>,
-    P : ProxPenalty<F, S, Reg, N>,
+    F: Float + ToNalgebraRealField,
+    I: AlgIteratorFactory<IterInfo<F, N>>,
+    A: ForwardModel<MeasureZ<F, Z, N>, F, PairNorm<Radon, L2, L2>, PreadjointCodomain = Pair<S, Z>>
+        + AdjointProductPairBoundedBy<MeasureZ<F, Z, N>, P, IdOp<Z>, FloatType = F>
+        + BoundedCurvature<FloatType = F>,
+    S: DifferentiableRealMapping<F, N>,
+    for<'b> &'b A::Observable: std::ops::Neg<Output = A::Observable> + Instance<A::Observable>,
+    PlotLookup: Plotting<N>,
+    RNDM<F, N>: SpikeMerging<F>,
+    Reg: SlidingRegTerm<F, N>,
+    P: ProxPenalty<F, S, Reg, N>,
     // KOpM : Linear<RNDM<F, N>, Codomain=Y>
     //     + GEMV<F, RNDM<F, N>>
     //     + Preadjointable<
@@ -131,27 +123,28 @@
     //     + AdjointProductBoundedBy<RNDM<F, N>, 𝒟, FloatType=F>,
     // for<'b> KOpM::Preadjoint<'b> : GEMV<F, Y>,
     // Since Z is Hilbert, we may just as well use adjoints for K_z.
-    KOpZ : BoundedLinear<Z, L2, L2, F, Codomain=Y>
+    KOpZ: BoundedLinear<Z, L2, L2, F, Codomain = Y>
         + GEMV<F, Z>
         + Adjointable<Z, Y, AdjointCodomain = Z>,
-    for<'b> KOpZ::Adjoint<'b> : GEMV<F, Y>,
-    Y : AXPY<F> + Euclidean<F, Output=Y> + Clone + ClosedAdd,
-    for<'b> &'b Y : Instance<Y>,
-    Z : AXPY<F, Owned=Z> + Euclidean<F, Output=Z> + Clone + Norm<F, L2> + Dist<F, L2>,
-    for<'b> &'b Z : Instance<Z>,
-    R : Prox<Z, Codomain=F>,
-    H : Conjugable<Y, F, Codomain=F>,
-    for<'b> H::Conjugate<'b> : Prox<Y>,
+    for<'b> KOpZ::Adjoint<'b>: GEMV<F, Y>,
+    Y: AXPY<F> + Euclidean<F, Output = Y> + Clone + ClosedAdd,
+    for<'b> &'b Y: Instance<Y>,
+    Z: AXPY<F, Owned = Z> + Euclidean<F, Output = Z> + Clone + Norm<F, L2> + Dist<F, L2>,
+    for<'b> &'b Z: Instance<Z>,
+    R: Prox<Z, Codomain = F>,
+    H: Conjugable<Y, F, Codomain = F>,
+    for<'b> H::Conjugate<'b>: Prox<Y>,
     // Check parameters
-    assert!(config.τ0 > 0.0 &&
-            config.τ0 < 1.0 &&
-            config.σp0 > 0.0 &&
-            config.σp0 < 1.0 &&
-            config.σd0 > 0.0 &&
-            config.σp0 * config.σd0 <= 1.0,
-            "Invalid step length parameters");
+    assert!(
+        config.τ0 > 0.0
+            && config.τ0 < 1.0
+            && config.σp0 > 0.0
+            && config.σp0 < 1.0
+            && config.σd0 > 0.0
+            && config.σp0 * config.σd0 <= 1.0,
+        "Invalid step length parameters"
+    );
     // Initialise iterates
@@ -168,7 +161,9 @@
     let nKz = opKz.opnorm_bound(L2, L2);
     let ℓ = 0.0;
     let opIdZ = IdOp::new();
-    let (l, l_z) = opA.adjoint_product_pair_bound(prox_penalty, &opIdZ).unwrap();
+    let (l, l_z) = opA
+        .adjoint_product_pair_bound(prox_penalty, &opIdZ)
+        .unwrap();
     // We need to satisfy
     //     τσ_dM(1-σ_p L_z)/(1 - τ L) + [σ_p L_z + σ_pσ_d‖K_z‖^2] < 1
@@ -184,7 +179,7 @@
     // ⟺ τ [ σ_d M (1-σ_p L_z) + (1-σ_{p,0}) L ] < (1-σ_{p,0})
     let φ = 1.0 - config.σp0;
     let a = 1.0 - σ_p * l_z;
-    let τ = config.τ0 * φ / ( σ_d * bigM * a + φ * l );
+    let τ = config.τ0 * φ / (σ_d * bigM * a + φ * l);
     let ψ = 1.0 - τ * l;
     let β = σ_p * config.σd0 * nKz / a; // σ_p * σ_d * (nKz * nK_z) / a;
     assert!(β < 1.0);
@@ -192,23 +187,23 @@
     let κ = τ * σ_d * ψ / ((1.0 - β) * ψ - τ * σ_d * bigM);
     //  The factor two in the manuscript disappears due to the definition of 𝚹 being
     // for ‖x-y‖₂² instead of c_2(x, y)=‖x-y‖₂²/2.
