
Sun, 11 Dec 2022 23:25:53 +0200

Tuomo Valkonen <>
Sun, 11 Dec 2022 23:25:53 +0200
changeset 24

Support arbitrary regularisation terms; implement non-positivity-constrained regularisation.

* Fixes the conditional gradient methods that were incorrectly solving
positivity constrained subproblems although the infinite-dimensional
versions do not include such constraints.

* Introduces the `ExperimentV2` struct that has `regularisation` in place
of `α`. The `Experiment` struct is now deprecated.

* The L^2-squared experiments were switch to be unconstrained, as the
Franke-Wolfe implementations do not support constraints. (This would
be easy to add for the “fully corrective” variant, but is not
immediate for the “relaxed” variant.)

Iterative algorithms for solving the finite-dimensional subproblem without constraints.

use nalgebra::{DVector, DMatrix};
use numeric_literals::replace_float_literals;
use itertools::{izip, Itertools};
use colored::Colorize;
use std::cmp::Ordering::*;

use alg_tools::iter::Mappable;
use alg_tools::error::NumericalError;
use alg_tools::iterate::{
use alg_tools::linops::GEMV;
use alg_tools::nalgebra_support::ToNalgebraRealField;

use crate::types::*;
use super::{

/// Compute the proximal operator of $x \mapsto |x|$, i.e., the soft-thresholding operator.
fn soft_thresholding<F : Float>(v : F, λ : F) -> F {
    if v > λ {
        v - λ
    } else if v < -λ {
        v + λ
    } else {

/// Returns the ∞-norm minimal subdifferential of $x ↦  x^⊤Ax - g^⊤ x + λ\|x\|₁$ at $x$.
/// `v` will be modified and cannot be trusted to contain useful values afterwards.
fn min_subdifferential<F : Float + ToNalgebraRealField>(
    v : &mut DVector<F::MixedType>,
    mA : &DMatrix<F::MixedType>,
    x : &DVector<F::MixedType>,
    g : &DVector<F::MixedType>,
    λ : F::MixedType
) -> F {
    mA.gemv(v, 1.0, x, -1.0);   // v =  Ax - g
    let mut val = 0.0;
    for (&v_i, &x_i) in izip!(v.iter(), x.iter()) {
        // The subdifferential at x is $Ax - g + λ ∂‖·‖₁(x)$.
        val = val.max(match x_i.partial_cmp(&0.0) {
            Some(Greater) => v_i + λ,
            Some(Less) => v_i - λ,
            Some(Equal) => soft_thresholding(v_i, λ),
            None => F::MixedType::nan(),

/// Forward-backward splitting implementation of [`quadratic_unconstrained`].
/// For detailed documentation of the inputs and outputs, refer to there.
/// The `λ` component of the model is handled in the proximal step instead of the gradient step
/// for potential performance improvements.
pub fn quadratic_unconstrained_fb<F, I>(
    mA : &DMatrix<F::MixedType>,
    g : &DVector<F::MixedType>,
    //c_ : F,
    λ_ : F,
    x : &mut DVector<F::MixedType>,
    τ_ : F,
    iterator : I
) -> usize
where F : Float + ToNalgebraRealField,
      I : AlgIteratorFactory<F>
    let mut xprev = x.clone();
    //let c = c_.to_nalgebra_mixed();
    let λ = λ_.to_nalgebra_mixed();
    let τ = τ_.to_nalgebra_mixed();
    let τλ = τ * λ;
    let mut v = DVector::zeros(x.len());
    let mut iters = 0;

    iterator.iterate(|state| {
        // Replace `x` with $x - τ[Ax-g]= [x + τg]- τAx$
        v.copy_from(g);             // v = g
        v.axpy(1.0, x, τ);          // v = x + τ*g
        v.sygemv(-τ, mA, x, 1.0);   // v = [x + τg]- τAx
        let backup = state.if_verbose(|| {
        // Calculate the proximal map
        x.iter_mut().zip(v.iter()).for_each(|(x_i, &v_i)| {
            *x_i = soft_thresholding(v_i, τλ);

        iters +=1;|_| {
            min_subdifferential(&mut v, mA, x, g, λ)


