Sun, 26 Jan 2025 11:29:57 -0500
Remove initial transport adaptation—it is not needed, after all
/*! Solver for the point source localisation problem using a conditional gradient method. We implement two variants, the “fully corrective” method from * Pieper K., Walter D. _Linear convergence of accelerated conditional gradient algorithms in spaces of measures_, DOI: [10.1051/cocv/2021042](, arXiv: [1904.09218]( and what we call the “relaxed” method from * Bredies K., Pikkarainen H. - _Inverse problems in spaces of measures_, DOI: [10.1051/cocv/2011205]( */ use numeric_literals::replace_float_literals; use nalgebra::{DMatrix, DVector}; use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}; //use colored::Colorize; use alg_tools::iterate::{ AlgIteratorFactory, AlgIteratorOptions, ValueIteratorFactory, }; use alg_tools::euclidean::Euclidean; use alg_tools::norms::Norm; use alg_tools::linops::Mapping; use alg_tools::sets::Cube; use alg_tools::loc::Loc; use alg_tools::bisection_tree::{ BTFN, Bounds, BTNodeLookup, BTNode, BTSearch, P2Minimise, SupportGenerator, LocalAnalysis, }; use alg_tools::mapping::RealMapping; use alg_tools::nalgebra_support::ToNalgebraRealField; use alg_tools::norms::L2; use crate::types::*; use crate::measures::{ RNDM, DiscreteMeasure, DeltaMeasure, Radon, }; use crate::measures::merging::{ SpikeMergingMethod, SpikeMerging, }; use crate::forward_model::ForwardModel; #[allow(unused_imports)] // Used in documentation use crate::subproblem::{ unconstrained::quadratic_unconstrained, nonneg::quadratic_nonneg, InnerSettings, InnerMethod, }; use crate::tolerance::Tolerance; use crate::plot::{ SeqPlotter, Plotting, PlotLookup }; use crate::regularisation::{ NonnegRadonRegTerm, RadonRegTerm, RegTerm }; /// Settings for [`pointsource_fw_reg`]. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] #[serde(default)] pub struct FWConfig<F : Float> { /// Tolerance for branch-and-bound new spike location discovery pub tolerance : Tolerance<F>, /// Inner problem solution configuration. Has to have `method` set to [`InnerMethod::FB`] /// as the conditional gradient subproblems' optimality conditions do not in general have an /// invertible Newton derivative for SSN. pub inner : InnerSettings<F>, /// Variant of the conditional gradient method pub variant : FWVariant, /// Settings for branch and bound refinement when looking for predual maxima pub refinement : RefinementSettings<F>, /// Spike merging heuristic pub merging : SpikeMergingMethod<F>, } /// Conditional gradient method variant; see also [`FWConfig`]. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] #[allow(dead_code)] pub enum FWVariant { /// Algorithm 2 of Walter-Pieper FullyCorrective, /// Bredies–Pikkarainen. Forces `FWConfig.inner.max_iter = 1`. Relaxed, } impl<F : Float> Default for FWConfig<F> { fn default() -> Self { FWConfig { tolerance : Default::default(), refinement : Default::default(), inner : Default::default(), variant : FWVariant::FullyCorrective, merging : SpikeMergingMethod { enabled : true, ..Default::default() }, } } } pub trait FindimQuadraticModel<Domain, F> : ForwardModel<DiscreteMeasure<Domain, F>, F> where F : Float + ToNalgebraRealField, Domain : Clone + PartialEq, { /// Return