-    let (maybe_ℓ_v0, maybe_transport_lip) = opA.curvature_bound_components();
+    let (maybe_ℓ_F0, maybe_transport_lip) = opA.curvature_bound_components();
     let transport_lip = maybe_transport_lip.unwrap();
-    let calculate_θ = |ℓ_v, max_transport| {
-        let ℓ_F = ℓ_v + transport_lip * max_transport;
-        config.transport.θ0 / (τ*(ℓ + ℓ_F) + κ * bigθ * max_transport)
+    let calculate_θ = |ℓ_F, max_transport| {
+        let ℓ_r = transport_lip * max_transport;
+        config.transport.θ0 / (τ * (ℓ + ℓ_F + ℓ_r) + κ * bigθ * max_transport)
-    let mut θ_or_adaptive = match maybe_ℓ_v0 {
+    let mut θ_or_adaptive = match maybe_ℓ_F0 {
         // We assume that the residual is decreasing.
-        Some(ℓ_v0) => TransportStepLength::AdaptiveMax {
-            l: ℓ_v0 * b.norm2(), // TODO: could estimate computing the real reesidual
-            max_transport : 0.0,
-            g : calculate_θ
+        Some(ℓ_F0) => TransportStepLength::AdaptiveMax {
+            l: ℓ_F0 * b.norm2(), // TODO: could estimate computing the real reesidual
+            max_transport: 0.0,
+            g: calculate_θ,
         None => TransportStepLength::FullyAdaptive {
-            l : F::EPSILON,
-            max_transport : 0.0,
-            g : calculate_θ
+            l: F::EPSILON,
+            max_transport: 0.0,
+            g: calculate_θ,
     // Acceleration is not currently supported
@@ -223,13 +218,15 @@
     let starH = fnH.conjugate();
     // Statistics
-    let full_stats = |residual : &A::Observable, μ : &RNDM<F, N>, z : &Z, ε, stats| IterInfo {
-        value : residual.norm2_squared_div2() + fnR.apply(z)
-                + reg.apply(μ) + fnH.apply(/* opKμ.apply(μ) + */ opKz.apply(z)),
-        n_spikes : μ.len(),
+    let full_stats = |residual: &A::Observable, μ: &RNDM<F, N>, z: &Z, ε, stats| IterInfo {
+        value: residual.norm2_squared_div2()
+            + fnR.apply(z)
+            + reg.apply(μ)
+            + fnH.apply(/* opKμ.apply(μ) + */ opKz.apply(z)),
+        n_spikes: μ.len(),
         // postprocessing: config.insertion.postprocessing.then(|| μ.clone()),
-        .. stats
+        ..stats
     let mut stats = IterInfo::new();
@@ -244,40 +241,49 @@
         // where A_ν^* becomes a multiplier.
         // This is much easier with K_μ = 0, which is the only reason why are enforcing it.
         // TODO: Write a version of initial_transport that can deal with K_μ ≠ 0.
-        let (μ_base_masses, mut μ_base_minus_γ0) = initial_transport(
-            &mut γ1, &mut μ, τ, &mut θ_or_adaptive, v,
-        );
+        let (μ_base_masses, mut μ_base_minus_γ0) =
+            initial_transport(&mut γ1, &mut μ, τ, &mut θ_or_adaptive, v);
         // Solve finite-dimensional subproblem several times until the dual variable for the
         // regularisation term conforms to the assumptions made for the transport above.
         let (maybe_d, _within_tolerances, mut τv̆, z_new) = 'adapt_transport: loop {
             // Calculate τv̆ = τA_*(A[μ_transported + μ_transported_base]-b)
-            let residual_μ̆ = calculate_residual2(Pair(&γ1, &z),
-                                                 Pair(&μ_base_minus_γ0, &zero_z),
-                                                 opA, b);
+            let residual_μ̆ =
+                calculate_residual2(Pair(&γ1, &z), Pair(&μ_base_minus_γ0, &zero_z), opA, b);
             let Pair(mut τv̆, τz̆) = opA.preadjoint().apply(residual_μ̆ * τ);
             // opKμ.preadjoint().gemv(&mut τv̆, τ, y, 1.0);
             // Construct μ^{k+1} by solving finite-dimensional subproblems and insert new spikes.
