
Mon, 17 Feb 2025 13:51:50 -0500

Tuomo Valkonen <>
Mon, 17 Feb 2025 13:51:50 -0500
changeset 51
parent 49

Update documentation references

Also allow Zed to reindent.

Sensor grid forward model

use nalgebra::base::{DMatrix, DVector};
use numeric_literals::replace_float_literals;
use std::iter::Zip;
use std::ops::RangeFrom;

use alg_tools::bisection_tree::*;
use alg_tools::error::DynError;
use alg_tools::instance::Instance;
use alg_tools::iter::{MapX, Mappable};
use alg_tools::lingrid::*;
pub use alg_tools::linops::*;
use alg_tools::mapping::{DifferentiableMapping, RealMapping};
use alg_tools::maputil::map2;
use alg_tools::nalgebra_support::ToNalgebraRealField;
use alg_tools::norms::{Linfinity, Norm, L1, L2};
use alg_tools::tabledump::write_csv;

use super::{AdjointProductBoundedBy, BoundedCurvature, ForwardModel};
use crate::frank_wolfe::FindimQuadraticModel;
use crate::kernels::{AutoConvolution, BoundedBy, Convolution};
use crate::measures::{DiscreteMeasure, Radon};
use crate::preadjoint_helper::PreadjointHelper;
use crate::seminorms::{ConvolutionOp, SimpleConvolutionKernel};
use crate::types::*;

type RNDM<F, const N: usize> = DiscreteMeasure<Loc<F, N>, F>;

pub type ShiftedSensor<F, S, P, const N: usize> = Shift<Convolution<S, P>, F, N>;

/// Trait for physical convolution models. Has blanket implementation for all cases.
pub trait Spread<F: Float, const N: usize>:
    'static + Clone + Support<F, N> + RealMapping<F, N> + Bounded<F>

impl<F, T, const N: usize> Spread<F, N> for T
    F: Float,
    T: 'static + Clone + Support<F, N> + Bounded<F> + RealMapping<F, N>,

/// Trait for compactly supported sensors. Has blanket implementation for all cases.
pub trait Sensor<F: Float, const N: usize>:
    Spread<F, N> + Norm<F, L1> + Norm<F, Linfinity>

impl<F, T, const N: usize> Sensor<F, N> for T
    F: Float,
    T: Spread<F, N> + Norm<F, L1> + Norm<F, Linfinity>,

pub trait SensorGridBT<F, S, P, const N: usize>:
    Clone + BTImpl<F, N, Data = usize, Agg = Bounds<F>>
    F: Float,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,

impl<F, S, P, T, const N: usize> SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N> for T
    T: Clone + BTImpl<F, N, Data = usize, Agg = Bounds<F>>,
    F: Float,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,

// We need type alias bounds to access associated types
pub type SensorGridBTFN<F, S, P, BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>, const N: usize> =
    BTFN<F, SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>, BT, N>;

/// Sensor grid forward model
pub struct SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize>
    F: Float,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,
    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
    domain: Cube<F, N>,
    sensor_count: [usize; N],
    sensor: S,
    spread: P,
    base_sensor: Convolution<S, P>,
    bt: BT,

impl<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
    F: Float,
    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,
    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>,
    /// Create a new sensor grid.
    /// The parameter `depth` indicates the search depth of the created [`BT`]s
    /// for the adjoint values.
    pub fn new(
        domain: Cube<F, N>,
        sensor_count: [usize; N],
        sensor: S,
        spread: P,
        depth: BT::Depth,
    ) -> Self {
        let base_sensor = Convolution(sensor.clone(), spread.clone());
        let bt = BT::new(domain, depth);
        let mut sensorgrid = SensorGrid {

        for (x, id) in sensorgrid.grid().into_iter().zip(0usize..) {
            let s = sensorgrid.shifted_sensor(x);
  , &s);


impl<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
    F: Float,
    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,
    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
    /// Return the grid of sensor locations.
    pub fn grid(&self) -> LinGrid<F, N> {
        lingrid_centered(&self.domain, &self.sensor_count)

    /// Returns the number of sensors (number of grid points)
    pub fn n_sensors(&self) -> usize {