A_*A and A_* b fn findim_quadratic_model( &self, μ : &DiscreteMeasure<Domain, F>, b : &Self::Observable ) -> (DMatrix<F::MixedType>, DVector<F::MixedType>); } /// Helper struct for pre-initialising the finite-dimensional subproblem solver. pub struct FindimData<F : Float> { /// ‖A‖^2 opAnorm_squared : F, /// Bound $M_0$ from the Bredies–Pikkarainen article. m0 : F } /// Trait for finite dimensional weight optimisation. pub trait WeightOptim< F : Float + ToNalgebraRealField, A : ForwardModel<RNDM<F, N>, F>, I : AlgIteratorFactory<F>, const N : usize > { /// Return a pre-initialisation struct for [`Self::optimise_weights`]. /// /// The parameter `opA` is the forward operator $A$. fn prepare_optimise_weights(&self, opA : &A, b : &A::Observable) -> FindimData<F>; /// Solve the finite-dimensional weight optimisation problem for the 2-norm-squared data fidelity /// point source localisation problem. /// /// That is, we minimise /// <div>$$ /// μ ↦ \frac{1}{2}\|Aμ-b\|_w^2 + G(μ) /// $$</div> /// only with respect to the weights of $μ$. Here $G$ is a regulariser modelled by `Self`. /// /// The parameter `μ` is the discrete measure whose weights are to be optimised. /// The `opA` parameter is the forward operator $A$, while `b`$ and `α` are as in the /// objective above. The method parameter are set in `inner` (see [`InnerSettings`]), while /// `iterator` is used to iterate the steps of the method, and `plotter` may be used to /// save intermediate iteration states as images. The parameter `findim_data` should be /// prepared using [`Self::prepare_optimise_weights`]: /// /// Returns the number of iterations taken by the method configured in `inner`. fn optimise_weights<'a>( &self, μ : &mut RNDM<F, N>, opA : &'a A, b : &A::Observable, findim_data : &FindimData<F>, inner : &InnerSettings<F>, iterator : I ) -> usize; } /// Trait for regularisation terms supported by [`pointsource_fw_reg`]. pub trait RegTermFW< F : Float + ToNalgebraRealField, A : ForwardModel<RNDM<F, N>, F>, I : AlgIteratorFactory<F>, const N : usize > : RegTerm<F, N> + WeightOptim<F, A, I, N> + Mapping<RNDM<F, N>, Codomain = F> { /// With $g = A\_\*(Aμ-b)$, returns $(x, g(x))$ for $x$ a new point to be inserted /// into $μ$, as determined by the regulariser. /// /// The parameters `refinement_tolerance` and `max_steps` are passed to relevant /// [`BTFN`] minimisation and maximisation routines. fn find_insertion( &self, g : &mut A::PreadjointCodomain, refinement_tolerance : F, max_steps : usize ) -> (Loc<F, N>, F); /// Insert point `ξ` into `μ` for the relaxed algorithm from Bredies–Pikkarainen. fn relaxed_insert<'a>( &self, μ : &mut RNDM<F, N>, g : &A::PreadjointCodomain, opA : &'a A, ξ : Loc<F, N>, v_ξ : F, findim_data : &FindimData<F> ); } #[replace_float_literals(F::cast_from(literal))] impl<F : Float + ToNalgebraRealField, A, I, const N : usize> WeightOptim<F, A, I, N> for RadonRegTerm<F> where I : AlgIteratorFactory<F>, A : FindimQuadraticModel<Loc<F, N>, F> { fn prepare_optimise_weights(&self, opA : &A, b : &A::Observable) -> FindimData<F> { FindimData{ opAnorm_squared : opA.opnorm_bound(Radon, L2).powi(2), m0 : b.norm2_squared() / (2.0 * self.