Add arXiv link of second paper to README default tip

Zenodo packaging hacks draft

Added tag v2.0.0-pre for changeset b3312eee105c

Make some math in documentation render v2.0.0-pre

Add macros to katex-header.

Merge dev to default

Update documentation references dev

README adjustment dev

Some documentation and factor changes related to ℓ_F and ℓ_r. dev

Add .cargo/config.toml setting for finding GSL on macos. dev

radon rearrangements dev

Symbol rename dev

Parameter adjustments dev

curvature controls dev

bump version dev

Fixes to Radon norm prox term inner algorithm dev

Remove initial transport adaptation—it is not needed, after all dev

README updates dev

Merging adjustments, parameter tuning, etc. dev

Attempt to do more Serialize / Deserialize but run into csv problems draft dev

Generic proximal penalty support dev

Factor fix dev

New version of sliding. dev

Radon FB + sliding improvements dev

merge dev

Early transport sketches dev

Simplify and fix cut gaussian indicator convolution scaling

Bump required alg_tools version dev

Remove deprecated interfaces dev

version = 2.0.0-dev dev

Bump version

Implement non-negativity constraints for the conditional gradient methods

Support arbitrary regularisation terms; implement non-positivity-constrained regularisation.

Print out experiment information when running it

Add rust-version specification to Cargo.toml

Save more CSV files when iteration-wise plotting is enabled. draft

Added command line option for (power) tolerance

Oops, broke some README external links

Added tag v1.0.0 for changeset 23821a01d013


arXiv links, README beautification

Oops, some μ were x in the README.

Added tag v1.0.0-pre-arxiv for changeset b71edfd403aa

v1.0.0-pre-arxiv (missing arXiv links) v1.0.0-pre-arxiv

Command line parameter passing simplifications and make `-o` required.

Clean up / remove various unused FB algorithm family hacks.

Remove ergodic tolerance; it's not useful.

README fine-tuning and for uglifying it for rustdoc.

Warn when trying to run an unoptimised executable

Initial version

(0) tip