    /// Constructs a sensor shifted by `x`.
    fn shifted_sensor(&self, x: Loc<F, N>) -> ShiftedSensor<F, S, P, N> {

    fn _zero_observable(&self) -> DVector<F> {

    /// Returns the maximum number of overlapping sensors $N_\psi$.
    pub fn max_overlapping(&self) -> F {
        let w = self.base_sensor.support_hint().width();
        let d = map2(self.domain.width(), &self.sensor_count, |wi, &i| {
            wi / F::cast_from(i)
            .map(|(&wi, &di)| (wi / di).ceil())

impl<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> Mapping<RNDM<F, N>> for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
    F: Float,
    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,
    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
    type Codomain = DVector<F>;

    fn apply<I: Instance<RNDM<F, N>>>(&self, μ: I) -> DVector<F> {
        let mut y = self._zero_observable();
        self.apply_add(&mut y, μ);

impl<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> Linear<RNDM<F, N>> for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
    F: Float,
    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,
    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,

impl<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> GEMV<F, RNDM<F, N>, DVector<F>> for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
    F: Float,
    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,
    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
    fn gemv<I: Instance<RNDM<F, N>>>(&self, y: &mut DVector<F>, α: F, μ: I, β: F) {
        let grid = self.grid();
        if β == 0.0 {
        } else if β != 1.0 {
            *y *= β; // Need to multiply first, as we have to be able to add to y.
        if α == 1.0 {
            self.apply_add(y, μ)
        } else {
            for δ in μ.ref_instance() {
                for &d inδ.x) {
                    let sensor = self.shifted_sensor(grid.entry_linear_unchecked(d));
                    y[d] += sensor.apply(&δ.x) * (α * δ.α);

    fn apply_add<I: Instance<RNDM<F, N>>>(&self, y: &mut DVector<F>, μ: I) {
        let grid = self.grid();
        for δ in μ.ref_instance() {
            for &d inδ.x) {
                let sensor = self.shifted_sensor(grid.entry_linear_unchecked(d));
                y[d] += sensor.apply(&δ.x) * δ.α;

impl<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> BoundedLinear<RNDM<F, N>, Radon, L2, F>
    for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
    F: Float,
    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N, Agg = Bounds<F>>,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,
    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>,
    /// An estimate on the operator norm in $𝕃(ℳ(Ω); ℝ^n)$ with $ℳ(Ω)$ equipped
    /// with the Radon norm, and $ℝ^n$ with the Euclidean norm.
    fn opnorm_bound(&self, _: Radon, _: L2) -> F {
        // With {x_i}_{i=1}^n the grid centres and φ the kernel, we have
        // |Aμ|_2 = sup_{|z|_2 ≤ 1} ⟨z,Αμ⟩ = sup_{|z|_2 ≤ 1} ⟨A^*z|μ⟩
        // ≤ sup_{|z|_2 ≤ 1} |A^*z|_∞ |μ|_ℳ
        // = sup_{|z|_2 ≤ 1} |∑ φ(· - x_i)z_i|_∞ |μ|_ℳ
        // ≤ sup_{|z|_2 ≤ 1} |φ(y)| ∑_{i:th sensor active at y}|z_i| |μ|_ℳ
        //      where the supremum of |∑ φ(· - x_i)z_i|_∞  is reached at y
        // ≤ sup_{|z|_2 ≤ 1} |φ|_∞ √N_ψ |z|_2 |μ|_ℳ
        //      where N_ψ is the maximum number of sensors that overlap, and
        //      |z|_2 is restricted to the active sensors.
        // = |φ|_∞ √N_ψ |μ|_ℳ.
        // Hence
        let n = self.max_overlapping();
        self.base_sensor.bounds().uniform() * n.sqrt()

type SensorGridPreadjoint<'a, A, F, const N: usize> = PreadjointHelper<'a, A, RNDM<F, N>>;

impl<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> Preadjointable<RNDM<F, N>, DVector<F>>
    for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
    F: Float,
    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,
    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>,
    type PreadjointCodomain = BTFN<F, SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>, BT, N>;
    type Preadjoint<'a>
        = SensorGridPreadjoint<'a, Self, F, N>
        Self: 'a;

    fn preadjoint(&self) -> Self::Preadjoint<'_> {

impl<'a, F, S, P, BT, const N : usize> LipschitzValues
for SensorGridPreadjoint<'a, SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>, F, N>
where F : Float,
      BT : SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
      S : Sensor<F, N>,
      P : Spread<F, N>,
      Convolution<S, P> : Spread<F, N> + Lipschitz<L2, FloatType=F> + DifferentiableMapping<Loc<F,N>> + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>,
      for<'b> <Convolution<S, P> as DifferentiableMapping<Loc<F,N>>>::Differential<'b> : Lipschitz<L2, FloatType=F>,

    type FloatType = F;

    fn value_unit_lipschitz_factor(&self) -> Option<F> {
        // The Lipschitz factor of the sensors has to be scaled by the square root of twice
        // the number of overlapping sensors at a single ponit, as Lipschitz estimates involve
        // two points.
        let fw = self.forward_op;
        let n = fw.max_overlapping();
        fw.base_sensor.lipschitz_factor(L2).map(|l| (2.0 * n).sqrt() * l)

    fn value_diff_unit_lipschitz_factor(&self) -> Option<F> {
        // The Lipschitz factor of the sensors has to be scaled by the square root of twice
        // the number of overlapping sensors at a single ponit, as Lipschitz estimates involve
        // two points.
        let fw = self.forward_op;
        let n = fw.max_overlapping();
        fw.base_sensor.diff_ref().lipschitz_factor(L2).map(|l| (2.0 * n).sqrt() * l)

impl<'a, F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> BoundedCurvature for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
    F: Float,
    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,
    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>
        + Lipschitz<L2, FloatType = F>
        + DifferentiableMapping<Loc<F, N>>
        + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>,
    for<'b> <Convolution<S, P> as DifferentiableMapping<Loc<F, N>>>::Differential<'b>:
        Lipschitz<L2, FloatType = F>,
    type FloatType = F;

