Sat, 01 Feb 2025 16:47:11 -0500
Parameter adjustments
use std::env; use regex::{Regex, Captures}; fn proc<A : AsRef<str>>(re : &str, str : A) -> String { let need_to_escape = Regex::new(r"([_*\\])").unwrap(); Regex::new(re).unwrap().replace_all(str.as_ref(), |caps : &Captures| { format!("{}{}{}", caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), need_to_escape.replace_all(caps.get(2).unwrap().as_str(), "\\$1"), caps.get(3).unwrap().as_str() ) }).to_string() } fn main() { let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); // Since rust is stuck in 80's 7-bit gringo ASCII world, so that rustdoc does not support // markdown KaTeX mathematics, we have to process the README to include horrible horrible // horrible escapes for the math, and then use an vomit-inducingly ugly javasccript // workaround to process the math on the fly. println!(""); let readme = std::fs::read_to_string("") .expect("Error reading README"); // Escape _, *, and \ in equations. let readme_uglified = proc(r"(?m)([^$]\$)([^$]+)(\$[^$])", proc(r"([^$]\$\$)([^$]+)(\$\$[^$])", readme)); // Remove the instructions for building the documentation let readme_cut = Regex::new("## Internals(.*|\n)*") .unwrap() .replace_all(&readme_uglified, ""); std::fs::write(out_dir + "/", readme_cut.as_bytes()) .expect("Error saving uglified README"); }