Sun, 10 Nov 2024 09:02:57 -0500
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use numeric_literals::replace_float_literals; use std::iter::Sum; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::sync::Arc; use crate::types::Float; use crate::mapping::{Apply, Mapping, Differentiable}; //use crate::linops::{Apply, Linear}; use crate::sets::Set; use crate::sets::Cube; use crate::loc::Loc; use super::support::*; use super::bt::*; use super::refine::*; use super::aggregator::*; use super::either::*; use crate::fe_model::base::RealLocalModel; use crate::fe_model::p2_local_model::*; /// Presentation for (mathematical) functions constructed as a sum of components functions with /// typically small support. /// /// The domain of the function is [`Loc`]`<F, N>`, where `F` is the type of floating point numbers, /// and `N` the dimension. /// /// The `generator` lists the component functions that have to implement [`Support`]. /// Identifiers of the components ([`SupportGenerator::Id`], usually `usize`) are stored stored /// in a [bisection tree][BTImpl], when one is provided as `bt`. However `bt` may also be `()` /// for a [`PreBTFN`] that is only useful for vector space operations with a full [`BTFN`]. #[derive(Clone,Debug)] pub struct BTFN< F : Float, G : SupportGenerator<F, N>, BT /*: BTImpl<F, N>*/, const N : usize > /*where G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, A, N>*/ { bt : BT, generator : Arc<G>, _phantoms : PhantomData<F>, } impl<F : Float, G, BT, const N : usize> BTFN<F, G, BT, N> where G : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=BT::Data>, G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>, BT : BTImpl<F, N> { /// Create a new BTFN from a support generator and a pre-initialised bisection tree. /// /// The bisection tree `bt` should be pre-initialised to correspond to the `generator`. /// Use [`Self::construct`] if no preinitialised tree is available. Use [`Self::new_refresh`] /// when the aggregators of the tree may need updates. /// /// See the documentation for [`BTFN`] on the role of the `generator`. pub fn new(bt : BT, generator : G) -> Self { Self::new_arc(bt, Arc::new(generator)) } fn new_arc(bt : BT, generator : Arc<G>) -> Self { BTFN { bt : bt, generator : generator, _phantoms : std::marker::PhantomData, } } /// Create a new BTFN support generator and a pre-initialised bisection tree, /// cloning the tree and refreshing aggregators. /// /// The bisection tree `bt` should be pre-initialised to correspond to the `generator`, but /// the aggregator may be out of date. /// /// See the documentation for [`BTFN`] on the role of the `generator`. pub fn new_refresh(bt : &BT, generator : G) -> Self { // clone().refresh_aggregator(…) as opposed to convert_aggregator // ensures that type is maintained. Due to Rc-pointer copy-on-write, // the effort is not significantly different. let mut btnew = bt.clone(); btnew.refresh_aggregator(&generator); BTFN::new(btnew, generator) } /// Create a new BTFN from a support generator, domain, and depth for a new [`BT`]. /// /// The top node of the created [`BT`] will have the given `domain`. /// /// See the documentation for [`BTFN`] on the role of the `generator`. pub fn construct(domain : Cube<F, N>, depth : BT::Depth, generator : G) -> Self { Self::construct_arc(domain, depth, Arc::new(generator)) } fn construct_arc(domain : Cube<F, N>, depth : BT::Depth, generator : Arc<G>) -> Self { let mut bt = BT::new(domain, depth); for (d, support) in generator.all_data() { bt.insert(d, &support); } Self::new_arc(bt, generator) } /// Convert the aggregator of the [`BTFN`] to a different one. /// /// This will construct a [`BTFN`] with