Thu, 06 Feb 2025 23:52:22 -0500
radon rearrangements
/*! Forward models from discrete measures to observations. */ pub use alg_tools::linops::*; use alg_tools::euclidean::Euclidean; use alg_tools::error::DynError; use alg_tools::instance::Instance; use alg_tools::norms::{NormExponent, L2, Norm}; use crate::types::*; use crate::measures::Radon; pub mod sensor_grid; pub mod bias; /// `ForwardeModel`s are bounded preadjointable linear operators $A ∈ 𝕃(𝒵(Ω); E)$ /// where $𝒵(Ω) ⊂ ℳ(Ω)$ is the space of sums of delta measures, presented by /// [`crate::measures::DiscreteMeasure`], and $E$ is a [`Euclidean`] space. pub trait ForwardModel<Domain : Space, F : Float = f64, E : NormExponent = Radon> : BoundedLinear<Domain, E, L2, F, Codomain=Self::Observable> + GEMV<F, Domain, Self::Observable> + Preadjointable<Domain, Self::Observable> where for<'a> Self::Observable : Instance<Self::Observable>, Domain : Norm<F, E>, { /// The codomain or value space (of “observables”) for this operator. /// It is assumed to be a [`Euclidean`] space, and therefore also (identified with) /// the domain of the preadjoint. type Observable : Euclidean<F, Output=Self::Observable> + AXPY<F> + Space + Clone; /// Write an observable into a file. fn write_observable(&self, b : &Self::Observable, prefix : String) -> DynError; /// Returns a zero observable fn zero_observable(&self) -> Self::Observable; } /// Trait for operators $A$ for which $A_*A$ is bounded by some other operator. pub trait AdjointProductBoundedBy<Domain : Space, D> : Linear<Domain> { type FloatType : Float; /// Return $L$ such that $A_*A ≤ LD$. fn adjoint_product_bound(&self, other : &D) -> Option<Self::FloatType>; } /// Trait for operators $A$ for which $A_*A$ is bounded by a diagonal operator. pub trait AdjointProductPairBoundedBy<Domain : Space, D1, D2> : Linear<Domain> { type FloatType : Float; /// Return $(L, L_z)$ such that $A_*A ≤ (L_1 D_1, L_2 D_2)$. fn adjoint_product_pair_bound(&self, other1 : &D1, other_2 : &D2) -> Option<(Self::FloatType, Self::FloatType)>; } /* /// Trait for [`ForwardModel`]s whose preadjoint has Lipschitz values. pub trait LipschitzValues { type FloatType : Float; /// Return (if one exists) a factor $L$ such that $A_*z$ is $L$-Lipschitz for all /// $z$ in the unit ball. fn value_unit_lipschitz_factor(&self) -> Option<Self::FloatType> { None } /// Return (if one exists) a factor $L$ such that $∇A_*z$ is $L$-Lipschitz for all /// $z$ in the unit ball. fn value_diff_unit_lipschitz_factor(&self) -> Option<Self::FloatType> { None } } */ /// Trait for [`ForwardModel`]s that satisfy bounds on the curvature $𝒦_F$. pub trait BoundedCurvature { type FloatType : Float; /// Returns components for a bound $ℓ_F$ on the curvature /// $$ /// 𝒦_F(μ, γ) = ∫ B_{F'(μ)} dγ + B_F(μ, μ+Δ). /// $$ /// such that $𝒦_F(μ, γ) ≤ ℓ_F ∫ c_2 d|γ|$. fn curvature_bound_components(&self) -> (Option<Self::FloatType>, Option<Self::FloatType>); }