Sat, 31 Jul 2004 21:12:01 +0200
trunk: changeset 1692
Call warn_err in memory reservation routines if the allocation fails.
/* * libtu/errorlog.c * * Copyright (c) Tuomo Valkonen 1999-2004. * * You may distribute and modify this library under the terms of either * the Clarified Artistic License or the GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or later. */ #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "util.h" #include "types.h" #include "output.h" #include "misc.h" #include "errorlog.h" static ErrorLog *current_log=NULL; static void add_to_log(ErrorLog *el, const char *message, int l) { if(message==NULL) return; /* Also write to stderr */ fwrite(message, sizeof(char), l, stderr); if(el==NULL) return; if(el->file!=NULL){ el->errors=TRUE; fwrite(message, sizeof(char), l, el->file); return; } if(el->msgs==NULL){ el->msgs=ALLOC_N(char, ERRORLOG_MAX_SIZE); if(el->msgs==NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", prog_execname(), strerror(errno)); return; } el->msgs[0]=0; el->msgs_len=0; } el->errors=TRUE; if(l+el->msgs_len>ERRORLOG_MAX_SIZE-1){ int n=0; if(l<ERRORLOG_MAX_SIZE-1){ n=ERRORLOG_MAX_SIZE-1-l; memmove(el->msgs, el->msgs+el->msgs_len-n, n); } memcpy(el->msgs+n, message+l-(ERRORLOG_MAX_SIZE-1-n), ERRORLOG_MAX_SIZE-1-n); el->msgs[ERRORLOG_MAX_SIZE]='\0'; el->msgs_len=ERRORLOG_MAX_SIZE-1; }else{ memcpy(el->msgs+el->msgs_len, message, l); el->msgs[el->msgs_len+l]='\0'; el->msgs_len+=l; } } static void log_warn_handler(const char *message) { const char *p=strchr(message, '\n'); static int lineno=0; int alternat=0; add_to_log(current_log, lineno==0 ? ">> " : " ", 3); if(p!=NULL){ add_to_log(current_log, message, p-message+1); lineno++; log_warn_handler(p+1); lineno--; return; } add_to_log(current_log, message, strlen(message)); add_to_log(current_log, "\n", 1); } void errorlog_begin_file(ErrorLog *el, FILE *file) { el->msgs=NULL; el->msgs_len=0; el->file=file; el->prev=current_log; el->errors=FALSE; el->old_handler=set_warn_handler(log_warn_handler); current_log=el; } void errorlog_begin(ErrorLog *el) { errorlog_begin_file(el, NULL); } bool errorlog_end(ErrorLog *el) { current_log=el->prev; set_warn_handler(el->old_handler); el->prev=NULL; el->old_handler=NULL; return el->errors; } void errorlog_deinit(ErrorLog *el) { if(el->msgs!=NULL) free(el->msgs); el->msgs=NULL; el->msgs_len=0; el->file=NULL; el->errors=FALSE; }