the same components and generator as the (consumed) /// `self`, but a new `BT` with [`Aggregator`]s of type `ANew`. pub fn convert_aggregator<ANew>(self) -> BTFN<F, G, BT::Converted<ANew>, N> where ANew : Aggregator, G : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=BT::Data>, G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, ANew, N> { BTFN::new_arc(*self.generator), self.generator) } /// Change the generator (after, e.g., a scaling of the latter). fn new_generator(&self, generator : G) -> Self { BTFN::new_refresh(&, generator) } /// Refresh aggregator after updates to generator fn refresh_aggregator(&mut self) {*self.generator); } } impl<F : Float, G, BT, const N : usize> BTFN<F, G, BT, N> where G : SupportGenerator<F, N> { /// Change the [bisection tree][BTImpl] of the [`BTFN`] to a different one. /// /// This can be used to convert a [`PreBTFN`] to a full [`BTFN`], or the change /// the aggreagator; see also [`self.convert_aggregator`]. pub fn instantiate< BTNew : BTImpl<F, N, Data=G::Id>, > (self, domain : Cube<F, N>, depth : BTNew::Depth) -> BTFN<F, G, BTNew, N> where G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BTNew::Agg, N> { BTFN::construct_arc(domain, depth, self.generator) } } /// A BTFN with no bisection tree. /// /// Most BTFN methods are not available, but if a BTFN is going to be summed with another /// before other use, it will be more efficient to not construct an unnecessary bisection tree /// that would be shortly dropped. pub type PreBTFN<F, G, const N : usize> = BTFN<F, G, (), N>; impl<F : Float, G, const N : usize> PreBTFN<F, G, N> where G : SupportGenerator<F, N> { /// Create a new [`PreBTFN`] with no bisection tree. pub fn new_pre(generator : G) -> Self { BTFN { bt : (), generator : Arc::new(generator), _phantoms : std::marker::PhantomData, } } } impl<F : Float, G, BT, const N : usize> BTFN<F, G, BT, N> where G : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=usize>, G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>, BT : BTImpl<F, N, Data=usize> { /// Helper function for implementing [`std::ops::Add`]. fn add_another<G2>(&self, g2 : Arc<G2>) -> BTFN<F, BothGenerators<G, G2>, BT, N> where G2 : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=usize>, G2::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N> { let mut bt =; let both = BothGenerators(Arc::clone(&self.generator), g2); for (d, support) in both.all_right_data() { bt.insert(d, &support); } BTFN { bt : bt, generator : Arc::new(both), _phantoms : std::marker::PhantomData, } } } macro_rules! make_btfn_add { ($lhs:ty, $preprocess:path, $($extra_trait:ident)?) => { impl<'a, F : Float, G1, G2, BT1, BT2, const N : usize> std::ops::Add<BTFN<F, G2, BT2, N>> for $lhs where BT1 : BTImpl<F, N, Data=usize>, G1 : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=usize> + $($extra_trait)?, G2 : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=usize>, G1::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT1::Agg, N>, G2::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT1::Agg, N> { type Output = BTFN<F, BothGenerators<G1, G2>, BT1, N>; #[inline] fn add(self, other : BTFN<F, G2, BT2, N>) -> Self::Output { $preprocess(self).add_another(other.generator) } } impl<'a, 'b, F : Float, G1, G2, BT1, BT2, const N : usize> std::ops::Add<&'b BTFN<F, G2, BT2, N>> for $lhs where BT1 : BTImpl<F, N, Data=usize>, G1 : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=usize> + $($extra_trait)?, G2 : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=usize>, G1::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT1::Agg, N>, G2::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT1::Agg, N> { type Output = BTFN<F, BothGenerators<G1, G2>, BT1, N>; #[inline] fn add(self, other : &'b BTFN<F, G2, BT2, N>) -> Self::Output { $preprocess(self).add_another(other.generator.clone()) } } } } make_btfn_add!