α()), } } fn optimise_weights<'a>( &self, μ : &mut RNDM<F, N>, opA : &'a A, b : &A::Observable, findim_data : &FindimData<F>, inner : &InnerSettings<F>, iterator : I ) -> usize { // Form and solve finite-dimensional subproblem. let (Ã, g̃) = opA.findim_quadratic_model(&μ, b); let mut x = μ.masses_dvector(); // `inner_τ1` is based on an estimate of the operator norm of $A$ from ℳ(Ω) to // ℝ^n. This estimate is a good one for the matrix norm from ℝ^m to ℝ^n when the // former is equipped with the 1-norm. We need the 2-norm. To pass from 1-norm to // 2-norm, we estimate // ‖A‖_{2,2} := sup_{‖x‖_2 ≤ 1} ‖Ax‖_2 ≤ sup_{‖x‖_1 ≤ C} ‖Ax‖_2 // = C sup_{‖x‖_1 ≤ 1} ‖Ax‖_2 = C ‖A‖_{1,2}, // where C = √m satisfies ‖x‖_1 ≤ C ‖x‖_2. Since we are intested in ‖A_*A‖, no // square root is needed when we scale: let normest = findim_data.opAnorm_squared * F::cast_from(μ.len()); let iters = quadratic_unconstrained(&Ã, &g̃, self.α(), &mut x, normest, inner, iterator); // Update masses of μ based on solution of finite-dimensional subproblem. μ.set_masses_dvector(&x); iters } } #[replace_float_literals(F::cast_from(literal))] impl<F : Float + ToNalgebraRealField, A, I, S, GA, BTA, const N : usize> RegTermFW<F, A, I, N> for RadonRegTerm<F> where Cube<F, N> : P2Minimise<Loc<F, N>, F>, I : AlgIteratorFactory<F>, S: RealMapping<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, Bounds<F>, N>, GA : SupportGenerator<F, N, SupportType = S, Id = usize> + Clone, A : FindimQuadraticModel<Loc<F, N>, F, PreadjointCodomain = BTFN<F, GA, BTA, N>>, BTA : BTSearch<F, N, Data=usize, Agg=Bounds<F>>, // FIXME: the following *should not* be needed, they are already implied RNDM<F, N> : Mapping<A::PreadjointCodomain, Codomain = F>, DeltaMeasure<Loc<F, N>, F> : Mapping<A::PreadjointCodomain, Codomain = F>, //A : Mapping<RNDM<F, N>, Codomain = A::Observable>, //A : Mapping<DeltaMeasure<Loc<F, N>, F>, Codomain = A::Observable>, { fn find_insertion( &self, g : &mut A::PreadjointCodomain, refinement_tolerance : F, max_steps : usize ) -> (Loc<F, N>, F) { let (ξmax, v_ξmax) = g.maximise(refinement_tolerance, max_steps); let (ξmin, v_ξmin) = g.minimise(refinement_tolerance, max_steps); if v_ξmin < 0.0 && -v_ξmin > v_ξmax { (ξmin, v_ξmin) } else { (ξmax, v_ξmax) } } fn relaxed_insert<'a>( &self, μ : &mut RNDM<F, N>, g : &A::PreadjointCodomain, opA : &'a A, ξ : Loc<F, N>, v_ξ : F, findim_data : &FindimData<F> ) { let α = self.0; let m0 = findim_data.m0; let φ = |t| if t <= m0 { α * t } else { α / (2.0 * m0) * (t*t + m0 * m0) }; let v = if v_ξ.abs() <= α { 0.0 } else { m0 / α * v_ξ }; let δ = DeltaMeasure { x : ξ, α : v }; let dp = μ.apply(g) - δ.apply(g); let d = opA.apply(&*μ) - opA.apply(δ); let r = d.norm2_squared(); let s = if r == 0.0 { 1.0 } else { 1.0.min( (α * μ.norm(Radon) - φ(v.abs()) - dp) / r) }; *μ *= 1.0 - s; *μ += δ * s; } } #[replace_float_literals(F::cast_from(literal))] impl<F : Float + ToNalgebraRealField, A, I, const N : usize> WeightOptim<F, A, I, N> for NonnegRadonRegTerm<F> where I : AlgIteratorFactory<F>, A : FindimQuadraticModel<Loc<F, N>, F> { fn prepare_optimise_weights(&self, opA : &A, b : &A::Observable) -> FindimData<F> { FindimData{ opAnorm_squared : opA.opnorm_bound(Radon, L2).powi(2), m0 : b.norm2_squared() / (2.0 * self.