Fri, 14 Feb 2025 23:16:14 -0500
Add .cargo/config.toml setting for finding GSL on macos.
//! Type definitions and re-exports use numeric_literals::replace_float_literals; use colored::ColoredString; use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}; use alg_tools::iterate::LogRepr; use alg_tools::euclidean::Euclidean; use alg_tools::norms::{Norm, L1}; pub use alg_tools::types::*; pub use alg_tools::loc::Loc; pub use alg_tools::sets::Cube; // use crate::measures::DiscreteMeasure; /// [`Float`] with extra display and string conversion traits such that [`clap`] doesn't choke up. pub trait ClapFloat : Float + std::str::FromStr<Err=std::num::ParseFloatError> + std::fmt::Display {} impl ClapFloat for f32 {} impl ClapFloat for f64 {} /// Structure for storing iteration statistics #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize)] pub struct IterInfo<F : Float, const N : usize> { /// Function value pub value : F, /// Number of spikes pub n_spikes : usize, /// Number of iterations this statistic covers pub this_iters : usize, /// Number of spikes inserted since last IterInfo statistic pub inserted : usize, /// Number of spikes removed by merging since last IterInfo statistic pub merged : usize, /// Number of spikes removed by pruning since last IterInfo statistic pub pruned : usize, /// Number of inner iterations since last IterInfo statistic pub inner_iters : usize, /// Tuple of (transported mass, source mass) pub untransported_fraction : Option<(F, F)>, /// Tuple of (|destination mass - untransported_mass|, transported mass) pub transport_error : Option<(F, F)>, /// Current tolerance pub ε : F, // /// Solve fin.dim problem for this measure to get the optimal `value`. // pub postprocessing : Option<RNDM<F, N>>, } impl<F : Float, const N : usize> IterInfo<F, N> { /// Initialise statistics with zeros. `ε` and `value` are unspecified. pub fn new() -> Self { IterInfo { value : F::NAN, n_spikes : 0, this_iters : 0, merged : 0, inserted : 0, pruned : 0, inner_iters : 0, ε : F::NAN, // postprocessing : None, untransported_fraction : None, transport_error : None, } } } #[replace_float_literals(F::cast_from(literal))] impl<F, const N : usize> LogRepr for IterInfo<F, N> where F : LogRepr + Float { fn logrepr(&self) -> ColoredString { format!("{}\t| N = {}, ε = {:.8}, 𝔼inner_it = {}, 𝔼ins/mer/pru = {}/{}/{}{}{}", self.value.logrepr(), self.n_spikes, self.ε, self.inner_iters as float / self.this_iters.max(1) as float, self.inserted as float / self.this_iters.max(1) as float, self.merged as float / self.this_iters.max(1) as float, self.pruned as float / self.this_iters.max(1) as float, match self.untransported_fraction { None => format!(""), Some((a, b)) => if b > 0.0 { format!(", untransported {:.2}%", 100.0*a/b) } else { format!("") } }, match self.transport_error { None => format!(""), Some((a, b)) => if b > 0.0 { format!(", transport error {:.2}%", 100.0*a/b) } else { format!("") } } ).as_str().into() } } /// Branch and bound refinement settings #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] #[serde(default)] pub struct RefinementSettings<F : Float> { /// Function value tolerance multiplier for bisection tree refinement in /// [`alg_tools::bisection_tree::BTFN::maximise`] and related functions. pub tolerance_mult : F, /// Maximum branch and bound steps pub max_steps : usize, } #[replace_float_literals(F::cast_from(literal))] impl<F : Float> Default for RefinementSettings<F> { fn default() -> Self { RefinementSettings { tolerance_mult : 0.1, max_steps : 50000, } } } /// Data term type #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub enum DataTerm { /// $\\|z\\|\_2^2/2$ L2Squared, /// $\\|z\\|\_1$ L1, } impl DataTerm { /// Calculate the data term value at residual $z=Aμ - b$. pub fn value_at_residual<F : Float, E : Euclidean<F> + Norm<F, L1>>(&self, z : E) -> F { match self { Self::L2Squared => z.norm2_squared_div2(), Self::L1 => z.norm(L1), } } } /// Type for indicating norm-2-squared data fidelity or transport cost. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct L2Squared; /// Trait for indicating that `Self` is Lipschitz with respect to the (semi)norm `D`. pub trait Lipschitz<M> { /// The type of floats type FloatType : Float; /// Returns the Lipschitz factor of `self` with respect to the (semi)norm `D`. fn lipschitz_factor(&self, seminorm : M) -> Option<Self::FloatType>; } /// Trait for norm-bounded functions. pub trait NormBounded<M> { type FloatType : Float; /// Returns a bound on the values of this function object in the `M`-norm. fn norm_bound(&self, m : M) -> Self::FloatType; }