(BTFN<F, G1, BT1, N>, std::convert::identity, ); make_btfn_add!(&'a BTFN<F, G1, BT1, N>, Clone::clone, ); macro_rules! make_btfn_sub { ($lhs:ty, $preprocess:path, $($extra_trait:ident)?) => { impl<'a, F : Float, G1, G2, BT1, BT2, const N : usize> std::ops::Sub<BTFN<F, G2, BT2, N>> for $lhs where BT1 : BTImpl<F, N, Data=usize>, G1 : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=usize> + $($extra_trait)?, G2 : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=usize>, G1::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT1::Agg, N>, G2::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT1::Agg, N> { type Output = BTFN<F, BothGenerators<G1, G2>, BT1, N>; #[inline] fn sub(self, other : BTFN<F, G2, BT2, N>) -> Self::Output { $preprocess(self).add_another(Arc::new( Arc::try_unwrap(other.generator) .unwrap_or_else(|arc| (*arc).clone()) .neg() )) } } impl<'a, 'b, F : Float, G1, G2, BT1, BT2, const N : usize> std::ops::Sub<&'b BTFN<F, G2, BT2, N>> for $lhs where BT1 : BTImpl<F, N, Data=usize>, G1 : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=usize> + $($extra_trait)?, G2 : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=usize> + Clone, G1::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT1::Agg, N>, G2::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT1::Agg, N>, &'b G2 : std::ops::Neg<Output=G2> { type Output = BTFN<F, BothGenerators<G1, G2>, BT1, N>; #[inline] fn sub(self, other : &'b BTFN<F, G2, BT2, N>) -> Self::Output { $preprocess(self).add_another(Arc::new((*other.generator).clone().neg())) } } } } make_btfn_sub!(BTFN<F, G1, BT1, N>, std::convert::identity, ); make_btfn_sub!(&'a BTFN<F, G1, BT1, N>, std::convert::identity, ); macro_rules! make_btfn_scalarop_rhs { ($trait:ident, $fn:ident, $trait_assign:ident, $fn_assign:ident) => { impl<F : Float, G, BT, const N : usize> std::ops::$trait_assign<F> for BTFN<F, G, BT, N> where BT : BTImpl<F, N>, G : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=BT::Data>, G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N> { #[inline] fn $fn_assign(&mut self, t : F) { Arc::make_mut(&mut self.generator).$fn_assign(t); self.refresh_aggregator(); } } impl<F : Float, G, BT, const N : usize> std::ops::$trait<F> for BTFN<F, G, BT, N> where BT : BTImpl<F, N>, G : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=BT::Data>, G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N> { type Output = Self; #[inline] fn $fn(mut self, t : F) -> Self::Output { Arc::make_mut(&mut self.generator).$fn_assign(t); self.refresh_aggregator(); self } } impl<'a, F : Float, G, BT, const N : usize> std::ops::$trait<F> for &'a BTFN<F, G, BT, N> where BT : BTImpl<F, N>, G : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=BT::Data>, G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>, &'a G : std::ops::$trait<F,Output=G> { type Output = BTFN<F, G, BT, N>; #[inline] fn $fn(self, t : F) -> Self::Output { self.new_generator(self.generator.$fn(t)) } } } } make_btfn_scalarop_rhs!(Mul, mul, MulAssign, mul_assign); make_btfn_scalarop_rhs!(Div, div, DivAssign, div_assign); macro_rules! make_btfn_scalarop_lhs { ($trait:ident, $fn:ident, $fn_assign:ident, $($f:ident)+) => { $( impl<G, BT, const N : usize> std::ops::$trait<BTFN<$f, G, BT, N>> for $f where BT : BTImpl<$f, N>, G : SupportGenerator<$f, N, Id=BT::Data>, G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<$f, BT::Agg, N> { type Output = BTFN<$f, G, BT, N>; #[inline] fn $fn(self, mut a : BTFN<$f, G, BT, N>) -> Self::Output { Arc::make_mut(&mut a.generator).