/// Semismooth Newton implementation of [`quadratic_unconstrained`].
/// For detailed documentation of the inputs, refer to there.
/// This function returns the number of iterations taken if there was no inversion failure,
/// For method derivarion, see the documentation for [`super::nonneg::quadratic_nonneg`].
pub fn quadratic_unconstrained_ssn<F, I>(
    mA : &DMatrix<F::MixedType>,
    g : &DVector<F::MixedType>,
    //c_ : F,
    λ_ : F,
    x : &mut DVector<F::MixedType>,
    τ_ : F,
    iterator : I
) -> Result<usize, NumericalError>
where F : Float + ToNalgebraRealField,
      I : AlgIteratorFactory<F>
    let n = x.len();
    let mut xprev = x.clone();
    let mut v = DVector::zeros(n);
    //let c = c_.to_nalgebra_mixed();
    let λ = λ_.to_nalgebra_mixed();
    let τ = τ_.to_nalgebra_mixed();
    let τλ = τ * λ;
    let mut inact : Vec<bool> = Vec::from_iter(std::iter::repeat(false).take(n));
    let mut s = DVector::zeros(0);
    let mut decomp = nalgebra::linalg::LU::new(DMatrix::zeros(0, 0));
    let mut iters = 0;

    let res = iterator.iterate_fallible(|state| {
        // 1. Perform delayed SSN-update based on previously computed step on active
        // coordinates. The step is delayed to the beginning of the loop because
        // the SSN step may violate constraints, so we arrange `x` to contain at the
        // end of the loop the valid FB step that forms part of the SSN step
        let mut si = s.iter();
        for (&ast, x_i, xprev_i) in izip!(inact.iter(), x.iter_mut(), xprev.iter_mut()) {
            if ast {
                *x_i = *xprev_i + *
            *xprev_i = *x_i;


        // 2. Calculate FB step.
        // 2.1. Replace `x` with $x⁻ - τ[Ax⁻-g]= [x⁻ + τg]- τAx⁻$
        x.axpy(τ, g, 1.0);               // x = x⁻ + τ*g
        x.sygemv(-τ, mA, &xprev, 1.0);   // x = [x⁻ + τg]- τAx⁻
        // 2.2. Calculate prox and set of active coordinates at the same time
        let mut act_changed = false;
        let mut n_inact = 0;
        for (x_i, ast) in izip!(x.iter_mut(), inact.iter_mut()) {
            if *x_i > τλ {
                *x_i -= τλ;
                if !*ast {
                    act_changed = true;
                    *ast = true;
                n_inact += 1;
            } else if *x_i < -τλ {
                *x_i += τλ;
                if !*ast {
                    act_changed = true;
                    *ast = true;
                n_inact += 1;
            } else {
                *x_i = 0.0;
                if *ast {
                    act_changed = true;
                    *ast = false;

        // *** x now contains forward-backward step ***

        // 3. Solve SSN step `s`.
        // 3.1 Construct [τ A_{ℐ × ℐ}] if the set of inactive coordinates has changed.
        if act_changed {
            let decomp_iter = inact.iter().cartesian_product(inact.iter()).zip(mA.iter());
            let decomp_constr = decomp_iter.filter_map(|((&i_inact, &j_inact), &mAij)| {
                //(i_inact && j_inact).then_some(mAij * τ)
                (i_inact && j_inact).then_some(mAij) // 🔺 below matches removal of τ
            let mat = DMatrix::from_iterator(n_inact, n_inact, decomp_constr);
            decomp = nalgebra::linalg::LU::new(mat);

