Mon, 22 Apr 2024 09:26:19 +0300
added dummy structs for different flows
__precompile__() module PlotResults ######################## # Load external modules ######################## using DelimitedFiles, CSV, DataFrames using PlotlyJS export fv_plot, ssim_plot, psnr_plot global mystart = 38 global myend = 75 function fv_plot(name :: String, save_plot::Bool=true) save_path = "./img/$(name)256x256_pdps_known_fv_plot.html" ################################################# orig = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() ################################################# directory_path = "./img/" files = readdir(directory_path) filtered_files = filter(file -> startswith(file, "$(name)256x256_pdps_known_proximal") && endswith(file, "0.txt"), files) # Define an array of line styles and colors # line_styles = ["solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "longdash"] line_colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "grey"] for (index,file) in enumerate(filtered_files) filename = directory_path*file #data = readdlm(filename, '\t', skipstart=1) data = CSV.File(filename, delim='\t'; header = 2) |> DataFrame # Extract the columns you want to plot X = Int64.(data[mystart:myend,:iter]) Y = Float64.(data[mystart:myend, :function_value]) #line_style = line_styles[i] line_color = line_colors[index] trace = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x=X, y=Y, mode="lines", hovertemplate="%{x:.0f},%{y:.1f}", line_color=line_color, line_dash="dot", name="proxi") push!(orig, trace) end ##################################################### identity = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() ##################################################### directory_path = "./img/" files = readdir(directory_path) filtered_files = filter(file -> startswith(file, "$(name)256x256_pdps_known_primalonly") && endswith(file, "0.txt"), files) # Define an array of line styles and colors # line_styles = ["solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "longdash"] line_colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "grey"] for (index,file) in enumerate(filtered_files) filename = directory_path*file #data = readdlm(filename, '\t', skipstart=1) data = CSV.File(filename, delim='\t'; header = 2) |> DataFrame # Extract the columns you want to plot X = Int64.(data[mystart:myend,:iter]) Y = Float64.(data[mystart:myend, :function_value]) #line_style = line_styles[i] line_color = line_colors[index] trace = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x=X, y=Y, mode="lines", hovertemplate="%{x:.0f},%{y:.1f}", line_color=line_color, line_dash="dashdot", name="primo") push!(identity, trace) end ##################################################### adhoc = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() ##################################################### directory_path = "./img/" files = readdir(directory_path) filtered_files = filter(file -> startswith(file, "$(name)256x256_pdps_known_greedy") && endswith(file, "0.txt"), files) # Define an array of line styles and colors # line_styles = ["solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "longdash"] line_colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "grey"] for (index,file) in enumerate(filtered_files) filename = directory_path*file #data = readdlm(filename, '\t', skipstart=1) data = CSV.File(filename, delim='\t'; header = 2) |> DataFrame # Extract the columns you want to plot X = Int64.(data[mystart:myend,:iter]) Y = Float64.(data[mystart:myend, :function_value]) #line_style = line_styles[i] line_color = line_colors[index] trace = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x=X, y=Y, mode="lines", hovertemplate="%{x:.0f},%{y:.1f}", line_color=line_color, line_dash="dash", name="greed τ") push!(identity, trace) end ##################################################### rotation = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() ##################################################### directory_path = "./img/" files = readdir(directory_path) filtered_files = filter(file -> startswith(file, "$(name)256x256_pdps_known_rotation") && endswith(file, "0.txt"), files) # Define an array of line styles and colors # line_styles = ["solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "longdash"] line_colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "grey"] for (index,file) in enumerate(filtered_files) filename = directory_path*file #data = readdlm(filename, '\t', skipstart=1) data = CSV.File(filename, delim='\t'; header = 2) |> DataFrame # Extract the columns you want to plot X = Int64.(data[mystart:myend,:iter]) Y = Float64.(data[mystart:myend, :function_value]) #line_style = line_styles[i] line_color = line_colors[index] trace = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x=X, y=Y, mode="lines", hovertemplate="%{x:.0f},%{y:.1f}", line_color=line_color, line_dash="longdashdot", name="rotat") push!(identity, trace) end ##################################################### affine = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() ##################################################### directory_path = "./img/" files = readdir(directory_path) filtered_files = filter(file -> startswith(file, "$(name)256x256_pdps_known_dualscaling") && endswith(file, "0.txt"), files) # Define an array of line styles and colors # line_styles = ["solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "longdash"] line_colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "grey"] for (index,file) in enumerate(filtered_files) filename = directory_path*file #data = readdlm(filename, '\t', skipstart=1) data = CSV.File(filename, delim='\t'; header = 2) |> DataFrame # Extract the columns you want to plot X = Int64.(data[mystart:myend,:iter]) Y = Float64.(data[mystart:myend, :function_value]) #line_style = line_styles[i] line_color = line_colors[index] trace = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x=X, y=Y, mode="lines", hovertemplate="%{x:.0f},%{y:.1f}", line_color=line_color, line_dash="solid", name="dusca") push!(identity, trace) end ##################################################### zerodual = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() ##################################################### directory_path = "./img/" files = readdir(directory_path) filtered_files = filter(file -> startswith(file, "$(name)256x256_pdps_known_zerodual") && endswith(file, "0.txt"), files) # Define an array of line styles and colors # line_styles = ["solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "longdash"] line_colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "grey"] for (index,file) in enumerate(filtered_files) filename = directory_path*file #data = readdlm(filename, '\t', skipstart=1) data = CSV.File(filename, delim='\t'; header = 2) |> DataFrame # Extract the columns you want to plot X = Int64.(data[mystart:myend,:iter]) Y = Float64.(data[mystart:myend, :function_value]) #line_style = line_styles[i] line_color = line_colors[index] trace = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x=X, y=Y, mode="lines", hovertemplate="%{x:.0f},%{y:.1f}", line_color=line_color, line_dash="longdash", name="zerod") push!