$fn_assign(self); a.refresh_aggregator(); a } } impl<'a, G, BT, const N : usize> std::ops::$trait<&'a BTFN<$f, G, BT, N>> for $f where BT : BTImpl<$f, N>, G : SupportGenerator<$f, N, Id=BT::Data> + Clone, G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<$f, BT::Agg, N>, // FIXME: This causes compiler overflow /*&'a G : std::ops::$trait<$f,Output=G>*/ { type Output = BTFN<$f, G, BT, N>; #[inline] fn $fn(self, a : &'a BTFN<$f, G, BT, N>) -> Self::Output { let mut tmp = (*a.generator).clone(); tmp.$fn_assign(self); a.new_generator(tmp) // FIXME: Prevented by the compiler overflow above. //a.new_generator(a.generator.$fn(a)) } } )+ } } make_btfn_scalarop_lhs!(Mul, mul, mul_assign, f32 f64); make_btfn_scalarop_lhs!(Div, div, div_assign, f32 f64); macro_rules! make_btfn_unaryop { ($trait:ident, $fn:ident) => { impl<F : Float, G, BT, const N : usize> std::ops::$trait for BTFN<F, G, BT, N> where BT : BTImpl<F, N>, G : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=BT::Data>, G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N> { type Output = Self; #[inline] fn $fn(mut self) -> Self::Output { self.generator = Arc::new(Arc::unwrap_or_clone(self.generator).$fn()); self.refresh_aggregator(); self } } /*impl<'a, F : Float, G, BT, const N : usize> std::ops::$trait for &'a BTFN<F, G, BT, N> where BT : BTImpl<F, N>, G : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=BT::Data>, G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>, &'a G : std::ops::$trait<Output=G> { type Output = BTFN<F, G, BT, N>; #[inline] fn $fn(self) -> Self::Output { self.new_generator(std::ops::$trait::$fn(&self.generator)) } }*/ } } make_btfn_unaryop!(Neg, neg); // // Apply, Mapping, Differentiate // impl<'a, F : Float, G, BT, V, const N : usize> Apply<&'a Loc<F, N>> for BTFN<F, G, BT, N> where BT : BTImpl<F, N>, G : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=BT::Data>, G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N> + Apply<&'a Loc<F, N>, Output = V>, V : Sum { type Output = V; fn apply(&self, x : &'a Loc<F, N>) -> Self::Output { .map(|&d| self.generator.support_for(d).apply(x)).sum() } } impl<F : Float, G, BT, V, const N : usize> Apply<Loc<F, N>> for BTFN<F, G, BT, N> where BT : BTImpl<F, N>, G : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=BT::Data>, G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N> + Apply<Loc<F, N>, Output = V>, V : Sum { type Output = V; fn apply(&self, x : Loc<F, N>) -> Self::Output { .map(|&d| self.generator.support_for(d).apply(x)).sum() } } impl<'a, F : Float, G, BT, V, const N : usize> Differentiable<&'a Loc<F, N>> for BTFN<F, G, BT, N> where BT : BTImpl<F, N>, G : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=BT::Data>, G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N> + Differentiable<&'a Loc<F, N>, Derivative = V>, V : Sum { type Derivative = V; fn differential(&self, x : &'a Loc<F, N>) -> Self::Derivative { .map(|&d| self.generator.support_for(d).differential(x)) .sum() } } impl<F : Float, G, BT, V, const N : usize> Differentiable<Loc<F, N>> for BTFN<F, G, BT, N> where BT : BTImpl<F, N>, G : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=BT::Data>, G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N> + Differentiable<Loc<F, N>, Derivative = V>, V : Sum { type Derivative = V; fn differential(&self, x : Loc<F, N>) -> Self::Derivative { .map(|&d| self.generator.support_for(d).differential(x)) .sum() } } // // GlobalAnalysis // impl<F : Float, G, BT, const N : usize> GlobalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg> for BTFN<F, G, BT, N> where BT : BTImpl<F, N>, G : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=BT::Data>, G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N> { #[inline] fn global_analysis(&self) -> BT::Agg { } } // // Blanket implementation of BTFN as a linear functional over objects // that are linear functionals over BTFN. // /* impl<'b, X, F : Float, G, BT, const N : usize> Apply<&'b X, F> for BTFN<F, G, BT, N> where BT : BTImpl<F, N>, G : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=BT::Data>, G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>, X : for<'a> Apply<&'a BTFN<F, G, BT, N>, F> { #[inline] fn apply(&self, x : &'b X) -> F { x.apply(&self) } } impl<X, F : Float, G, BT, const N : usize> Apply<X, F> for BTFN<F, G, BT, N> where BT : BTImpl<F, N>, G : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=BT::Data>, G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>, X : for<'a> Apply<&'a BTFN<F, G, BT, N>, F> { #[inline] fn apply(&self, x : X) -> F { x.apply(&self) } } impl<X, F : Float, G, BT, const N : usize> Linear<X> for BTFN<F, G, BT, N> where BT : BTImpl<F, N>, G : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=BT::Data>, G::SupportType : LocalAnalysis<F, BT::Agg, N>, X : for<'a> Apply<&'a BTFN<F, G, BT, N>, F> { type Codomain = F; } */ /// Helper trait for performing approximate minimisation using P2 elements. /// /// `U` is the domain, generally [`Loc`]`<F, N>`, and `F` the type of floating point numbers. /// `Self` is generally a set of `U`, for example, [`Cube`]`<F, N>`. pub trait P2Minimise<U, F : Float> : Set<U> { /// Minimise `g` over the set presented by `Self`. /// /// The function returns `(x, v)` where `x` is the minimiser `v` an approximation of `g(x)`. fn p2_minimise<G : Fn(&U) -> F>(&self, g : G) -> (U, F); } impl<F : Float> P2Minimise<Loc<F, 1>, F> for Cube<F, 1> { fn p2_minimise<G : Fn(&Loc<F, 1>) -> F>(&self, g : G) -> (Loc<F, 1>, F) { let interval = Simplex(self.corners()); interval.p2_model(&g).minimise(&interval) } } #[replace_float_literals(F::cast_from(literal))] impl<F : Float> P2Minimise<Loc<F, 2>, F> for Cube<F, 2> { fn p2_minimise<G : Fn(&Loc<F, 2>) -> F>(&self, g : G) -> (Loc<F, 2>, F) { if false { // Split into two triangle (simplex) with separate P2 model in each. // The six nodes of each triangle are the corners and the edges. let [a, b, c, d] = self.corners(); let [va, vb, vc, vd] = [g(&a), g(&b), g(&c), g(&d)]; let ab = midpoint(&a, &b); let bc = midpoint(&b, &c); let ca = midpoint(&c, &a); let cd = midpoint(&c, &d); let da = midpoint(&d, &a); let [vab, vbc, vca, vcd, vda] = [g(&ab), g(&bc), g(&ca), g(&cd), g(&da)]; let s1 = Simplex([a, b, c]); let m1 = P2LocalModel::<F, 2, 3>::new( &[a, b, c, ab, bc, ca], &[va, vb, vc, vab, vbc, vca] ); let r1@(_, v1) = m1.minimise(&s1); let s2 = Simplex([c, d, a]); let m2 = P2LocalModel::<F, 2, 3>::new( &[c, d, a, cd, da, ca], &[vc, vd, va, vcd, vda, vca] ); let r2@(_, v2) = m2.minimise(&s2); if v1 < v2 { r1 } else { r2 } } else { // Single P2 model for the entire cube. let [a, b, c, d] = self.corners(); let [va, vb, vc, vd] = [g(&a), g(&b), g(&c), g(&d)]; let [e, f] = match 'r' { 'm' => [(&a + &b + &c) / 3.0, (&c + &d + &a) / 3.0], 'c' => [midpoint(&a, &b), midpoint(&a, &d)], 'w' => [(&a + &b * 2.0) / 3.0, (&a + &d * 2.0) / 3.0], 'r' => { // Pseudo-randomise edge midpoints let Loc([x, y]) = a; let tmp : f64 = (x+y).as_(); match tmp.to_bits() % 4 { 0 => [midpoint(&a, &b), midpoint(&a, &d)], 1 => [midpoint(&c, &d), midpoint(&a, &d)], 2 => [midpoint(&a, &b), midpoint(&b, &c)], _ => [midpoint(&c, &d), midpoint(&b, &c)], } }, _ => [, (&a + &b) / 2.0], }; let [ve, vf] = [g(&e), g(&f)]; let m1 = P2LocalModel::<F, 2, 