Tue, 31 Dec 2024 10:57:13 -0500
Incomplete sketch of GEMV apply_add_mul
/*! This module provides an artificial total order of floating point numbers. The [`NaNLeast`]`<F>` container for `F` a [`Float`] puts `F` in an [`Ord`] total order with `NaN` the least element. This allows the numbers to be sorted with `NaN` the “least important” element when looking for the maximum. Thus erroneous computations producing `NaN` can be ignored when there are good results. */ use crate::types::Float; use std::cmp::{PartialOrd,Ord,Ordering,Ordering::*}; /// A container for floating point numbers. /// /// The implementation of [`Ord`] for this type type sorts `NaN` as the least element. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub struct NaNLeast<F : Float>(pub F); impl<F : Float> Ord for NaNLeast<F> { #[inline] fn cmp(&self, NaNLeast(b) : &Self) -> Ordering { let NaNLeast(a) = self; match a.partial_cmp(b) { None => match (a.is_nan(), b.is_nan()) { (true, false) => Less, (false, true) => Greater, _ => Equal // The case (true, true) should not occur! } Some(order) => order } } } impl<F : Float> PartialEq for NaNLeast<F> { #[inline] fn eq(&self, other : &Self) -> bool { self.cmp(other)==Equal } } impl<F : Float> Eq for NaNLeast<F> { } impl<F : Float> PartialOrd for NaNLeast<F> { #[inline] fn partial_cmp(&self, other : &Self) -> Option<Ordering> { Some(self.cmp(other)) } }