Tue, 31 Dec 2024 23:49:09 -0500
/*! Utilities for mapping over various container types. */ #[cfg(feature = "nightly")] use std::mem::MaybeUninit; use itertools::izip; /// Trait for a fixed-length container type. /// /// Implemented by [`Loc`][crate::loc::Loc] vectors, [`Cube`][crate::sets::Cube]s, /// and basic arrays. pub trait FixedLength<const N : usize> { /// Type of elements of the container. type Elem; /// Type of iterators over the elements of the container. type Iter : Iterator<Item = Self::Elem>; /// Returns an iteartor over the elements of the container. fn fl_iter(self) -> Self::Iter; } /// Trait for a mutable fixed-length container type. pub trait FixedLengthMut<const N : usize> : FixedLength<N> { /// Type of iterators over references to mutable elements of the container. type IterMut<'a> : Iterator<Item=&'a mut Self::Elem> where Self : 'a; /// Returns an iterator over mutable references to elements of the container. fn fl_iter_mut(&mut self) -> Self::IterMut<'_>; } impl<A, const N : usize> FixedLength<N> for [A; N] { type Elem = A; type Iter = std::array::IntoIter<A, N>; #[inline] fn fl_iter(self) -> Self::Iter { self.into_iter() } } impl<A, const N : usize> FixedLengthMut<N> for [A; N] { type IterMut<'a> = std::slice::IterMut<'a, A> where A : 'a; #[inline] fn fl_iter_mut(&mut self) -> Self::IterMut<'_> { self.iter_mut() } } impl<'a, A, const N : usize> FixedLength<N> for &'a [A; N] { type Elem = &'a A; type Iter = std::slice::Iter<'a, A>; #[inline] fn fl_iter(self) -> Self::Iter { self.iter() } } macro_rules! tuple_or_singleton { ($a:ident,) => { $a }; ($($a:ident),+) => { ($($a),+) } } macro_rules! make_mapmany { ($name:ident, $name_indexed:ident, $var0:ident $($var:ident)* ; $etype0:ident $($etype:ident)*, $ctype0:ident $($ctype:ident)*) => { /// Map over [`FixedLength`] container(s), returning an array. #[inline] pub fn $name< $etype0, $($etype,)* $ctype0 : FixedLength<N,Elem=$etype0>, $($ctype : FixedLength<N,Elem=$etype>,)* Res, const N : usize >( $var0 : $ctype0, $($var : $ctype,)* f : impl Fn($etype0, $($etype),*) -> Res ) -> [Res; N] { let zipit = izip!($var0.fl_iter(), $($var.fl_iter()),*); let map = zipit.map(|tuple_or_singleton!($var0, $($var),*)| f($var0, $($var),*)); collect_into_array_unchecked(map) } /// Map over [`FixedLength`] containers(s) and element indices, returning an array. #[inline] pub fn $name_indexed< $etype0, $($etype,)* $ctype0 : FixedLength<N,Elem=$etype0>, $($ctype : FixedLength<N,Elem=$etype>,)* Res, const N : usize >( $var0 : $ctype0, $($var : $ctype,)* f : impl Fn(usize, $etype0, $($etype),*) -> Res ) -> [Res; N] { let zipit = (0..N).zip(izip!($var0.fl_iter(), $($var.fl_iter()),*)); let map = zipit.map(|(i, tuple_or_singleton!($var0, $($var),*))| f(i, $var0, $($var),*)); collect_into_array_unchecked(map) } } } make_mapmany!(map1, map1_indexed, a; A, CA); make_mapmany!(map2, map2_indexed, a b; A B, CA CB); make_mapmany!(map3, map3_indexed, a b c; A B C, CA CB CC); make_mapmany!(map4, map4_indexed, a b c d; A B C D, CA CB CC CD); make_mapmany!(map5, map5_indexed, a b c d e; A B C D E, CA CB CC CD CE); make_mapmany!(map6, map6_indexed, a b c d e f; A B C D E F, CA CB CC CD CE CF); macro_rules! make_mapmany_mut{ ($name:ident, $name_indexed:ident, $var0:ident $($var:ident)* ; $etype0:ident $($etype:ident)*, $ctype0:ident $($ctype:ident)*) => { /// Map over [`FixedLength`] container(s) with mutable references to the first container. #[inline] pub fn $name< $etype0, $($etype,)* $ctype0 : FixedLengthMut<N,Elem=$etype0>, $($ctype : FixedLength<N,Elem=$etype>,)* const N : usize > ( $var0 : &mut $ctype0, $($var : $ctype,)* f : impl Fn(&mut $etype0, $($etype),*) ) { let zipit = izip!($var0.fl_iter_mut(), $($var.fl_iter()),*); zipit.for_each(|tuple_or_singleton!($var0, $($var),*)| f($var0, $($var),*)); } /// Map over [`FixedLength`] container(s) and element indices /// with mutable references to the first container. #[inline] pub fn $name_indexed< $etype0, $($etype,)* $ctype0 : FixedLengthMut<N,Elem=$etype0>, $($ctype : FixedLength<N,Elem=$etype>,)* const N : usize > ( $var0 : &mut $ctype0, $($var : $ctype,)* f : impl Fn(usize, &mut $etype0, $($etype),*) ) { let zipit = (0..N).zip(izip!