3>::new( &[a, b, c, d, e, f], &[va, vb, vc, vd, ve, vf], ); m1.minimise(self) } } } /// Helper type to use [`P2Refiner`] for maximisation. struct RefineMax; /// Helper type to use [`P2Refiner`] for minimisation. struct RefineMin; /// A bisection tree [`Refiner`] for maximising or minimising a [`BTFN`]. /// /// The type parameter `T` should be either [`RefineMax`] or [`RefineMin`]. struct P2Refiner<F : Float, T> { /// The maximum / minimum should be above / below this threshold. /// If the threshold cannot be satisfied, the refiner will return `None`. bound : Option<F>, /// Tolerance for function value estimation. tolerance : F, /// Maximum number of steps to execute the refiner for max_steps : usize, /// Either [`RefineMax`] or [`RefineMin`]. Used only for type system purposes. #[allow(dead_code)] // `how` is just for type system purposes. how : T, } impl<F : Float, G, const N : usize> Refiner<F, Bounds<F>, G, N> for P2Refiner<F, RefineMax> where Cube<F, N> : P2Minimise<Loc<F, N>, F>, G : SupportGenerator<F, N>, G::SupportType : Mapping<Loc<F, N>, Codomain=F> + LocalAnalysis<F, Bounds<F>, N> { type Result = Option<(Loc<F, N>, F)>; type Sorting = UpperBoundSorting<F>; fn refine( &self, aggregator : &Bounds<F>, cube : &Cube<F, N>, data : &[G::Id], generator : &G, step : usize ) -> RefinerResult<Bounds<F>, Self::Result> { if self.bound.map_or(false, |b| aggregator.upper() <= b + self.tolerance) { // The upper bound is below the maximisation threshold. Don't bother with this cube. return RefinerResult::Uncertain(*aggregator, None) } // g gives the negative of the value of the function presented by `data` and `generator`. let g = move |x : &Loc<F, N>| { let f = move |&d| generator.support_for(d).apply(x); -data.iter().map(f).sum::<F>() }; // … so the negative of the minimum is the maximm we want. let (x, _neg_v) = cube.p2_minimise(g); //let v = -neg_v; let v = -g(&x); if step < self.max_steps && (aggregator.upper() > v + self.tolerance /*|| aggregator.lower() > v - self.tolerance*/) { // The function isn't refined enough in `cube`, so return None // to indicate that further subdivision is required. RefinerResult::NeedRefinement } else { // The data is refined enough, so return new hopefully better bounds // and the maximiser. let res = (x, v); let bounds = Bounds(v, v); RefinerResult::Uncertain(bounds, Some(res)) } } fn fuse_results(r1 : &mut Self::Result, r2 : Self::Result) { match (*r1, r2) { (Some((_, v1)), Some((_, v2))) => if v1 < v2 { *r1 = r2 } (None, Some(_)) => *r1 = r2, (_, _) => {}, } } } impl<F : Float, G, const N : usize> Refiner<F, Bounds<F>, G, N> for P2Refiner<F, RefineMin> where Cube<F, N> : P2Minimise<Loc<F, N>, F>, G : SupportGenerator<F, N>, G::SupportType : Mapping<Loc<F, N>, Codomain=F> + LocalAnalysis<F, Bounds<F>, N> { type Result = Option<(Loc<F, N>, F)>; type Sorting = LowerBoundSorting<F>; fn refine( &self, aggregator : &Bounds<F>, cube : &Cube<F, N>, data : &[G::Id], generator : &G, step : usize ) -> RefinerResult<Bounds<F>, Self::Result> { if self.bound.map_or(false, |b| aggregator.lower() >= b - self.tolerance) { // The lower bound is above the minimisation threshold. Don't bother with this cube. return RefinerResult::Uncertain(*aggregator, None) } // g gives the value of the function presented by `data` and `generator`. let g = move |x : &Loc<F, N>| { let f = move |&d| generator.support_for(d).apply(x); data.iter().map(f).sum::<F>() }; // Minimise it. let (x, _v) = cube.p2_minimise(g); let v = g(&x); if step < self.max_steps && (aggregator.lower() < v - self.tolerance /*|| aggregator.upper() < v + self.tolerance*/) { // The function isn't refined enough in `cube`, so return None // to indicate that further subdivision is required. RefinerResult::NeedRefinement } else { // The data is refined enough, so return new hopefully better bounds // and the minimiser. let res = (x, v); let l = aggregator.lower(); let bounds = if l > v { eprintln!