    /// Returns factors $ℓ_F$ and $Θ²$ such that
    /// $B_{F'(μ)} dγ ≤ ℓ_F c_2$ and $⟨F'(μ)+F'(μ+Δ)|Δ⟩ ≤ Θ²|γ|(c_2)‖γ‖$,
    /// where $Δ=(π_♯^1-π_♯^0)γ$.
    /// See Lemma 3.8, Lemma 5.10, Remark 5.14, and Example 5.15.
    fn curvature_bound_components(&self) -> (Option<Self::FloatType>, Option<Self::FloatType>) {
        let n_ψ = self.max_overlapping();
        let ψ_diff_lip = self.base_sensor.diff_ref().lipschitz_factor(L2);
        let ψ_lip = self.base_sensor.lipschitz_factor(L2);
        let ℓ_F = ψ|l| (2.0 * n_ψ).sqrt() * l);
        let θ2 = ψ|l| 4.0 * n_ψ * l.powi(2));

        (ℓ_F, θ2)

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, const N: usize>
    F: Float,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,
    base_sensor: Convolution<S, P>,
    grid: LinGrid<F, N>,
    weights: DVector<F>,

impl<F, S, P, const N: usize> SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
    F: Float,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,
    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
    fn construct_sensor(&self, id: usize, w: F) -> Weighted<ShiftedSensor<F, S, P, N>, F> {
        let x = self.grid.entry_linear_unchecked(id);

    fn construct_sensor_and_id<'a>(
        &'a self,
        (id, w): (usize, &'a F),
    ) -> (usize, Weighted<ShiftedSensor<F, S, P, N>, F>) {
        (id.into(), self.construct_sensor(id, *w))

impl<F, S, P, const N: usize> SupportGenerator<F, N> for SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
    F: Float,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,
    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
    type Id = usize;
    type SupportType = Weighted<ShiftedSensor<F, S, P, N>, F>;
    type AllDataIter<'a>
        = MapX<
        Zip<RangeFrom<usize>, std::slice::Iter<'a, F>>,
        (Self::Id, Self::SupportType),
        Self: 'a;

    fn support_for(&self, d: Self::Id) -> Self::SupportType {
        self.construct_sensor(d, self.weights[d])

    fn support_count(&self) -> usize {

    fn all_data(&self) -> Self::AllDataIter<'_> {
            .mapX(self, Self::construct_sensor_and_id)

impl<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> ForwardModel<DiscreteMeasure<Loc<F, N>, F>, F>
    for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
    F: Float + ToNalgebraRealField<MixedType = F> + nalgebra::RealField,
    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,
    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>,
    type Observable = DVector<F>;

    fn write_observable(&self, b: &Self::Observable, prefix: String) -> DynError {
        let it = self.grid().into_iter().zip(b.iter()).map(|(x, &v)| (x, v));
        write_csv(it, prefix + ".txt")

    fn zero_observable(&self) -> Self::Observable {

impl<F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> FindimQuadraticModel<Loc<F, N>, F> for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
    F: Float + ToNalgebraRealField<MixedType = F> + nalgebra::RealField,
    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,
    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>,
    fn findim_quadratic_model(
        μ: &DiscreteMeasure<Loc<F, N>, F>,
        b: &Self::Observable,
    ) -> (DMatrix<F::MixedType>, DVector<F::MixedType>) {
        assert_eq!(b.len(), self.n_sensors());
        let mut mA = DMatrix::zeros(self.n_sensors(), μ.len());
        let grid = self.grid();
        for (mut mAcol, δ) in mA.column_iter_mut().zip(μ.iter_spikes()) {
            for &d inδ.x) {
                let sensor = self.shifted_sensor(grid.entry_linear_unchecked(d));
                mAcol[d] += sensor.apply(&δ.x);
        let mAt = mA.transpose();
        (&mAt * mA, &mAt * b)

