Clean-up and pending updates

Mon, 29 Jan 2007 15:11:39 +0100

Tuomo Valkonen <>
Mon, 29 Jan 2007 15:11:39 +0100
changeset 107
parent 106
child 108

Clean-up and pending updates

README file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
np-conv.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
numparser2.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
stringstore.c file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
stringstore.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/README	Sat Jan 27 00:28:27 2007 +0100
+++ b/README	Mon Jan 29 15:11:39 2007 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-Copyright (c) Tuomo Valkonen 1999-2004.
+Copyright (c) Tuomo Valkonen 1999-2007.
 <tuomov at>
@@ -29,3 +29,5 @@
 system's versions of these functions, if available, modify
+The implementation of red-black trees is based on that by
+James S. Plank; see README.rb for details.
--- a/np-conv.h	Sat Jan 27 00:28:27 2007 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
- * libtu/np-conv.h
- *
- * Copyright (c) Tuomo Valkonen 1999-2002. 
- *
- * You may distribute and modify this library under the terms of either
- * the Clarified Artistic License or the GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or later.
- */
-#include <math.h>
-#define FN_NUM_TO_SIGNED(T, UMAX, MAX, MIN)                          \
- static int num_to_##T(T *ret, const NPNum *num, bool allow_uns_big) \
- {                                                                   \
-	if(num->type!=NPNUM_INT)                                         \
-		return E_TOKZ_NOTINT;                                        \
-	                                                                 \
-	if(!num->negative){                                              \
-		*ret=num->ival;                                              \
-		if(allow_uns_big?num->ival>UMAX:num->ival>MAX)               \
-		return E_TOKZ_RANGE;                                         \
-	}else{                                                           \
-		*ret=-num->ival;                                             \
-		if(num->ival>-(ulong)MIN)                                    \
-		return E_TOKZ_RANGE;                                         \
-	}                                                                \
-	return 0;                                                        \
- }
-#define FN_NUM_TO_UNSIGNED(T, UMAX, MIN)                         \
- static int num_to_##T(T *ret, const NPNum *num, bool allow_neg) \
- {                                                               \
-	if(num->type!=NPNUM_INT)                                     \
-		return E_TOKZ_NOTINT;                                    \
-	                                                             \
-	if(!num->negative){                                          \
-		*ret=num->ival;                                          \
-		if(num->ival>UMAX)                                       \
-		return E_TOKZ_RANGE;                                     \
-	}else{                                                       \
-		*ret=-num->ival;                                         \
-		if(!allow_neg || num->ival>(ulong)-MIN)                  \
-		return E_TOKZ_RANGE;                                     \
-	}                                                            \
-	return 0;                                                    \
- }
-#define FN_NUM_TO_FLOAT(T, POW)                  \
- static int num_to_##T(T *ret, const NPNum *num) \
- {                                               \
-	*ret=(num->negative?-num->fval:num->fval);   \
-	return 0;                                    \
- }
-#else /* NP_SIMPLE_IMPL */
-#define FN_NUM_TO_SIGNED(T, UMAX, MAX, MIN)                          \
- static int num_to_##T(T *ret, const NPNum *num, bool allow_uns_big) \
- {                                                                   \
