
changeset 35
child 37
equal deleted inserted replaced
34:efa60bc4f743 35:b087e3eab191
1 /*!
2 Simple parametric forward model.
3 */
5 use numeric_literals::replace_float_literals;
6 use alg_tools::types::{Float, ClosedAdd};
7 use alg_tools::mapping::Space;
8 use alg_tools::direct_product::Pair;
9 use alg_tools::linops::{Linear, RowOp, ColOp, IdOp, ZeroOp, AXPY};
10 use alg_tools::error::DynError;
11 use alg_tools::norms::{L2, Norm, PairNorm, NormExponent};
12 use crate::types::L2Squared;
13 use crate::measures::RNDM;
14 use super::{ForwardModel, AdjointProductBoundedBy, AdjointProductPairBoundedBy, LipschitzValues};
15 use crate::transport::TransportLipschitz;
17 impl<Domain, F, A, E> ForwardModel<Pair<Domain, A::Observable>, F, PairNorm<E, L2, L2>>
18 for RowOp<A, IdOp<A::Observable>>
19 where
20 E : NormExponent,
21 Domain : Space + Norm<F, E>,
22 F : Float,
23 A::Observable : ClosedAdd + Norm<F, L2> + 'static,
24 A : ForwardModel<Domain, F, E> + 'static
25 {
26 type Observable = A::Observable;
28 fn write_observable(&self, b : &Self::Observable, prefix : String) -> DynError {
29 self.0.write_observable(b, prefix)
30 }
32 /// Returns a zero observable
33 fn zero_observable(&self) -> Self::Observable {
34 self.0.zero_observable()
35 }
36 }
38 #[replace_float_literals(F::cast_from(literal))]
39 impl<Domain, F, A, D, Z> AdjointProductPairBoundedBy<Pair<Domain, Z>, D, IdOp<Z>>
40 for RowOp<A, IdOp<Z>>
41 where
42 Domain : Space,
43 F : Float,
44 Z : Clone + Space + ClosedAdd,
45 A : AdjointProductBoundedBy<Domain, D, FloatType=F, Codomain = Z>,
46 D : Linear<Domain>,
47 A::Codomain : ClosedAdd,
48 {
49 type FloatType = F;
51 fn adjoint_product_pair_bound(&self, d : &D, _ : &IdOp<Z>) -> Option<(F, F)> {
52 self.0.adjoint_product_bound(d).map(|l_0| {
53 // [A_*; B_*][A, B] = [A_*A, A_* B; B_* A, B_* B] ≤ diag(2A_*A, 2B_*B)
54 // ≤ diag(2l_A𝒟_A, 2l_B𝒟_B), where now 𝒟_B=Id and l_B=1.
55 (2.0 * l_0, 2.0)
56 })
57 }
58 }
60 /// This `impl` is bit of an abuse as the codomain of `Apre` is a [`Pair`] of a measure predual,
61 /// to which this `impl` applies, and another space.
62 impl<F, Apre, Z> LipschitzValues
63 for ColOp<Apre, IdOp<Z>>
64 where
65 F : Float,
66 Z : Clone + Space + ClosedAdd,
67 Apre : LipschitzValues<FloatType = F>,
68 {
69 type FloatType = F;
70 /// Return (if one exists) a factor $L$ such that $A_*z$ is $L$-Lipschitz for all
71 /// $z$ in the unit ball.
72 fn value_unit_lipschitz_factor(&self) -> Option<Self::FloatType> {
73 self.0.value_unit_lipschitz_factor()
74 }
76 /// Return (if one exists) a factor $L$ such that $∇A_*z$ is $L$-Lipschitz for all
77 /// $z$ in the unit ball.
78 fn value_diff_unit_lipschitz_factor(&self) -> Option<Self::FloatType> {
79 self.0.value_diff_unit_lipschitz_factor()
80 }
81 }
85 impl<'a, F : Float, Y : Space, XD, const N : usize> TransportLipschitz<L2Squared> for
86 ZeroOp<'a, RNDM<F, N>, XD, Y, F> {
87 type FloatType = F;
89 fn transport_lipschitz_factor(&self, _ : L2Squared) -> Self::FloatType {
90 F::ZERO
91 }
92 }
95 /// TODO: should assume `D` to be positive semi-definite and self-adjoint.
96 #[replace_float_literals(F::cast_from(literal))]
97 impl<'a, F, D, XD, Y, const N : usize> AdjointProductBoundedBy<RNDM<F, N>, D>
98 for ZeroOp<'a, RNDM<F, N>, XD, Y, F>
99 where
100 F : Float,
101 Y : AXPY<F> + Clone,
102 D : Linear<RNDM<F, N>>,
103 {
104 type FloatType = F;
105 /// Return $L$ such that $A_*A ≤ L𝒟$ is bounded by some `other` operator $𝒟$.
106 fn adjoint_product_bound(&self, _ : &D) -> Option<F> {
107 Some(0.0)
108 }
109 }
