Sat, 19 Feb 2000 23:23:29 +0100
trunk: changeset 4
- Added include support in config file parser
- Added scatn()
- Fixed remalloczero()
- Fixed is_end() in numparser2.h -- EOF case was missing
/* * libtu/tester3.c * * Copyright (c) Tuomo Valkonen 1999-2000. * * This file is distributed under the terms of the "Artistic License". * See the included file LICENSE for details. */ #include <stdio.h> #include "include/util.h" #include "include/misc.h" #include "include/optparser.h" static const char usage[]= "$u [options]\n" "\n" "Where options are:\n" "\n" " -o, -f, -v, -z, -x\n" "$c \n" "\n"; static ProgInfo proginfo={ "Tester III", "0.1", "foo", "bar", usage }; static OptParserOpt opts[]={ {'o', "opt", OPT_IMM_ARG}, {'f', "file", OPT_CHAINABLE|OPT_NO_DASH|OPT_ARG}, {'v', "view", OPT_CHAINABLE|OPT_NO_DASH}, {'z', "zip", OPT_CHAINABLE|OPT_NO_DASH}, {'x', "extract", OPT_CHAINABLE|OPT_NO_DASH}, {0, NULL, 0} }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt; libtu_init(&argc, argv, &proginfo); optparser_init(argc, argv, opts); while((opt=optparser_get_opt())){ switch(opt){ case 'o': printf("opt: %s\n", optparser_get_arg()); break; case 'f': printf("file: %s\n", optparser_get_arg()); break; case 'v': printf("view\n"); break; case 'z': printf("zip\n"); break; case 'x': printf("extract\n"); break; default: optparser_print_error(); return 1; } } return 0; }