Sat, 21 Dec 2024 23:32:20 -0500
Move origin stuff to AXPY form Euclidean
/*! Some convex analysis basics */ use std::marker::PhantomData; use crate::types::*; use crate::mapping::{Mapping, Space}; use crate::linops::IdOp; use crate::instance::{Instance, InstanceMut, DecompositionMut}; use crate::norms::*; /// Trait for convex mappings. Has no features, just serves as a constraint /// /// TODO: should constrain `Mapping::Codomain` to implement a partial order, /// but this makes everything complicated with little benefit. pub trait ConvexMapping<Domain : Space, F : Num = f64> : Mapping<Domain, Codomain = F> {} /// Trait for mappings with a Fenchel conjugate /// /// The conjugate type has to implement [`ConvexMapping`], but a `Conjugable` mapping need /// not be convex. pub trait Conjugable<Domain : HasDual<F>, F : Num = f64> : Mapping<Domain> { type Conjugate<'a> : ConvexMapping<Domain::DualSpace, F> where Self : 'a; fn conjugate(&self) -> Self::Conjugate<'_>; } /// Trait for mappings with a Fenchel preconjugate /// /// In contrast to [`Conjugable`], the preconjugate need not implement [`ConvexMapping`], /// but a `Preconjugable` mapping has to be convex. pub trait Preconjugable<Domain, Predual, F : Num = f64> : ConvexMapping<Domain, F> where Domain : Space, Predual : HasDual<F> { type Preconjugate<'a> : Mapping<Predual> where Self : 'a; fn preconjugate(&self) -> Self::Preconjugate<'_>; } /// Trait for mappings with a proximap map /// /// The conjugate type has to implement [`ConvexMapping`], but a `Conjugable` mapping need /// not be convex. pub trait Prox<Domain : Space> : Mapping<Domain> { type Prox<'a> : Mapping<Domain, Codomain=Domain> where Self : 'a; /// Returns a proximal mapping with weight τ fn prox_mapping(&self, τ : Self::Codomain) -> Self::Prox<'_>; /// Calculate the proximal mapping with weight τ fn prox<I : Instance<Domain>>(&self, τ : Self::Codomain, z : I) -> Domain { self.prox_mapping(τ).apply(z) } /// Calculate the proximal mapping with weight τ in-place fn prox_mut<'b>(&self, τ : Self::Codomain, y : &'b mut Domain) where &'b mut Domain : InstanceMut<Domain>, Domain:: Decomp : DecompositionMut<Domain>, for<'a> &'a Domain : Instance<Domain>, { *y = self.prox(τ, &*y); } } pub struct NormConjugate<F : Float, E : NormExponent>(NormMapping<F, E>); impl<Domain, E, F> ConvexMapping<Domain, F> for NormMapping<F, E> where Domain : Space, E : NormExponent, F : Float, Self : Mapping<Domain, Codomain=F> {} impl<F, E, Domain> Mapping<Domain> for NormConjugate<F, E> where Domain : Space + Norm<F, E>, F : Float, E : NormExponent, { type Codomain = F; fn apply<I : Instance<Domain>>(&self, d : I) -> F { if d.eval(|x| x.norm(self.0.exponent)) <= F::ONE { F::ZERO } else { F::INFINITY } } } impl<Domain, E, F> ConvexMapping<Domain, F> for NormConjugate<F, E> where Domain : Space, E : NormExponent, F : Float, Self : Mapping<Domain, Codomain=F> {} impl<E, F, Domain> Conjugable<Domain, F> for NormMapping<F, E> where E : HasDualExponent, F : Float, Domain : HasDual<F> + Norm<F, E> + Space, <Domain as HasDual<F>>::DualSpace : Norm<F, E::DualExp> { type Conjugate<'a> = NormConjugate<F, E::DualExp> where Self : 'a; fn conjugate(&self) -> Self::Conjugate<'_> { NormConjugate(self.exponent.dual_exponent().as_mapping()) } } /// The zero mapping pub struct Zero<Domain : Space, F : Num>(PhantomData<(Domain, F)>); impl<Domain : Space, F : Num> Zero<Domain, F> { pub fn new() -> Self { Zero(PhantomData) } } impl<Domain : Space, F : Num> Mapping<Domain> for Zero<Domain, F> { type Codomain = F; /// Compute the value of `self` at `x`. fn apply<I : Instance<Domain>>(&self, _x : I) -> Self::Codomain { F::ZERO } } impl<Domain : Space, F : Num> ConvexMapping<Domain, F> for Zero<Domain, F> { } impl<Domain : HasDual<F>, F : Float> Conjugable<Domain, F> for Zero<Domain, F> { type Conjugate<'a> = ZeroIndicator<Domain::DualSpace, F> where Self : 'a; #[inline] fn conjugate(&self) -> Self::Conjugate<'_> { ZeroIndicator::new() } } impl<Domain, Predual, F : Float> Preconjugable<Domain, Predual, F> for Zero<Domain, F> where Domain : Space, Predual : HasDual<F> { type Preconjugate<'a> = ZeroIndicator<Predual, F> where Self : 'a; #[inline] fn preconjugate(&self) -> Self::Preconjugate<'_> { ZeroIndicator::new() } } impl<Domain : Space + Clone, F : Num> Prox<Domain> for Zero<Domain, F> { type Prox<'a> = IdOp<Domain> where Self : 'a; #[inline] fn prox_mapping(&self, _τ : Self::Codomain) -> Self::Prox<'_> { IdOp::new() } } /// The zero indicator pub struct ZeroIndicator<Domain : Space, F : Num>(PhantomData<(Domain, F)>); impl<Domain : Space, F : Num> ZeroIndicator<Domain, F> { pub fn new() -> Self { ZeroIndicator(PhantomData) } } impl<Domain : Normed<F>, F : Float> Mapping<Domain> for ZeroIndicator<Domain, F> { type Codomain = F; /// Compute the value of `self` at `x`. fn apply<I : Instance<Domain>>(&self, x : I) -> Self::Codomain { x.eval(|x̃| if x̃.is_zero() { F::ZERO } else { F::INFINITY }) } } impl<Domain : Normed<F>, F : Float> ConvexMapping<Domain, F> for ZeroIndicator<Domain, F> { } impl<Domain : HasDual<F>, F : Float> Conjugable<Domain, F> for ZeroIndicator<Domain, F> { type Conjugate<'a> = Zero<Domain::DualSpace, F> where Self : 'a; #[inline] fn conjugate(&self) -> Self::Conjugate<'_> { Zero::new() } } impl<Domain, Predual, F : Float> Preconjugable<Domain, Predual, F> for ZeroIndicator<Domain, F> where Domain : Normed<F>, Predual : HasDual<F> { type Preconjugate<'a> = Zero<Predual, F> where Self : 'a; #[inline] fn preconjugate(&self) -> Self::Preconjugate<'_> { Zero::new() } }