Update dependencies. Still no updated markdown-it that wouldn't use deprecated punycode. default tip

Fix directory creation, as lfs doesn't do all leaves like the old approach.

Load markdown-it-container

Preliminary breadcrumb support


highlight.js changes update

less verbosity

more ignores

more ignores

enable markdown-it-checkbox

Don't auto-create directories that will be empty

Add ignores

improve regex

Replace local links to .md by corresponding .html on build (markdown-it only).

fix weird nodejs length/index

Support loading TEMPLATE_PATH/katex_config.json.


Use @neilsustc/markdown-it-katex instead of markdown-it-katex.

Attempt markdown-it-texmath instead of markdown-it-katex. draft

Rename path.lua mypath.lua not conflict with other lua path modules.

Destination name creation changes

Document LFS installation

Only parse metadata if starts on first line

Add missing error handler loading

Use markdown-it as default markdown parser.

Add .hgignore

Avoid escape in README

Add title

Remove stray debug message

Support Pandoc rendering

added markdown: true/false meta-tag

Improved CSS for different display sizes

README typofixes etc.

Bitbucket didn't like <...> around email using HTML, so use Unicode

Added a README

Added an example website based on http://tuomov.iki.fi/

Further lua5.3 compatibility fixes

Update markdown; now Lua 5.3 compatible

Convert module stuff to lua 5.3

5.3 updates

Lua 5.2 compatibility hack



(don't know)

Basic directory scanner

Import markdown.lua

(0) tip