($var0.fl_iter_mut(), $($var.fl_iter()),*)); zipit.for_each(|(i, tuple_or_singleton!($var0, $($var),*))| f(i, $var0, $($var),*)); } } } make_mapmany_mut!(map1_mut, map1_indexed_mut, a; A, CA); make_mapmany_mut!(map2_mut, map2_indexed_mut, a b; A B, CA CB); make_mapmany_mut!(map3_mut, map3_indexed_mut, a b c; A B C, CA CB CC); make_mapmany_mut!(map4_mut, map4_indexed_mut, a b c d; A B C D, CA CB CC CD); make_mapmany_mut!(map5_mut, map5_indexed_mut, a b c d e; A B C D E, CA CB CC CD CE); make_mapmany_mut!(map6_mut, map6_indexed_mut, a b c d e f; A B C D E F, CA CB CC CD CE CF); /// Initialise an array of length `N` by calling `f` multiple times. #[inline] pub fn array_init<A, F : Fn() -> A, const N : usize>(f : F) -> [A; N] { //[(); N].map(|_| f()) core::array::from_fn(|_| f()) } // /// Initialise an array of length `N` by calling `f` with the index of each element. // #[inline] // pub fn array_gen<A, F : Fn(usize) -> A, const N : usize>(f : F) -> [A; N] { // //[(); N].indexmap(|i, _| f(i)) // core::array::from_fn(f) // } /// Iterator returned by [`foldmap`][FoldMappable::foldmap] applied to an iterator. pub struct FoldMap<I : Iterator<Item=A>, A, B, J : Copy, F : Fn(J, A) -> (J, B)> { iter : I, f : F, j : J, } impl<A, B, I : Iterator<Item=A>, J : Copy, F : Fn(J, A) -> (J, B)> Iterator for FoldMap<I, A, B, J, F> { type Item = B; #[inline] fn next(&mut self) -> Option<B> { self.iter.next().map(|a| { let (jnew, b) = (self.f)(self.j, a); self.j = jnew; b }) } } /// Iterator returned by [`indexmap`][IndexMappable::indexmap] applied to an iterator. pub struct IndexMap<I : Iterator<Item=A>, A, B, F : Fn(usize, A) -> B> { iter : I, f : F, j : usize, } impl<A, B, I : Iterator<Item=A>, F : Fn(usize, A) -> B> Iterator for IndexMap<I, A, B, F> { type Item = B; #[inline] fn next(&mut self) -> Option<B> { self.iter.next().map(|a| { let b = (self.f)(self.j, a); self.j = self.j+1; b }) } } /// Trait for things that can be foldmapped. /// /// `A` is the type of elements of `Self`, and `J` the accumulator type for the folding. pub trait FoldMappable<A, J> : Sized { type Output<B, F> where F : Fn(J, A) -> (J, B); /// Fold and map over `self` with `f`. `j` is the initial accumulator for folding. /// /// The output type depends on the implementation, but will generally have elements of /// type `B`. fn foldmap<B, F : Fn(J, A) -> (J, B)>(self, j : J, f : F) -> Self::Output<B, F>; } /// Trait for things that can be indexmapped. /// /// `A` is the type of elements of `Self`. pub trait IndexMappable<A> : Sized { type Output<B, F> where F : Fn(usize, A) -> B; /// Map over element indices and elements of `self`. /// /// The output type depends on the implementation, but will generally have elements of /// type `B`. fn indexmap<B, F : Fn(usize, A) -> B>(self, f : F) -> Self::Output<B, F>; } impl<'a, A, J : Copy> FoldMappable<&'a A, J> for std::slice::Iter<'a, A> { type Output<B, F> = FoldMap<Self, &'a A, B, J, F> where F : Fn(J, &'a A) -> (J, B); #[inline] fn foldmap<B, F : Fn(J, &'a A) -> (J, B)>(self, j : J, f : F) -> Self::Output<B, F> { FoldMap { iter : self, j, f } } } impl<'a, A> IndexMappable<&'a A> for std::slice::Iter<'a, A> { type Output<B, F> = IndexMap<Self, &'a A, B, F> where F : Fn(usize, &'a A) -> B; #[inline] fn indexmap<B, F : Fn(usize, &'a A) -> B>(self, f : F) -> Self::Output<B, F> { IndexMap { iter : self, j : 0, f } } } impl<A, J : Copy, const N : usize> FoldMappable<A, J> for std::array::IntoIter<A, N> { type Output<B, F> = FoldMap<Self, A, B, J, F> where F : Fn(J, A) -> (J, B); #[inline] fn foldmap<B, F : Fn(J, A) -> (J, B)>(self, j : J, f : F) -> Self::Output<B, F> { FoldMap { iter : self, j, f } } } impl<'a, A, const N : usize> IndexMappable<A> for std::array::IntoIter<A, N> { type Output<B, F> = IndexMap<Self, A, B, F> where F : Fn(usize, A) -> B; #[inline] fn indexmap<B, F : Fn(usize, A) -> B>(self, f : F) -> Self::Output<B, F> { IndexMap { iter : self, j : 0, f } } } impl<A, J : Copy, const N : usize> FoldMappable<A, J> for [A; N] { type Output<B, F> = [B; N] where F : Fn(J, A) -> (J, B); #[inline] fn foldmap<B, F : Fn(J, A) -> (J, B)>(self, j : J, f : F) -> [B; N] { // //let mut res : [MaybeUninit<B>; N] = unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() }; // let mut res = MaybeUninit::uninit_array::<N>(); // for (a, i) in self.into_iter().zip(0..N) { // let (jnew, b) = f(j, a); // unsafe { *(res.get_unchecked_mut(i)) = MaybeUninit::new(b) }; // j = jnew; // } // //unsafe { res.as_mut_ptr().cast::<[B; N]>().read() } // unsafe { MaybeUninit::array_assume_init(res) } let it = self.into_iter().foldmap(j, f); collect_into_array_unchecked(it) } } impl<A, const N : usize> IndexMappable<A> for [A; N] { type Output<B, F> = [B; N] where F : Fn(usize, A) -> B; #[inline] fn indexmap<B, F : Fn(usize, A) -> B>(self, f : F) -> [B; N] { // //let mut res : [MaybeUninit<B>; N] = unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() }; // let mut res = MaybeUninit::uninit_array::<N>(); // for (a, i) in self.into_iter().zip(0..N) { // let b = f(i, a); // unsafe { *(res.get_unchecked_mut(i)) = MaybeUninit::new(b) }; // } // //unsafe { res.as_mut_ptr().cast::<[B; N]>().read() } // unsafe { MaybeUninit::array_assume_init(res) } let it = self.into_iter().indexmap(f); collect_into_array_unchecked(it) } } /// This is taken and simplified from core::array to not involve `ControlFlow`, /// `Try` etc. (Pulling everything including `NeverShortCircuit` turned out /// too much to maintain here.) /// /// Pulls `N` items from `iter` and returns them as an array. If the iterator /// yields fewer than `N` items, `None` is returned and all already yielded /// items are dropped. /// /// Since the iterator is passed as a mutable reference and this function calls /// `next` at most `N` times, the iterator can still be used afterwards to /// retrieve the remaining items. /// /// If `iter.next()` panicks, all items already yielded by the iterator are /// dropped. #[cfg(feature = "nightly")] #[inline] pub(crate) fn collect_into_array_unchecked< T, I : Iterator<Item=T>, const N: usize >(mut iter: I) -> [T; N] { if N == 0 { // SAFETY: An empty array is always inhabited and has no validity invariants. return unsafe { core::mem::zeroed() }; } struct Guard<'a, T, const N: usize> { array_mut: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<T>; N], initialized: usize, } impl<T, const N: usize> Drop for Guard<'_, T, N> { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { debug_assert!(self.initialized <= N); // SAFETY: this slice will contain only initialized objects. unsafe { core::ptr::drop_in_place(MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_mut( &mut self.array_mut.get_unchecked_mut(..self.initialized), )); } } } let mut array = MaybeUninit::uninit_array::<N>(); let mut guard = Guard { array_mut: &mut array, initialized: 0 }; while let Some(item) = iter.next() { // SAFETY: `guard.initialized` starts at 0, is increased by one in the // loop and the loop is aborted once it reaches N (which is // `array.len()`). unsafe { guard.array_mut.get_unchecked_mut(guard.initialized).write(item); } guard.initialized += 1; // Check if the whole array was initialized. if guard.initialized == N { core::mem::forget(guard); // SAFETY: the condition above asserts that all elements are // initialized. let out = unsafe { MaybeUninit::array_assume_init(array) }; return out; } } unreachable!("Something went wrong with iterator length") } #[cfg(not(feature = "nightly"))] #[inline] pub(crate) fn collect_into_array_unchecked< T, I : Iterator<Item=T>, const N: usize >(iter: I) -> [T; N] { match iter.collect::<Vec<T>>().try_into() { Ok(a) => a, Err(_) => panic!("collect_into_array failure: should not happen"), } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn mapx_test() { let a = [0,1,2]; let mut b = [2,1,0]; assert_eq!(map1(a, |x| x+1), [1,2,3]); assert_eq!(map2(a, b, |x, y| x+y), [2,2,2]); assert_eq!(map1_indexed(a, |i, y| y-i), [0,0,0]); map1_indexed_mut(&mut b, |i, y| *y=i); assert_eq!(b, a); } }