α()), } } fn optimise_weights<'a>( &self, μ : &mut RNDM<F, N>, opA : &'a A, b : &A::Observable, findim_data : &FindimData<F>, inner : &InnerSettings<F>, iterator : I ) -> usize { // Form and solve finite-dimensional subproblem. let (Ã, g̃) = opA.findim_quadratic_model(&μ, b); let mut x = μ.masses_dvector(); // `inner_τ1` is based on an estimate of the operator norm of $A$ from ℳ(Ω) to // ℝ^n. This estimate is a good one for the matrix norm from ℝ^m to ℝ^n when the // former is equipped with the 1-norm. We need the 2-norm. To pass from 1-norm to // 2-norm, we estimate // ‖A‖_{2,2} := sup_{‖x‖_2 ≤ 1} ‖Ax‖_2 ≤ sup_{‖x‖_1 ≤ C} ‖Ax‖_2 // = C sup_{‖x‖_1 ≤ 1} ‖Ax‖_2 = C ‖A‖_{1,2}, // where C = √m satisfies ‖x‖_1 ≤ C ‖x‖_2. Since we are intested in ‖A_*A‖, no // square root is needed when we scale: let normest = findim_data.opAnorm_squared * F::cast_from(μ.len()); let iters = quadratic_nonneg(&Ã, &g̃, self.α(), &mut x, normest, inner, iterator); // Update masses of μ based on solution of finite-dimensional subproblem. μ.set_masses_dvector(&x); iters } } #[replace_float_literals(F::cast_from(literal))] impl<F : Float + ToNalgebraRealField, A, I, S, GA, BTA, const N : usize> RegTermFW<F, A, I, N> for NonnegRadonRegTerm<F> where Cube<F, N> : P2Minimise<Loc<F, N>, F>, I : AlgIteratorFactory<F>, S: RealMapping<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, Bounds<F>, N>, GA : SupportGenerator<F, N, SupportType = S, Id = usize> + Clone, A : FindimQuadraticModel<Loc<F, N>, F, PreadjointCodomain = BTFN<F, GA, BTA, N>>, BTA : BTSearch<F, N, Data=usize, Agg=Bounds<F>>, // FIXME: the following *should not* be needed, they are already implied RNDM<F, N> : Mapping<A::PreadjointCodomain, Codomain = F>, DeltaMeasure<Loc<F, N>, F> : Mapping<A::PreadjointCodomain, Codomain = F>, { fn find_insertion( &self, g : &mut A::PreadjointCodomain, refinement_tolerance : F, max_steps : usize ) -> (Loc<F, N>, F) { g.maximise(refinement_tolerance, max_steps) } fn relaxed_insert<'a>( &self, μ : &mut RNDM<F, N>, g : &A::PreadjointCodomain, opA : &'a A, ξ : Loc<F, N>, v_ξ : F, findim_data : &FindimData<F> ) { // This is just a verbatim copy of RadonRegTerm::relaxed_insert. let α = self.0; let m0 = findim_data.m0; let φ = |t| if t <= m0 { α * t } else { α / (2.0 * m0) * (t*t + m0 * m0) }; let v = if v_ξ.abs() <= α { 0.0 } else { m0 / α * v_ξ }; let δ = DeltaMeasure { x : ξ, α : v }; let dp = μ.apply(g) - δ.apply(g); let d = opA.apply(&*μ) - opA.apply(&δ); let r = d.norm2_squared(); let s = if r == 0.0 { 1.0 } else { 1.0.min( (α * μ.norm(Radon) - φ(v.abs()) - dp) / r) }; *μ *= 1.0 - s; *μ += δ * s; } } /// Solve point source localisation problem using a conditional gradient method /// for the 2-norm-squared data fidelity, i.e., the problem /// <div>$$ /// \min_μ \frac{1}{2}\|Aμ-b\|_w^2 + G(μ), /// $$ /// where $G$ is the regularisation term modelled by `reg`. /// </div> /// /// The `opA` parameter is the forward operator $A$, while `b`$ is as in the /// objective above. The method parameter are set in `config` (see [`FWConfig`]), while /// `iterator` is used to iterate the steps of the method, and `plotter` may be used to /// save intermediate iteration states as images. #[replace_float_literals(F::cast_from(literal))] pub fn