-	if(num->exponent)                                                \
-		return E_TOKZ_NOTINT;                                        \
-	if(num->nmantissa>0)                                             \
-		return E_TOKZ_RANGE;                                         \
-                                                                     \
-	if(!num->negative){                                              \
-		*ret=num->mantissa[0];                                       \
-		if(allow_uns_big?num->mantissa[0]>UMAX:num->mantissa[0]>MAX) \
-			return E_TOKZ_RANGE;                                     \
-	}else{                                                           \
-		*ret=-num->mantissa[0];                                      \
-		if(num->mantissa[0]>-(ulong)MIN)                             \
-			return E_TOKZ_RANGE;                                     \
-	}                                                                \
-	return 0;                                                        \
-#define FN_NUM_TO_UNSIGNED(T, UMAX, MIN)                         \
- static int num_to_##T(T *ret, const NPNum *num, bool allow_neg) \
- {                                                               \
-	if(num->exponent)                                            \
-		return E_TOKZ_NOTINT;                                    \
-	if(num->nmantissa>0)                                         \
-		return E_TOKZ_RANGE;                                     \
-                                                                 \
-	if(!num->negative){                                          \
-		*ret=num->mantissa[0];                                   \
-		if(num->mantissa[0]>UMAX)                                \
-			return E_TOKZ_RANGE;                                 \
-	}else{                                                       \
-		*ret=-num->mantissa[0];                                  \
-		if(!allow_neg || num->mantissa[0]>(ulong)-MIN)           \
-			return E_TOKZ_RANGE;                                 \
-	}                                                            \
-	return 0;                                                    \
-#define FN_NUM_TO_FLOAT(T, POW)                  \
- static int num_to_##T(T *ret, const NPNum *num) \
- {                                               \
-	T d=0;                                       \
-	int i;                                       \
-	                                             \
-	for(i=num->nmantissa;i>=0;i--)               \
-		d=d*(T)(ULONG_MAX+1.0)+num->mantissa[i]; \
-                                                 \
-	d*=POW(num->base, num->exponent);            \
-	*ret=d;                                      \
-	                                             \
-	return 0;                                    \
- }
-#endif /* NP_SIMPLE_IMPL */
-FN_NUM_TO_FLOAT(double, pow)
-#undef NEG
--- a/numparser2.h	Sat Jan 27 00:28:27 2007 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
- * libtu/numparser2.h
- *
- * Copyright (c) Tuomo Valkonen 1999-2002. 
- *
- * You may distribute and modify this library under the terms of either
- * the Clarified Artistic License or the GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or later.
- */
-#define MAX_MANTISSA 10  /* should be enough for our needs */
-#define ULONG_SIZE (sizeof(ulong)*8)
-typedef struct _NPNum{
-	int type;
-	int base;
- 	bool negative;
-	double fval;
-	ulong ival;
-} NPNum;
-#define NUM_INIT {0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0}
-static int npnum_mulbase_add(NPNum *num, long base, long v)
-	double iold=num->ival;
-	num->fval=num->fval*base+(double)v;
-	num->ival*=base;
-	if(num->ival<iold)
-		num->type=NPNUM_FLOAT;
-	num->ival+=v;
-	return 0;
-#else /* NP_SIMPLE_IMPL */
-typedef struct _NPNum{
-	unsigned char nmantissa;
-	int type;
-	int base;
- 	bool negative;
-	ulong mantissa[MAX_MANTISSA];
-	long exponent;
-} NPNum;
-#define NUM_INIT {0, 0, 0, 0, {0,}, 0}