/// Implements the calculation a factor $L$ such that $A_*A ≤ L 𝒟$ for $A$ the forward model
/// and $𝒟$ a seminorm of suitable form.
/// **This assumes (but does not check) that the sensors are not overlapping.**
impl<F, BT, S, P, K, const N: usize> AdjointProductBoundedBy<RNDM<F, N>, ConvolutionOp<F, K, BT, N>>
    for SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>
    F: Float + nalgebra::RealField + ToNalgebraRealField,
    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,
    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
    K: SimpleConvolutionKernel<F, N>,
    AutoConvolution<P>: BoundedBy<F, K>,
    type FloatType = F;

    fn adjoint_product_bound(&self, seminorm: &ConvolutionOp<F, K, BT, N>) -> Option<F> {
        // Sensors should not take on negative values to allow
        // A_*A to be upper bounded by a simple convolution of `spread`.
        if self.sensor.bounds().lower() < 0.0 {
            return None;

        // Calculate the factor $L_1$ for betwee $ℱ[ψ * ψ] ≤ L_1 ℱ[ρ]$ for $ψ$ the base spread
        // and $ρ$ the kernel of the seminorm.
        let l1 = AutoConvolution(self.spread.clone()).bounding_factor(seminorm.kernel())?;

        // Calculate the factor for transitioning from $A_*A$ to `AutoConvolution<P>`, where A
        // consists of several `Convolution<S, P>` for the physical model `P` and the sensor `S`.
        let l0 = self.sensor.norm(Linfinity) * self.sensor.norm(L1);

        // The final transition factor is:
        Some(l0 * l1)

macro_rules! make_sensorgridsupportgenerator_scalarop_rhs {
    ($trait:ident, $fn:ident, $trait_assign:ident, $fn_assign:ident) => {
        impl<F, S, P, const N: usize> std::ops::$trait_assign<F>
            for SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
            F: Float,
            S: Sensor<F, N>,
            P: Spread<F, N>,
            Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
            fn $fn_assign(&mut self, t: F) {

        impl<F, S, P, const N: usize> std::ops::$trait<F> for SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
            F: Float,
            S: Sensor<F, N>,
            P: Spread<F, N>,
            Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
            type Output = SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>;
            fn $fn(mut self, t: F) -> Self::Output {
                std::ops::$trait_assign::$fn_assign(&mut self.weights, t);

        impl<'a, F, S, P, const N: usize> std::ops::$trait<F>
            for &'a SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
            F: Float,
            S: Sensor<F, N>,
            P: Spread<F, N>,
            Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
            type Output = SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>;
            fn $fn(self, t: F) -> Self::Output {
                SensorGridSupportGenerator {
                    base_sensor: self.base_sensor.clone(),
                    grid: self.grid,
                    weights: (&self.weights).$fn(t),

make_sensorgridsupportgenerator_scalarop_rhs!(Mul, mul, MulAssign, mul_assign);
make_sensorgridsupportgenerator_scalarop_rhs!(Div, div, DivAssign, div_assign);

macro_rules! make_sensorgridsupportgenerator_unaryop {
    ($trait:ident, $fn:ident) => {
        impl<F, S, P, const N: usize> std::ops::$trait for SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
            F: Float,
            S: Sensor<F, N>,
            P: Spread<F, N>,
            Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
            type Output = SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>;
            fn $fn(mut self) -> Self::Output {
                self.weights = self.weights.$fn();

        impl<'a, F, S, P, const N: usize> std::ops::$trait
            for &'a SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>
            F: Float,
            S: Sensor<F, N>,
            P: Spread<F, N>,
            Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N>,
            type Output = SensorGridSupportGenerator<F, S, P, N>;
            fn $fn(self) -> Self::Output {
                SensorGridSupportGenerator {
                    base_sensor: self.base_sensor.clone(),
                    grid: self.grid,
                    weights: (&self.weights).$fn(),

make_sensorgridsupportgenerator_unaryop!(Neg, neg);

impl<'a, F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> Mapping<DVector<F>>
    for PreadjointHelper<'a, SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>, RNDM<F, N>>
    F: Float,
    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,
    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, Bounds<F>, N>,
    type Codomain = SensorGridBTFN<F, S, P, BT, N>;

    fn apply<I: Instance<DVector<F>>>(&self, x: I) -> Self::Codomain {
        let fwd = &self.forward_op;
        let generator = SensorGridSupportGenerator {
            base_sensor: fwd.base_sensor.clone(),
            grid: fwd.grid(),
            weights: x.own(),
        BTFN::new_refresh(&, generator)

impl<'a, F, S, P, BT, const N: usize> Linear<DVector<F>>
    for PreadjointHelper<'a, SensorGrid<F, S, P, BT, N>, RNDM<F, N>>
    F: Float,
    BT: SensorGridBT<F, S, P, N>,
    S: Sensor<F, N>,
    P: Spread<F, N>,
    Convolution<S, P>: Spread<F, N> + LocalAnalysis<F, Bounds<F>, N>,
