Mon, 06 Jan 2025 11:32:57 -0500
Factor fix
/*! Preadjoint construction helper */ use std::marker::PhantomData; use alg_tools::types::*; pub use alg_tools::linops::*; use alg_tools::norms::{Norm, HasDualExponent}; /// Helper structure for constructing preadjoints of `S` where `S : Linear<X>`. /// [`Linear`] needs to be implemented for each instance, but [`Adjointable`] /// and [`BoundedLinear`] have blanket implementations. #[derive(Clone,Debug)] pub struct PreadjointHelper<'a, S : 'a, X> { pub forward_op : &'a S, _domain : PhantomData<X> } impl<'a, S : 'a, X> PreadjointHelper<'a, S, X> { pub fn new(forward_op : &'a S) -> Self { PreadjointHelper { forward_op, _domain: PhantomData } } } impl<'a, X, Ypre, S> Adjointable<Ypre, X> for PreadjointHelper<'a, S, X> where X : Space, Ypre : Space, Self : Linear<Ypre>, S : Clone + Linear<X> { type AdjointCodomain = S::Codomain; type Adjoint<'b> = S where Self : 'b; fn adjoint(&self) -> Self::Adjoint<'_> { self.forward_op.clone() } } impl<'a, F, X, Ypre, ExpXpre, ExpYpre, S> BoundedLinear<Ypre, ExpYpre, ExpXpre, F> for PreadjointHelper<'a, S, X> where ExpXpre : HasDualExponent, ExpYpre : HasDualExponent, F : Float, X : Space + Norm<F, ExpXpre::DualExp>, Ypre : Space + Norm<F, ExpYpre>, Self : Linear<Ypre>, S : 'a + Clone + BoundedLinear<X, ExpXpre::DualExp, ExpYpre::DualExp, F> { fn opnorm_bound(&self, expy : ExpYpre, expx : ExpXpre) -> F { self.forward_op.opnorm_bound(expx.dual_exponent(), expy.dual_exponent()) } }