changeset 80
parent 79
child 81
--- a/	Sun Jan 28 11:38:01 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
-# Borgend Backup instance
-import config
-import logging
-import time
-import loggers
-import repository
-import dreamtime
-from enum import IntEnum
-from instance import BorgInstance
-from threading import Thread, Lock, Condition
-from scheduler import TerminableThread
-# State and operation related helper classes
-class State(IntEnum):
-    # State
-    QUEUED=2
-    ACTIVE=3
-class Errors(IntEnum):
-    OK=0
-    BUSY=1
-    OFFLINE=2
-    ERRORS=3
-    def combine(self, other):
-        return max(self, other)
-    def ok(self):
-        return self==self.OK
-    def __str__(self):
-        return _errorstring[self]
-    Errors.OK: 'ok',
-    Errors.BUSY: 'busy',
-    Errors.OFFLINE: 'offline',
-    Errors.ERRORS: 'errors'
-class Operation:
-    CREATE='create'
-    PRUNE='prune'
-    def __init__(self, operation, time, **kwargs):
-        self.operation=operation
-        self.time=time
-        self.detail=kwargs
-    def when(self):
-        return self.time.realtime()
-class Status(Operation):
-    def __init__(self, backup, op=None):
-        if op:
-            super().__init__(op.operation, op.time, **op.detail)
-        else:
-            super().__init__(None, None)
-        self.state=backup.state
-        self.errors=backup.errors
-# Miscellaneous helper routines
-    'CRITICAL': logging.CRITICAL,
-    'ERROR': logging.ERROR,
-    'WARNING': logging.WARNING,
-    'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG,
-    'INFO': logging.INFO
-def translate_loglevel(x):
-    if x in loglevel_translation:
-        return loglevel_translation[x]
-    else:
-        return logging.ERROR
-def safe_get_int(t, x):
-    if x in t:
-        tmp=t[x]
-        if isinstance(tmp, int):
-            return tmp
-    return None
-# The Backup class
-class Backup(TerminableThread):
-    def __decode_config(self, cfg):
-        loc0='Backup %d' % self.identifier
-        self.backup_name=config.check_string(cfg, 'name', 'Name', loc0)
-        logger.debug("Configuring backup '%s'" % self.backup_name)
-        self.logger=logger.getChild(self.backup_name)
-        loc="Backup '%s'" % self.backup_name
-        reponame=config.check_string(cfg, 'repository',
-                                     'Target repository', loc)
-        self.repository=repository.find_repository(reponame)
-        if not self.repository:
-            raise Exception("Repository '%s' not configured" % reponame)
-        self.archive_prefix=config.check_string(cfg, 'archive_prefix',
-                                                'Archive prefix', loc)
-        self.archive_template=config.check_string(cfg, 'archive_template',
-                                                  'Archive template', loc)
-        self.backup_interval=config.check_nonneg_int(cfg, 'backup_interval',
-                                                     'Backup interval', loc,
-                                                     config.defaults['backup_interval'])
-        self.retry_interval=config.check_nonneg_int(cfg, 'retry_interval',
-                                                    'Retry interval', loc,
-                                                    config.defaults['retry_interval'])
-        scheduling=config.check_string(cfg, 'scheduling',
-                                      'Scheduling mode', loc,
-                                      default="dreamtime")
-        if scheduling=="dreamtime":
-            self.timeclass=dreamtime.DreamTime
-        elif scheduling=="realtime":
-            self.timeclass=dreamtime.MonotonicTime
-        elif scheduling=="manual":
-            self.backup_interval=0
-        else:
-            logging.error("Invalid time class '%s' for %s" % (scheduling, loc))
-        self.paths=config.check_nonempty_list_of_strings(cfg, 'paths', 'Paths', loc)
-        self.borg_parameters=config.BorgParameters.from_config(cfg, loc)
-    def __init__(self, identifier, cfg, scheduler):
-        self.identifier=identifier
-        self.__status_update_callback=None
-        self.scheduler=scheduler
-        self.logger=None # setup up in __decode_config once backup name is known
-        self.borg_instance=None
-        self.thread_log=None
-        self.thread_res=None
-        self.current_operation=None
-        self.scheduled_operation=None
-        self.lastrun_when=None
