Fri, 24 Jan 2025 13:27:45 +0100
Fix directory creation, as lfs doesn't do all leaves like the old approach.
-- -- Copyright 2007-2008 Savarese Software Research Corporation. -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. -- local function slice(t, start, size) local sz = (size or (#t - start + 1)) local result = { } for i = 1, sz, 1 do result[i] = t[start + i - 1] end return result end local function dual_index(index1, index2) local index1_type = type(index1) if index1_type == "table" then return function(t,k) if index1[k] ~= nil then return index1[k] else return index2[k] end end elseif index1_type == "function" then return function(t,k) local v = index1(t,k) if v ~= nil then return v else return index2[k] end end end end local function merge_index(t1, t2) local mt = getmetatable(t1) if mt ~= nil then if mt.__index ~= nil then mt.__index = dual_index(mt.__index, t2) else mt.__index = t2 end return t1 else return setmetatable(t1, {__index = t2}) end end local function merge_table(t1, t2) local typet1 for k, v in pairs(t2) do typet1 = type(t1[k]) if t1[k] ~= v and type(v) == "table" then if typet1 == "table" then merge_table(t1[k], v) elseif typet1 == "nil" then t1[k] = v end end end return merge_index(t1, t2) end local function import(module_name, environment) return setfenv(package.loaders[2](module_name), environment)() end local function read_all(filename) local file =, "r") local data = ((file and file:read("*a")) or nil) if file then file:close() end return data end return { slice = slice, merge_index = merge_index, merge_table = merge_table, import = import, read_all = read_all }