Sat, 14 Dec 2024 09:31:27 -0500
Convex analysis basics
/*! Abstract linear operators. */ use numeric_literals::replace_float_literals; use std::marker::PhantomData; use crate::types::*; use serde::Serialize; pub use crate::mapping::Apply; use crate::direct_product::Pair; /// Trait for linear operators on `X`. pub trait Linear<X> : Apply<X, Output=Self::Codomain> + for<'a> Apply<&'a X, Output=Self::Codomain> { type Codomain; } /// Efficient in-place summation. #[replace_float_literals(F::cast_from(literal))] pub trait AXPY<F : Num, X = Self> { /// Computes `y = βy + αx`, where `y` is `Self`. fn axpy(&mut self, α : F, x : &X, β : F); /// Copies `x` to `self`. fn copy_from(&mut self, x : &X) { self.axpy(1.0, x, 0.0) } /// Computes `y = αx`, where `y` is `Self`. fn scale_from(&mut self, α : F, x : &X) { self.axpy(α, x, 0.0) } } /// Efficient in-place application for [`Linear`] operators. #[replace_float_literals(F::cast_from(literal))] pub trait GEMV<F : Num, X, Y = <Self as Linear<X>>::Codomain> : Linear<X> { /// Computes `y = αAx + βy`, where `A` is `Self`. fn gemv(&self, y : &mut Y, α : F, x : &X, β : F); /// Computes `y = Ax`, where `A` is `Self` fn apply_mut(&self, y : &mut Y, x : &X){ self.gemv(y, 1.0, x, 0.0) } /// Computes `y += Ax`, where `A` is `Self` fn apply_add(&self, y : &mut Y, x : &X){ self.gemv(y, 1.0, x, 1.0) } } /// Bounded linear operators pub trait BoundedLinear<X> : Linear<X> { type FloatType : Float; /// A bound on the operator norm $\|A\|$ for the linear operator $A$=`self`. /// This is not expected to be the norm, just any bound on it that can be /// reasonably implemented. fn opnorm_bound(&self) -> Self::FloatType; } // Linear operator application into mutable target. The [`AsRef`] bound // is used to guarantee compatibility with `Yʹ` and `Self::Codomain`; // the former is assumed to be e.g. a view into the latter. /*impl<X,Y,T> Fn(&X) -> Y for T where T : Linear<X,Codomain=Y> { fn call(&self, x : &X) -> Y { self.apply(x) } }*/ /// Trait for forming the adjoint operator of `Self`. pub trait Adjointable<X,Yʹ> : Linear<X> { type AdjointCodomain; type Adjoint<'a> : Linear<Yʹ, Codomain=Self::AdjointCodomain> where Self : 'a; /// Form the adjoint operator of `self`. fn adjoint(&self) -> Self::Adjoint<'_>; /*fn adjoint_apply(&self, y : &Yʹ) -> Self::AdjointCodomain { self.adjoint().apply(y) }*/ } /// Trait for forming a preadjoint of an operator. /// /// For an operator $A$ this is an operator $A\_\*$ /// such that its adjoint $(A\_\*)^\*=A$. The space `X` is the domain of the `Self` /// operator. The space `Ypre` is the predual of its codomain, and should be the /// domain of the adjointed operator. `Self::Preadjoint` should be /// [`Adjointable`]`<'a,Ypre,X>`. pub trait Preadjointable<X,Ypre> : Linear<X> { type PreadjointCodomain; type Preadjoint<'a> : Adjointable<Ypre, X, Codomain=Self::PreadjointCodomain> where Self : 'a; /// Form the preadjoint operator of `self`. fn preadjoint(&self) -> Self::Preadjoint<'_>; } /// Adjointable operators $A: X → Y$ between reflexive spaces $X$ and $Y$. pub trait SimplyAdjointable<X> : Adjointable<X,<Self as Linear<X>>::Codomain> {} impl<'a,X,T> SimplyAdjointable<X> for T where T : Adjointable<X,<Self as Linear<X>>::Codomain> {} /// The identity operator #[derive(Clone,Copy,Debug,Serialize,Eq,PartialEq)] pub struct IdOp<X> (PhantomData<X>); impl<X> IdOp<X> { fn new() -> IdOp<X> { IdOp(PhantomData) } } impl<X> Apply<X> for IdOp<X> { type Output = X; fn apply(&self, x : X) -> X { x } } impl<'a, X> Apply<&'a X> for IdOp<X> where X : Clone { type Output = X; fn apply(&self, x : &'a X) -> X { x.clone() } } impl<X> Linear<X> for IdOp<X> where X : Clone { type Codomain = X; } #[replace_float_literals(F::cast_from(literal))] impl<F : Num, X, Y> GEMV<F, X, Y> for IdOp<X> where Y : AXPY<F, X>, X : Clone { // Computes `y = αAx + βy`, where `A` is `Self`. fn gemv(&self, y : &mut Y, α : F, x : &X, β : F) { y.axpy(α, x, β) } fn apply_mut(&self, y : &mut Y, x : &X){ y.copy_from(x); } } impl<X> BoundedLinear<X> for IdOp<X> where X : Clone { type FloatType = float; fn opnorm_bound(&self) -> float { 1.0 } } impl<X> Adjointable<X,X> for IdOp<X> where X : Clone { type AdjointCodomain=X; type Adjoint<'a> = IdOp<X> where X : 'a; fn adjoint(&self) -> Self::Adjoint<'_> { IdOp::new() } } /// “Row operator” $(S, T)$; $(S, T)(x, y)=Sx + Ty$. pub struct RowOp<S, T>(pub S, pub T); use std::ops::Add; impl<A, B, S, T> Apply<Pair<A, B>> for RowOp<S, T> where S : Apply<A>, T : Apply<B>, S::Output : Add<T::Output> { type Output = <S::Output as Add<T::Output>>::Output; fn apply(&self, Pair(a, b) : Pair<A, B>) -> Self::Output { self.0.apply(a) + self.1.apply(b) } } impl<'a, A, B, S, T> Apply<&'a Pair<A, B>> for RowOp<S, T> where S : Apply<&'a A>, T : Apply<&'a B>, S::Output : Add<T::Output> { type Output = <S::Output as Add<T::Output>>::Output; fn apply(&self, Pair(ref a, ref b) : &'a Pair<A, B>) -> Self::Output { self.0.apply(a) + self.1.apply(b) } } impl<A, B, S, T, D> Linear<Pair<A, B>> for RowOp<S, T> where RowOp<S, T> : Apply<Pair<A, B>, Output=D> + for<'a> Apply<&'a Pair<A, B>, Output=D>, { type Codomain = D; } impl<F, S, T, Y, U, V> GEMV<F, Pair<U, V>, Y> for RowOp<S, T> where S : GEMV<F, U, Y>, T : GEMV<F, V, Y>, F : Num, Self : Linear<Pair<U, V>, Codomain=Y> { fn gemv(&self, y : &mut Y, α : F, x : &Pair<U, V>, β : F) { self.0.gemv(y, α, &x.0, β); self.1.gemv(y, α, &x.1, β); } fn