-        self.lastrun_finished=None
-        self.state=State.INACTIVE
-        self.errors=Errors.OK
-        self.timeclass=dreamtime.DreamTime
-        self.__decode_config(cfg)
-        super().__init__(target = self.__main_thread, name = self.backup_name)
-        self.daemon=True
-    def is_running(self):
-        with self._cond:
-            running=self.__is_running_unlocked()
-        return running
-    def __is_running_unlocked(self):
-        running=self.current_operation
-        if not running:
-            # Consistency check
-            assert((not self.borg_instance and not self.thread_log and
-                    not self.thread_res))
-        return running
-    def __block_when_running(self):
-        running=self.is_running()
-        assert(not running)
-    def __log_listener(self):
-        self.logger.debug('Log listener thread waiting for entries')
-        success=True
-        for msg in iter(self.borg_instance.read_log, None):
-            t=msg['type']
-            errormsg=None
-            callback=None
-            if t=='progress_percent':
-                current=safe_get_int(msg, 'current')
-                total=safe_get_int(msg, 'total')
-                if current is not None and total is not None:
-                    with self._cond:
-                        self.current_operation.detail['progress_current']=current
-                        self.current_operation.detail['progress_total']=total
-                        status, callback=self.__status_unlocked()
-            elif t=='archive_progress':
-                original_size=safe_get_int(msg, 'original_size')
-                compressed_size=safe_get_int(msg, 'compressed_size')
-                deduplicated_size=safe_get_int(msg, 'deduplicated_size')
-                if original_size is not None and original_size is not None and deduplicated_size is not None:
-                    with self._cond:
-                        self.current_operation.detail['original_size']=original_size
-                        self.current_operation.detail['compressed_size']=compressed_size
-                        self.current_operation.detail['deduplicated_size']=deduplicated_size
-                        status, callback=self.__status_unlocked()
-            elif t=='progress_message':
-                pass
-            elif t=='file_status':
-                pass
-            elif t=='log_message':
-                if 'levelname' not in msg:
-                    msg['levelname']='ERROR'
-                if 'message' not in msg:
-                    msg['message']='UNKNOWN'
-                if 'name' not in msg:
-                    msg['name']='borg'
-                lvl=translate_loglevel(msg['levelname'])
-                self.logger.log(lvl, msg['name'] + ': ' + msg['message'])
-                if lvl>=logging.ERROR:
-                    errormsg=msg
-                    errors=Errors.ERRORS
-                    if ('msgid' in msg and
-                        (msg['msgid']=='LockTimeout' or # observed in reality
-                         msg['msgid']=='LockErrorT' or # in docs
-                         msg['msgid']=='LockErrorT')): # in docs
-                        errors=Errors.BUSY
-                    with self._cond:
-                        self.errors=self.errors.combine(errors)
-                        status, callback=self.__status_unlocked()
-            else:
-                self.logger.debug('Unrecognised log entry %s' % str(status))
-            if callback:
-                callback(status, errors=errormsg)
-        self.logger.debug('Waiting for borg subprocess to terminate in log thread')
-        self.borg_instance.wait()
-        self.logger.debug('Borg subprocess terminated; terminating log listener thread')
-    def __result_listener(self):
-        self.logger.debug('Result listener thread waiting for result')
-        res=self.borg_instance.read_result()
-        self.logger.debug('Borg result: %s' % str(res))
-        with self._cond:
-            if res is None and self.errors.ok():
-                self.logger.error('No result from borg despite no error in log')
-                self.errors=Errors.ERRORS
-    def __do_launch(self, op, archive_or_repository,
-                    common_params, op_params, paths=[]):
-        inst=BorgInstance(op.operation, archive_or_repository,
-                          common_params, op_params, paths)