             let (maybe_d, within_tolerances) = prox_penalty.insert_and_reweigh(
-                &mut μ, &mut τv̆, &γ1, Some(&μ_base_minus_γ0),
-                τ, ε, &config.insertion,
-                &reg, &state, &mut stats,
+                &mut μ,
+                &mut τv̆,
+                &γ1,
+                Some(&μ_base_minus_γ0),
+                τ,
+                ε,
+                &config.insertion,
+                &reg,
+                &state,
+                &mut stats,
             // Do z variable primal update here to able to estimate B_{v̆^k-v^{k+1}}
             let mut z_new = τz̆;
-            opKz.adjoint().gemv(&mut z_new, -σ_p, &y, -σ_p/τ);
+            opKz.adjoint().gemv(&mut z_new, -σ_p, &y, -σ_p / τ);
             z_new = fnR.prox(σ_p, z_new + &z);
             // A posteriori transport adaptation.
             if aposteriori_transport(
-                &mut γ1, &mut μ, &mut μ_base_minus_γ0, &μ_base_masses,
+                &mut γ1,
+                &mut μ,
+                &mut μ_base_minus_γ0,
+                &μ_base_masses,
                 Some(z_new.dist(&z, L2)),
-                ε, &config.transport
+                ε,
+                &config.transport,
             ) {
-                break 'adapt_transport (maybe_d, within_tolerances, τv̆, z_new)
+                break 'adapt_transport (maybe_d, within_tolerances, τv̆, z_new);
@@ -299,7 +305,14 @@
         let ins = &config.insertion;
         if ins.merge_now(&state) {
             stats.merged += prox_penalty.merge_spikes_no_fitness(
-                &mut μ, &mut τv̆, &γ1, Some(&μ_base_minus_γ0), τ, ε, ins, &reg,
+                &mut μ,
+                &mut τv̆,
+                &γ1,
+                Some(&μ_base_minus_γ0),
+                τ,
+                ε,
+                ins,
+                &reg,
                 //Some(|μ̃ : &RNDM<F, N>| calculate_residual(Pair(μ̃, &z), opA, b).norm2_squared_div2()),
@@ -317,9 +330,9 @@
         // Do dual update
         // opKμ.gemv(&mut y, σ_d*(1.0 + ω), &μ, 1.0);    // y = y + σ_d K[(1+ω)(μ,z)^{k+1}]
-        opKz.gemv(&mut y, σ_d*(1.0 + ω), &z_new, 1.0);
+        opKz.gemv(&mut y, σ_d * (1.0 + ω), &z_new, 1.0);
         // opKμ.gemv(&mut y, -σ_d*ω, μ_base, 1.0);// y = y + σ_d K[(1+ω)(μ,z)^{k+1} - ω (μ,z)^k]-b
-        opKz.gemv(&mut y, -σ_d*ω, z, 1.0);// y = y + σ_d K[(1+ω)(μ,z)^{k+1} - ω (μ,z)^k]-b
+        opKz.gemv(&mut y, -σ_d * ω, z, 1.0); // y = y + σ_d K[(1+ω)(μ,z)^{k+1} - ω (μ,z)^k]-b
         y = starH.prox(σ_d, y);
         z = z_new;
@@ -335,14 +348,20 @@
         state.if_verbose(|| {
             plotter.plot_spikes(iter, maybe_d.as_ref(), Some(&τv̆), &μ);
-            full_stats(&residual, &μ, &z, ε, std::mem::replace(&mut stats, IterInfo::new()))
+            full_stats(
+                &residual,
+                &μ,
+                &z,
+                ε,
+                std::mem::replace(&mut stats, IterInfo::new()),
+            )
         // Update main tolerance for next iteration
         ε = tolerance.update(ε, iter);
-    let fit = |μ̃ : &RNDM<F, N>| {
+    let fit = |μ̃: &RNDM<F, N>| {
         (opA.apply(Pair(μ̃, &z))-b).norm2_squared_div2()
         //+ fnR.apply(z) + reg.apply(μ)
         + fnH.apply(/* opKμ.apply(&μ̃) + */ opKz.apply(&z))