("imprecision!"); Bounds(l, l) } else { Bounds(v, v) }; RefinerResult::Uncertain(bounds, Some(res)) } } fn fuse_results(r1 : &mut Self::Result, r2 : Self::Result) { match (*r1, r2) { (Some((_, v1)), Some((_, v2))) => if v1 > v2 { *r1 = r2 } (_, Some(_)) => *r1 = r2, (_, _) => {}, } } } /// A bisection tree [`Refiner`] for checking that a [`BTFN`] is within a stated //// upper or lower bound. /// /// The type parameter `T` should be either [`RefineMax`] for upper bound or [`RefineMin`] /// for lower bound. struct BoundRefiner<F : Float, T> { /// The upper/lower bound to check for bound : F, /// Tolerance for function value estimation. tolerance : F, /// Maximum number of steps to execute the refiner for max_steps : usize, #[allow(dead_code)] // `how` is just for type system purposes. /// Either [`RefineMax`] or [`RefineMin`]. Used only for type system purposes. how : T, } impl<F : Float, G, const N : usize> Refiner<F, Bounds<F>, G, N> for BoundRefiner<F, RefineMax> where G : SupportGenerator<F, N> { type Result = bool; type Sorting = UpperBoundSorting<F>; fn refine( &self, aggregator : &Bounds<F>, _cube : &Cube<F, N>, _data : &[G::Id], _generator : &G, step : usize ) -> RefinerResult<Bounds<F>, Self::Result> { if aggregator.upper() <= self.bound + self.tolerance { // Below upper bound within tolerances. Indicate uncertain success. RefinerResult::Uncertain(*aggregator, true) } else if aggregator.lower() >= self.bound - self.tolerance { // Above upper bound within tolerances. Indicate certain failure. RefinerResult::Certain(false) } else if step < self.max_steps { // No decision possible, but within step bounds - further subdivision is required. RefinerResult::NeedRefinement } else { // No decision possible, but past step bounds RefinerResult::Uncertain(*aggregator, false) } } fn fuse_results(r1 : &mut Self::Result, r2 : Self::Result) { *r1 = *r1 && r2; } } impl<F : Float, G, const N : usize> Refiner<F, Bounds<F>, G, N> for BoundRefiner<F, RefineMin> where G : SupportGenerator<F, N> { type Result = bool; type Sorting = UpperBoundSorting<F>; fn refine( &self, aggregator : &Bounds<F>, _cube : &Cube<F, N>, _data : &[G::Id], _generator : &G, step : usize ) -> RefinerResult<Bounds<F>, Self::Result> { if aggregator.lower() >= self.bound - self.tolerance { // Above lower bound within tolerances. Indicate uncertain success. RefinerResult::Uncertain(*aggregator, true) } else if aggregator.upper() <= self.bound + self.tolerance { // Below lower bound within tolerances. Indicate certain failure. RefinerResult::Certain(false) } else if step < self.max_steps { // No decision possible, but within step bounds - further subdivision is required. RefinerResult::NeedRefinement } else { // No decision possible, but past step bounds RefinerResult::Uncertain(*aggregator, false) } } fn fuse_results(r1 : &mut Self::Result, r2 : Self::Result) { *r1 = *r1 && r2; } } // FIXME: The most likely reason for the “Refiner failure” expectation in the methods below // is numerical inaccuracy: the `glb` maintained in `HeapContainer` (``) becomes bigger // than the *upper bound* of nodes attempted to be inserted into the `heap` in the container. // But the `glb` is there exactly to prevent that. Due to numerical inaccuracy, however, a // newly subdivided node may have lower upper bound than the original lower bound that should // have been above the `glb` since the node was picked from the queue. Due to