-        # Only the Repository object has access to the passphrase
-        self.repository.launch_borg_instance(inst)
-        self.logger.debug('Creating listener threads')
-        t_log=Thread(target=self.__log_listener)
-        t_log.daemon=True
-        t_res=Thread(target=self.__result_listener)
-        t_res.daemon=True
-        self.thread_log=t_log
-        self.thread_res=t_res
-        self.borg_instance=inst
-        self.current_operation=op
-        # Update scheduled time to real starting time to schedule
-        # next run relative to this
-        self.state=State.ACTIVE
-        # Reset error status when starting a new operation
-        self.errors=Errors.OK
-        self.__update_status()
-        t_log.start()
-        t_res.start()
-    def __launch(self, op):
-        self.logger.debug("Launching '%s'" % str(op.operation))
-        params=(config.borg_parameters
-                +self.repository.borg_parameters
-                +self.borg_parameters)
-        if op.operation==Operation.CREATE:
-            archive="%s::%s%s" % (self.repository.location,
-                                  self.archive_prefix,
-                                  self.archive_template)
-            self.__do_launch(op, archive, params.common,
-                             params.create, self.paths)
-        elif op.operation==Operation.PRUNE:
-            self.__do_launch(op, self.repository.location, params.common,
-                             [{'prefix': self.archive_prefix}] + params.create)
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError("Invalid operation '%s'" % str(op.operation))
-    # This must be called with self._cond held.
-    def __launch_and_wait(self):
-        op=self.scheduled_operation
-        if not op:
-            self.logger.debug("Queued operation aborted")
-        else:
-            self.scheduled_operation=None
-            self.__launch(op)
-            self.__wait_finish()
-    def __wait_finish(self):
-        # Wait for main logger thread to terminate, or for us to be terminated
-        while not self.terminate and self.thread_res.is_alive():
-            self._cond.release()
-            self.thread_res.join(JOIN_TIMEOUT)
-            self._cond.acquire()
-        # If terminate has been signalled, let outer termination handler
-        # take care of things (Within this Backup class, it would be cleanest
-        # to raise an exception instead, but in most other places it's better
-        # to just check self._terminate, so we don't complicate things with
-        # an extra exception.)
-        if self._terminate:
-            return
-        self.logger.debug('Waiting for borg and log subprocesses to terminate')
-        self._cond.release()
-        self.thread_log.join()
-        self._cond.acquire()
-        if not self.borg_instance.wait():
-            self.logger.error('Borg subprocess did not terminate')
-            self.errors=self.errors.combine(Errors.ERRORS)
-        if self.current_operation.operation=='create':
-            self.lastrun_when=self.current_operation.time.monotonic()
-            self.lastrun_finished=time.monotonic()
-        self.thread_res=None
-        self.thread_log=None
-        self.borg_instance=None
-        self.current_operation=None
-        self.state=State.INACTIVE
-        self.__update_status()
-    def __main_thread(self):
-        with self._cond:
-            try:
-                while not self._terminate:
-                    assert(not self.current_operation)
-                    self.__main_thread_wait_schedule()
-                    if not self._terminate:
-                        self.__main_thread_queue_and_launch()
-            except Exception as err:
-                self.logger.exception("Error with backup '%s'" % self.backup_name)
-                self.errors=Errors.ERRORS
-            self.state=State.INACTIVE
-            self.scheduled_operation=None
-            # Clean up to terminate: kill borg instance and communication threads
-            if self.borg_instance:
-                self.logger.debug("Terminating a borg instance")
-                self.borg_instance.terminate()
-            # Store threads to use outside lock
-            thread_log=self.thread_log
-            thread_res=self.thread_res
-            self.thread_log=None
-            self.thread_res=None
-        self.logger.debug("Waiting for log and result threads to terminate")
-        if thread_log:
-            thread_log.join()
-        if thread_res:
-            thread_res.join()
-    # Main thread/2. Schedule next operation if there is no manually
-    # requested one
-    def __main_thread_wait_schedule(self):
-        op=None
-        if not self.scheduled_operation:
-            op=self.__next_operation_unlocked()
-        if op:
-  "Scheduling '%s' (detail: %s) in %d seconds [%s]" %
-                             (str(op.operation), op.detail or 'none',
-                              op.time.seconds_to(),
-                              op.time.__class__.__name__))
-            self.scheduled_operation=op
-            self.state=State.SCHEDULED
-            self.__update_status()
-            # Wait under scheduled wait
-            self.scheduler.wait_until(op.time, self._cond, self.backup_name)
-        else:
-            # Nothing scheduled - just wait
-  "Waiting for manual scheduling")
-            self.state=State.INACTIVE
-            self.__update_status()
-            self._cond.wait()
-    # Main thread/3. If there is a scheduled operation (it might have been
-    # changed manually from 'op' created in __main_thread_wait_schedule above),
-    # queue it on the repository, and launch the operation once repository
-    # available
-    def __main_thread_queue_and_launch(self):
-        if self.scheduled_operation:
-            self.logger.debug("Queuing")
-            self.state=State.QUEUED
-            self.__update_status()
-            res=self.repository.queue_action(self._cond,
-                                             action=self.__launch_and_wait,
-                                             name=self.backup_name)
-            if not res and not self._terminate:
-                self.logger.debug("Queueing aborted")
-                self.scheduled_operation=None
-                self.state=State.INACTIVE
-                self.__update_status()
-    def __next_operation_unlocked(self):
-        # TODO: pruning as well
-        if not self.lastrun_finished:
-            initial_interval=self.retry_interval
-            if initial_interval==0:
-                initial_interval=self.backup_interval
-            if initial_interval==0:
-                return None
-            else:
-                tm=self.timeclass.after(initial_interval)
-                return Operation(Operation.CREATE, tm, reason='initial')
-        elif not self.errors.ok():
-            if self.retry_interval==0:
-                return None
-            else:
-                tm=dreamtime.MonotonicTime(self.lastrun_finished+self.retry_interval)
-                return Operation(Operation.CREATE, tm, reason='retry')
-        else:
-            if self.backup_interval==0:
-                return None
-            else:
-                tm=self.timeclass.from_monotonic(self.lastrun_when+self.backup_interval)
-                return Operation(Operation.CREATE, tm)
-    def __status_unlocked(self):
-        callback=self.__status_update_callback
-        if self.current_operation:
-            status=Status(self, self.current_operation)
-        elif self.scheduled_operation:
-            status=Status(self, self.scheduled_operation)
-        else:
-            status=Status(self)
-        return status, callback
-    def __update_status(self):
-        status, callback = self.__status_unlocked()
-        if callback:
-            #self._cond.release()
-            try:
-                callback(status)
-            except Exception:
-                self.logger.exception("Status update error")
-            #finally:
-            #    self._cond.acquire()
-    #
-    # Interface functions
-    #
-    def set_status_update_callback(self, callback):
-        with self._cond:
-            self.__status_update_callback=callback
-    def status(self):
-        with self._cond:
-            res=self.__status_unlocked()
-        return res[0]
-    def create(self):
-        op=Operation(Operation.CREATE,, reason='manual')
-        with self._cond:
-            self.scheduled_operation=op
-            self._cond.notify()
-    def prune(self):
-        op=Operation(Operation.PRUNE,, reason='manual')
-        with self._cond:
-            self.scheduled_operation=op
-            self._cond.notify()
-    # TODO: Decide exact (manual) abort mechanism. Perhaps two stages
-    def abort(self):
-        with self._cond:
-            if self.borg_instance:
-                self.borg_instance.terminate()