apply_mut(&self, y : &mut Y, x : &Pair<U, V>){ self.0.apply_mut(y, &x.0); self.1.apply_mut(y, &x.1); } /// Computes `y += Ax`, where `A` is `Self` fn apply_add(&self, y : &mut Y, x : &Pair<U, V>){ self.0.apply_add(y, &x.0); self.1.apply_add(y, &x.1); } } /// “Column operator” $(S; T)$; $(S; T)x=(Sx, Tx)$. pub struct ColOp<S, T>(pub S, pub T); impl<A, S, T, O> Apply<A> for ColOp<S, T> where S : for<'a> Apply<&'a A, Output=O>, T : Apply<A>, A : std::borrow::Borrow<A>, { type Output = Pair<O, T::Output>; fn apply(&self, a : A) -> Self::Output { Pair(self.0.apply(a.borrow()), self.1.apply(a)) } } impl<A, S, T, D> Linear<A> for ColOp<S, T> where ColOp<S, T> : Apply<A, Output=D> + for<'a> Apply<&'a A, Output=D>, { type Codomain = D; } impl<F, S, T, A, B, X> GEMV<F, X, Pair<A, B>> for ColOp<S, T> where S : GEMV<F, X, A>, T : GEMV<F, X, B>, F : Num, Self : Linear<X, Codomain=Pair<A, B>> { fn gemv(&self, y : &mut Pair<A, B>, α : F, x : &X, β : F) { self.0.gemv(&mut y.0, α, x, β); self.1.gemv(&mut y.1, α, x, β); } fn apply_mut(&self, y : &mut Pair<A, B>, x : &X){ self.0.apply_mut(&mut y.0, x); self.1.apply_mut(&mut y.1, x); } /// Computes `y += Ax`, where `A` is `Self` fn apply_add(&self, y : &mut Pair<A, B>, x : &X){ self.0.apply_add(&mut y.0, x); self.1.apply_add(&mut y.1, x); } } impl<A, B, Yʹ, R, S, T> Adjointable<Pair<A,B>,Yʹ> for RowOp<S, T> where S : Adjointable<A, Yʹ>, T : Adjointable<B, Yʹ>, Self : Linear<Pair<A, B>>, for<'a> ColOp<S::Adjoint<'a>, T::Adjoint<'a>> : Linear<Yʹ, Codomain=R>, { type AdjointCodomain = R; type Adjoint<'a> = ColOp<S::Adjoint<'a>, T::Adjoint<'a>> where Self : 'a; fn adjoint(&self) -> Self::Adjoint<'_> { ColOp(self.0.adjoint(), self.1.adjoint()) } } impl<A, B, Yʹ, R, S, T> Preadjointable<Pair<A,B>,Yʹ> for RowOp<S, T> where S : Preadjointable<A, Yʹ>, T : Preadjointable<B, Yʹ>, Self : Linear<Pair<A, B>>, for<'a> ColOp<S::Preadjoint<'a>, T::Preadjoint<'a>> : Adjointable<Yʹ, Pair<A,B>, Codomain=R>, { type PreadjointCodomain = R; type Preadjoint<'a> = ColOp<S::Preadjoint<'a>, T::Preadjoint<'a>> where Self : 'a; fn preadjoint(&self) -> Self::Preadjoint<'_> { ColOp(self.0.preadjoint(), self.1.preadjoint()) } } impl<A, Xʹ, Yʹ, R, S, T> Adjointable<A,Pair<Xʹ,Yʹ>> for ColOp<S, T> where S : Adjointable<A, Xʹ>, T : Adjointable<A, Yʹ>, Self : Linear<A>, for<'a> RowOp<S::Adjoint<'a>, T::Adjoint<'a>> : Linear<Pair<Xʹ,Yʹ>, Codomain=R>, { type AdjointCodomain = R; type Adjoint<'a> = RowOp<S::Adjoint<'a>, T::Adjoint<'a>> where Self : 'a; fn adjoint(&self) -> Self::Adjoint<'_> { RowOp(self.0.adjoint(), self.1.adjoint()) } } impl<A, Xʹ, Yʹ, R, S, T> Preadjointable<A,Pair<Xʹ,Yʹ>> for ColOp<S, T> where S : Preadjointable<A, Xʹ>, T : Preadjointable<A, Yʹ>, Self : Linear<A>, for<'a> RowOp<S::Preadjoint<'a>, T::Preadjoint<'a>> : Adjointable<Pair<Xʹ,Yʹ>, A, Codomain=R>, { type PreadjointCodomain = R; type Preadjoint<'a> = RowOp<S::Preadjoint<'a>, T::Preadjoint<'a>> where Self : 'a; fn preadjoint(&self) -> Self::Preadjoint<'_> { RowOp(self.0.preadjoint(), self.1.preadjoint()) } } /// Diagonal operator pub struct DiagOp<S, T>(pub S, pub T); impl<A, B, S, T> Apply<Pair<A, B>> for DiagOp<S, T> where S : Apply<A>, T : Apply<B>, { type Output = Pair<S::Output, T::Output>; fn apply(&self, Pair(a, b) : Pair<A, B>) -> Self::Output { Pair(self.0.apply(a), self.1.apply(b)) } } impl<'a, A, B, S, T> Apply<&'a Pair<A, B>> for DiagOp<S, T> where S : Apply<&'a A>, T : Apply<&'a B>, { type Output = Pair<S::Output, T::Output>; fn apply(&self, Pair(ref a, ref b) : &'a Pair<A, B>) -> Self::Output { Pair(self.0.apply(a), self.1.apply(b)) } } impl<A, B, S, T, D> Linear<Pair<A, B>> for DiagOp<S, T> where DiagOp<S, T> : Apply<Pair<A, B>, Output=D> + for<'a> Apply<&'a Pair<A, B>, Output=D>, { type Codomain = D; } impl<F, S, T, A, B, U, V> GEMV<F, Pair<U, V>, Pair<A, B>> for DiagOp<S, T> where S : GEMV<F, U, A>, T : GEMV<F, V, B>, F : Num, Self : Linear<Pair<U, V>, Codomain=Pair<A, B>> { fn gemv(&self, y : &mut Pair<A, B>, α : F, x : &Pair<U, V>, β : F) { self.0.gemv(&mut y.0, α, &x.0, β); self.1.gemv(&mut y.1, α, &x.1, β); } fn apply_mut(&self, y : &mut Pair<A, B>, x : &Pair<U, V>){ self.0.apply_mut(&mut y.0, &x.0); self.1.apply_mut(&mut y.1, &x.1); } /// Computes `y += Ax`, where `A` is `Self` fn apply_add(&self, y : &mut Pair<A, B>, x : &Pair<U, V>){ self.0.apply_add(&mut y.0, &x.0); self.1.apply_add(&mut y.1, &x.1); } } impl<A, B, Xʹ, Yʹ, R, S, T> Adjointable<Pair<A,B>,Pair<Xʹ,Yʹ>> for DiagOp<S, T> where S : Adjointable<A, Xʹ>, T : Adjointable<B, Yʹ>, Self : Linear<Pair<A, B>>, for<'a> DiagOp<S::Adjoint<'a>, T::Adjoint<'a>> : Linear<Pair<Xʹ,Yʹ>, Codomain=R>, { type AdjointCodomain = R; type Adjoint<'a> = DiagOp<S::Adjoint<'a>, T::Adjoint<'a>> where Self : 'a; fn adjoint(&self) -> Self::Adjoint<'_> { DiagOp(self.0.adjoint(), self.1.adjoint()) } } impl<A, B, Xʹ, Yʹ, R, S, T> Preadjointable<Pair<A,B>,Pair<Xʹ,Yʹ>> for DiagOp<S, T> where S : Preadjointable<A, Xʹ>, T : Preadjointable<B, Yʹ>, Self : Linear<Pair<A, B>>, for<'a> DiagOp<S::Preadjoint<'a>, T::Preadjoint<'a>> : Adjointable<Pair<Xʹ,Yʹ>, Pair<A, B>, Codomain=R>, { type PreadjointCodomain = R; type Preadjoint<'a> = DiagOp<S::Preadjoint<'a>, T::Preadjoint<'a>> where Self : 'a; fn preadjoint(&self) -> Self::Preadjoint<'_> { DiagOp(self.0.preadjoint(), self.1.preadjoint()) } } /// Block operator pub type BlockOp<S11, S12, S21, S22> = ColOp<RowOp<S11, S12>, RowOp<S21, S22>>;