Wed, 15 Dec 2021 10:36:43 +0200

Tuomo Valkonen <>
Wed, 15 Dec 2021 10:36:43 +0200
changeset 58
parent 54

Improve license phrasing

# ImageTools

Author: Tuomo Valkonen <>

This repository contains some tools for doing mathematical imaging in Julia:

  * Effective visualisation based directly on `GR` instead of `Plots`. A sample visualisation main loop that calls
    [AlgTools][]-style step routines.
  * Sub-pixel resolution image translation and sub-image extraction
  * Calculation of discrete image gradients (2D, 3D 3D vector fields)
  * A very simple image filtering code that seems more efficient than the `ImageFiltering`
  * Tools to _apply_ colour maps to raw image data, that surprisingly seem to be missing from the standard libraries.
The code is used, for example, by <>.

## Installation

To install this package, first clone the repository and [AlgTools][] with [Mercurial](

$ hg clone
$ hg clone

(Canonical public repository URLs indicated here.)
AlgTools has to be installed under the some location as ImageTools.
Then add the repository to Julia with `Pkg.develop`:

julia>] develop LOCATION_OF/ImageTools/

Here replace `LOCATION_OF/ImageTools` with path where you cloned ImageTools. (If you did not change directory after cloning, simply use `ImageTools`.)
Afterwards, you may use the package with:

julia> using ImageTools

This package is not and is not planned to be available via `Pkg.add` as it is based on the worst and must unusable version control system ever invented: Git.

## Testing

To run a simple denoising test using FISTA, use

$ julia --project=Tests
julia> using Tests
julia> test_denoise()

To run a deblurring test using PDPS, continue with

julia> test_deblur()