-#define ADD_EXP(NUM, X) (NUM)->exponent+=(X);
-#if defined(__GNUG__) && defined(i386) && !defined(NP_NO_I386_ASM)
- #define NP_I386_ASM
-static int npnum_mulbase_add(NPNum *num, long base, long v)
-	long i, j;
-	ulong overflow;
-#ifndef NP_I386_ASM
-	ulong val;
-	for(i=num->nmantissa;i>=0;i--){
-#ifdef NP_I386_ASM
-		__asm__("mul %4\n"
-				: "=a" (num->mantissa[i]), "=d" (overflow)
-				: "0" (num->mantissa[i]), "1" (0), "q" (base)
-				: "eax", "edx");
-		overflow=0;
-		val=num->mantissa[i];
-		if(val<ULONG_MAX/base){
-			val*=base;
-		}else if(val){
-			ulong tmp=val;
-			ulong old=val;
-			for(j=0; j<base; j++){
-				val+=tmp;
-				if(val<=old)
-					overflow++;
-				old=val;
-			}
-		}
-		num->mantissa[i]=val;
-		if(overflow){
-			if(i==num->nmantissa){
-				if(num->nmantissa==MAX_MANTISSA)
-					return E_TOKZ_TOOBIG;
-				num->nmantissa++;
-			}
-			num->mantissa[i+1]+=overflow;
-		}
-	}
-	num->mantissa[0]+=v;
-	return 0;
-#undef NP_I386_ASM
-#endif /* NP_SIMPLE_IMPL */
-/* */
-static bool is_end(int c)
-	/* oops... EOF was missing */
-	return (c==EOF || (c!='.' && ispunct(c)) || isspace(c) || iscntrl(c));
-/* */
-static int parse_exponent(NPNum *num, Tokenizer *tokz, int c)
-	long exp=0;
-	bool neg=FALSE;
-	int err=0;
-	c=GETCH();
-	if(c=='-' || c=='+'){
-		if(c=='-')
-			neg=TRUE;
-		c=GETCH();
-	}
-	for(; 1; c=GETCH()){
-		if(isdigit(c)){
-			exp*=10;
-			exp+=c-'0';
-		}else if(is_end(c)){
-			UNGETCH(c);
-			break;
-		}else{
-			err=E_TOKZ_NUMFMT;
-		}
-	}
-	if(neg)
-		exp*=-1;
-	ADD_EXP(num, exp);
-	num->fval*=pow(num->base, exp);
-	return err;
-static int parse_number(NPNum *num, Tokenizer *tokz, int c)
-	int base=10;
-	int dm=1;
-	int err=0;
-	int tmp;
-	double divisor=base;
-	if(c=='-' || c=='+'){
-		if(c=='-')
-			num->negative=TRUE;
-		c=GETCH();
-		if(!isdigit(c))
-			err=E_TOKZ_NUMFMT;
-	}
-	if(c=='0'){
-		dm=0;
-		c=GETCH();
-		if(c=='x' || c=='X'){
-			base=16;
-			c=GETCH();
-		}else if(c=='b' || c=='B'){
-			base=2;
-			c=GETCH();
-		}else if('0'<=c && c<='7'){
-			base=8;
-		}else{
-			dm=2;
-		}
-	}
-	num->base=base;
-	for(; 1; c=GETCH()){
-		if((c=='e' || c=='E') && dm!=0){
-			if(dm<2){
-				err=E_TOKZ_NUMFMT;
-				continue;
-			}
-			tmp=parse_exponent(num, tokz, c);
-			if(err==0)
-				err=tmp;
-			break;
-		}
-		if(isxdigit(c)){
-			if('0'<=c && c<='9')
-				c-='0';
-			else if(isupper(c))
-				c-='A'-10;
-			else
-				c-='a'-10;
-			if(c>=base)
-				err=E_TOKZ_NUMFMT;
-			if(dm==3){
-				num->fval+=(double)c/divisor;
-				divisor*=base;
-			}else
-			{
-				tmp=npnum_mulbase_add(num, base, c);
-				if(err==0)
-					err=tmp;
-			}
-			if(dm==1)
-				dm=2;
-#ifndef NP_SIMPLE_IMPL			
-			else if(dm==3)
-				ADD_EXP(num, -1);
-			continue;
-		}
-		if(c=='.'){
-			if(dm!=2){
-				err=E_TOKZ_NUMFMT;
-			}
-			dm=3;
-			num->type=NPNUM_FLOAT;
-			divisor=base;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if(is_end(c)){
-			UNGETCH(c);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-#ifndef NP_SIMPLE_IMPL			
-	num->type=(num->exponent==0 ? NPNUM_INT : NPNUM_FLOAT);
-	return err;
--- a/stringstore.c	Sat Jan 27 00:28:27 2007 +0100
+++ b/stringstore.c	Mon Jan 29 15:11:39 2007 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  * libtu/stringstore.c
- * Copyright (c) Tuomo Valkonen 2004. 
+ * Copyright (c) Tuomo Valkonen 2004-2007. 
  * You may distribute and modify this library under the terms of either
  * the Clarified Artistic License or the GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or later.
--- a/stringstore.h	Sat Jan 27 00:28:27 2007 +0100
+++ b/stringstore.h	Mon Jan 29 15:11:39 2007 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  * libtu/stringstore.h
- * Copyright (c) Tuomo Valkonen 2004. 
+ * Copyright (c) Tuomo Valkonen 2004-2007. 
  * You may distribute and modify this library under the terms of either
  * the Clarified Artistic License or the GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or later.