the subdivision // process, if a node whose lower bound is at the `glb` is picked, all of its refined subnodes // should have lower bound at least the old `glb`, so in a single-threaded situation there should // always be nodes above the `glb` in the queue. In a multi-threaded situation a node below the // `glb` may be picked by some thread. When that happens, that thread inserts no new nodes into // the queue. If the queue empties as a result of that, the thread goes to wait for other threads // to produce results. Since some node had a node whose lower bound was above the `glb`, eventually // there should be a result, or new nodes above the `glb` inserted into the queue. Then the waiting // threads can also continue processing. If, however, numerical inaccuracy destroyes the `glb`, // the queue may run out, and we get “Refiner failure”. impl<F : Float, G, BT, const N : usize> BTFN<F, G, BT, N> where BT : BTSearch<F, N, Agg=Bounds<F>>, G : SupportGenerator<F, N, Id=BT::Data>, G::SupportType : Mapping<Loc<F, N>,Codomain=F> + LocalAnalysis<F, Bounds<F>, N>, Cube<F, N> : P2Minimise<Loc<F, N>, F> { /// Maximise the `BTFN` within stated value `tolerance`. /// /// At most `max_steps` refinement steps are taken. /// Returns the approximate maximiser and the corresponding function value. pub fn maximise(&mut self, tolerance : F, max_steps : usize) -> (Loc<F, N>, F) { let refiner = P2Refiner{ tolerance, max_steps, how : RefineMax, bound : None };, &self.generator).expect("Refiner failure.").unwrap() } /// Maximise the `BTFN` within stated value `tolerance` subject to a lower bound. /// /// At most `max_steps` refinement steps are taken. /// Returns the approximate maximiser and the corresponding function value when one is found /// above the `bound` threshold, otherwise `None`. pub fn maximise_above(&mut self, bound : F, tolerance : F, max_steps : usize) -> Option<(Loc<F, N>, F)> { let refiner = P2Refiner{ tolerance, max_steps, how : RefineMax, bound : Some(bound) };, &self.generator).expect("Refiner failure.") } /// Minimise the `BTFN` within stated value `tolerance`. /// /// At most `max_steps` refinement steps are taken. /// Returns the approximate minimiser and the corresponding function value. pub fn minimise(&mut self, tolerance : F, max_steps : usize) -> (Loc<F, N>, F) { let refiner = P2Refiner{ tolerance, max_steps, how : RefineMin, bound : None };, &self.generator).expect("Refiner failure.").unwrap() } /// Minimise the `BTFN` within stated value `tolerance` subject to a lower bound. /// /// At most `max_steps` refinement steps are taken. /// Returns the approximate minimiser and the corresponding function value when one is found /// above the `bound` threshold, otherwise `None`. pub fn minimise_below(&mut self, bound : F, tolerance : F, max_steps : usize) -> Option<(Loc<F, N>, F)> { let refiner = P2Refiner{ tolerance, max_steps, how : RefineMin, bound : Some(bound) };, &self.generator).expect("Refiner failure.") } /// Verify that the `BTFN` has a given upper `bound` within indicated `tolerance`. /// /// At most `max_steps` refinement steps are taken. pub fn has_upper_bound(&mut self, bound : F, tolerance : F, max_steps : usize) -> bool { let refiner = BoundRefiner{ bound, tolerance, max_steps, how : RefineMax };, &self.generator).expect("Refiner failure.") } /// Verify that the `BTFN` has a given lower `bound` within indicated `tolerance`. /// /// At most `max_steps` refinement steps are taken. pub fn has_lower_bound(&mut self, bound : F, tolerance : F, max_steps : usize) -> bool { let refiner = BoundRefiner{ bound, tolerance, max_steps, how : RefineMin };, &self.generator).expect("Refiner failure.") } }