        // 3.2 Solve `s` = $s_ℐ^k$ from
        // $[τ A_{ℐ × ℐ}]s^k_ℐ = - x^k_ℐ + [G ∘ F](x^k)_ℐ - [τ A_{ℐ × 𝒜}]s^k_𝒜$.
        // With current variable setup we have $[G ∘ F](x^k) = $`x` and $x^k = x⁻$ = `xprev`,
        // so the system to solve is $[τ A_{ℐ × ℐ}]s^k_ℐ = (x-x⁻)_ℐ  - [τ A_{ℐ × 𝒜}](x-x⁻)_𝒜$
        // The matrix $[τ A_{ℐ × ℐ}]$ we have already LU-decomposed above into `decomp`.
        s = if n_inact > 0 {
            // 3.2.1 Construct `rhs` = $(x-x⁻)_ℐ  - [τ A_{ℐ × 𝒜}](x-x⁻)_𝒜$
            let inactfilt = inact.iter().copied();
            let rhs_iter = izip!(x.iter(), xprev.iter(), mA.row_iter()).filter_zip(inactfilt);
            let rhs_constr =|(&x_i, &xprev_i, mAi)| {
                // Calculate row i of [τ A_{ℐ × 𝒜}]s^k_𝒜 = [τ A_{ℐ × 𝒜}](x-xprev)_𝒜
                let actfilt = inact.iter().copied().map(std::ops::Not::not);
                let actit = izip!(x.iter(), xprev.iter(), mAi.iter()).filter_zip(actfilt);
                let actpart =|(&x_j, &xprev_j, &mAij)| {
                    mAij * (x_j - xprev_j)
                // Subtract it from [x-prev]_i
                //x_i - xprev_i - τ * actpart
                (x_i - xprev_i) / τ - actpart // 🔺 change matches removal of τ above
            let mut rhs = DVector::from_iterator(n_inact, rhs_constr);
            assert_eq!(rhs.len(), n_inact);
            // Solve the system
            if !decomp.solve_mut(&mut rhs) {
                return Step::Failure(NumericalError(
                    "Failed to solve linear system for subproblem SSN."
        } else {

        iters += 1;

        // 4. Report solution quality
        state.if_verbose(|| {
            // Calculate subdifferential at the FB step `x` that hasn't yet had `s` yet added.
            min_subdifferential(&mut v, mA, x, g, λ)
    });|_| iters)

/// This function applies an iterative method for the solution of the problem
/// <div>$$
///     \min_{x ∈ ℝ^n} \frac{1}{2} x^⊤Ax - g^⊤ x + λ\|x\|₁ + c.
/// $$</div>
/// Semismooth Newton or forward-backward are supported based on the setting in `method`.
/// The parameter `mA` is matrix $A$, and `g` and `λ` are as in the mathematical formulation.
/// The constant $c$ does not need to be provided. The step length parameter is `τ` while
/// `x` contains the initial iterate and on return the final one. The `iterator` controls
/// stopping. The “verbose” value output by all methods is the $ℓ\_∞$ distance of some
/// subdifferential of the objective to zero.
/// This function returns the number of iterations taken.
pub fn quadratic_unconstrained<F, I>(
    method : InnerMethod,
    mA : &DMatrix<F::MixedType>,
    g : &DVector<F::MixedType>,
    //c_ : F,
    λ : F,
    x : &mut DVector<F::MixedType>,
    τ : F,
    iterator : I
) -> usize
where F : Float + ToNalgebraRealField,
      I : AlgIteratorFactory<F>
    match method {
        InnerMethod::FB =>
            quadratic_unconstrained_fb(mA, g, λ, x, τ, iterator),
        InnerMethod::SSN =>
            quadratic_unconstrained_ssn(mA, g, λ, x, τ, iterator).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
                println!("{}", format!("{e}. Using FB fallback.").red());
                let ins = InnerSettings::<F>::default();
                quadratic_unconstrained_fb(mA, g, λ, x, τ, ins.iterator_options)