pointsource_fw_reg<F, I, A, GA, BTA, S, Reg, const N : usize>( opA : &A, b : &A::Observable, reg : Reg, //domain : Cube<F, N>, config : &FWConfig<F>, iterator : I, mut plotter : SeqPlotter<F, N>, ) -> RNDM<F, N> where F : Float + ToNalgebraRealField, I : AlgIteratorFactory<IterInfo<F, N>>, for<'b> &'b A::Observable : std::ops::Neg<Output=A::Observable>, GA : SupportGenerator<F, N, SupportType = S, Id = usize> + Clone, A : ForwardModel<RNDM<F, N>, F, PreadjointCodomain = BTFN<F, GA, BTA, N>>, BTA : BTSearch<F, N, Data=usize, Agg=Bounds<F>>, S: RealMapping<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, Bounds<F>, N>, BTNodeLookup: BTNode<F, usize, Bounds<F>, N>, Cube<F, N>: P2Minimise<Loc<F, N>, F>, PlotLookup : Plotting<N>, RNDM<F, N> : SpikeMerging<F>, Reg : RegTermFW<F, A, ValueIteratorFactory<F, AlgIteratorOptions>, N> { // Set up parameters // We multiply tolerance by α for all algoritms. let tolerance = config.tolerance * reg.tolerance_scaling(); let mut ε = tolerance.initial(); let findim_data = reg.prepare_optimise_weights(opA, b); // Initialise operators let preadjA = opA.preadjoint(); // Initialise iterates let mut μ = DiscreteMeasure::new(); let mut residual = -b; // Statistics let full_stats = |residual : &A::Observable, ν : &RNDM<F, N>, ε, stats| IterInfo { value : residual.norm2_squared_div2() + reg.apply(ν), n_spikes : ν.len(), ε, .. stats }; let mut stats = IterInfo::new(); // Run the algorithm for state in iterator.iter_init(|| full_stats(&residual, &μ, ε, stats.clone())) { let inner_tolerance = ε * config.inner.tolerance_mult; let refinement_tolerance = ε * config.refinement.tolerance_mult; // Calculate smooth part of surrogate model. let mut g = preadjA.apply(residual * (-1.0)); // Find absolute value maximising point let (ξ, v_ξ) = reg.find_insertion(&mut g, refinement_tolerance, config.refinement.max_steps); let inner_it = match config.variant { FWVariant::FullyCorrective => { // No point in optimising the weight here: the finite-dimensional algorithm is fast. μ += DeltaMeasure { x : ξ, α : 0.0 }; stats.inserted += 1; config.inner.iterator_options.stop_target(inner_tolerance) }, FWVariant::Relaxed => { // Perform a relaxed initialisation of μ reg.relaxed_insert(&mut μ, &g, opA, ξ, v_ξ, &findim_data); stats.inserted += 1; // The stop_target is only needed for the type system. AlgIteratorOptions{ max_iter : 1, .. config.inner.iterator_options}.stop_target(0.0) } }; stats.inner_iters += reg.optimise_weights(&mut μ, opA, b, &findim_data, &config.inner, inner_it); // Merge spikes and update residual for next step and `if_verbose` below. let (r, count) = μ.merge_spikes_fitness(config.merging, |μ̃| opA.apply(μ̃) - b, A::Observable::norm2_squared); residual = r; stats.merged += count; // Prune points with zero mass let n_before_prune = μ.len(); μ.prune(); debug_assert!(μ.len() <= n_before_prune); stats.pruned += n_before_prune - μ.len(); stats.this_iters += 1; let iter = state.iteration(); // Give statistics if needed state.if_verbose(|| { plotter.plot_spikes(iter, Some(&g), Option::<&S>::None, &μ); full_stats(&residual, &μ, ε, std::mem::replace(&mut stats, IterInfo::new())) }); // Update tolerance ε = tolerance.update(ε, iter); } // Return final iterate μ }