(identity, trace) end layout = Layout(legend_title_text="Function values") # Set legend title if save_plot && !isempty(save_path) plotlyjs = plot([orig;identity;adhoc;rotation;affine;zerodual],layout) open(save_path, "w") do io PlotlyBase.to_html(io, plotlyjs.plot) end elseif save_plot println("Please provide a valid save path.") end return plot([orig;identity;adhoc;rotation;affine;zerodual],layout) end ######################################################### # FUNCTION FOR SSIM ######################################################### function ssim_plot(name :: String, save_plot::Bool=true) save_path = "./img/$(name)256x256_pdps_known_ssim_plot.html" ################################################# orig = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() ################################################# directory_path = "./img/" files = readdir(directory_path) filtered_files = filter(file -> startswith(file, "$(name)256x256_pdps_known_proximal") && endswith(file, "0.txt"), files) # Define an array of line styles and colors # line_styles = ["solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "longdash"] line_colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "grey"] for (index,file) in enumerate(filtered_files) filename = directory_path*file #data = readdlm(filename, '\t', skipstart=1) data = CSV.File(filename, delim='\t'; header = 2) |> DataFrame # Extract the columns you want to plot X = Int64.(data[mystart:myend,:iter]) Y = Float64.(data[mystart:myend, :ssim]) #line_style = line_styles[i] line_color = line_colors[index] trace = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x=X, y=Y, mode="lines", hovertemplate="%{x:.0f},%{y:.1f}", line_color=line_color, line_dash="dot", name="proxi") push!(orig, trace) end ##################################################### identity = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() ##################################################### directory_path = "./img/" files = readdir(directory_path) filtered_files = filter(file -> startswith(file, "$(name)256x256_pdps_known_primalonly") && endswith(file, "0.txt"), files) # Define an array of line styles and colors # line_styles = ["solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "longdash"] line_colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "grey"] for (index,file) in enumerate(filtered_files) filename = directory_path*file #data = readdlm(filename, '\t', skipstart=1) data = CSV.File(filename, delim='\t'; header = 2) |> DataFrame # Extract the columns you want to plot X = Int64.(data[mystart:myend,:iter]) Y = Float64.(data[mystart:myend, :ssim]) #line_style = line_styles[i] line_color = line_colors[index] trace = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x=X, y=Y, mode="lines", hovertemplate="%{x:.0f},%{y:.1f}", line_color=line_color, line_dash="dashdot", name="primo") push!(identity, trace) end ##################################################### adhoc = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() ##################################################### directory_path = "./img/" files = readdir(directory_path) filtered_files = filter(file -> startswith(file, "$(name)256x256_pdps_known_greedy") && endswith(file, "0.txt"), files) # Define an array of line styles and colors # line_styles = ["solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "longdash"] line_colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "grey"] for (index,file) in enumerate(filtered_files) filename = directory_path*file #data = readdlm(filename, '\t', skipstart=1) data = CSV.File(filename, delim='\t'; header = 2) |> DataFrame # Extract the columns you want to plot X = Int64.(data[mystart:myend,:iter]) Y = Float64.(data[mystart:myend, :ssim]) #line_style = line_styles[i] line_color = line_colors[index] trace = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x=X, y=Y, mode="lines", hovertemplate="%{x:.0f},%{y:.1f}", line_color=line_color, line_dash="dash", name="greed") push!(identity, trace) end ##################################################### rotation = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() ##################################################### directory_path = "./img/" files = readdir(directory_path) filtered_files = filter(file -> startswith(file, "$(name)256x256_pdps_known_rotation") && endswith(file, "0.txt"), files) # Define an array of line styles and colors # line_styles = ["solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "longdash"] line_colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "grey"] for (index,file) in enumerate(filtered_files) filename = directory_path*file #data = readdlm(filename, '\t', skipstart=1) data = CSV.File(filename, delim='\t'; header = 2) |> DataFrame # Extract the columns you want to plot X = Int64.(data[mystart:myend,:iter]) Y = Float64.(data[mystart:myend, :ssim]) #line_style = line_styles[i] line_color = line_colors[index] trace = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x=X, y=Y, mode="lines", hovertemplate="%{x:.0f},%{y:.1f}", line_color=line_color, line_dash="longdashdot", name="rotat") push!(identity, trace) end ##################################################### affine = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() ##################################################### directory_path = "./img/" files = readdir(directory_path) filtered_files = filter(file -> startswith(file, "$(name)256x256_pdps_known_dualscaling") && endswith(file, "0.txt"), files) # Define an array of line styles and colors # line_styles = ["solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "longdash"] line_colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "grey"] for (index,file) in enumerate(filtered_files) filename = directory_path*file #data = readdlm(filename, '\t', skipstart=1) data = CSV.File(filename, delim='\t'; header = 2) |> DataFrame # Extract the columns you want to plot X = Int64.(data[mystart:myend,:iter]) Y = Float64.(data[mystart:myend, :ssim]) #line_style = line_styles[i] line_color = line_colors[index] trace = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x=X, y=Y, mode="lines", hovertemplate="%{x:.0f},%{y:.1f}", line_color=line_color, line_dash="solid", name="dusca") push!(identity, trace) end ##################################################### zerodual = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() ##################################################### directory_path = "./img/" files = readdir(directory_path) filtered_files = filter(file -> startswith(file, "$(name)256x256_pdps_known_zerodual") && endswith(file, "0.txt"), files) # Define an array of line styles and colors # line_styles = ["solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "longdash"] line_colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "grey"] for (index,file) in enumerate(filtered_files) filename = directory_path*file #data = readdlm(filename, '\t', skipstart=1) data = CSV.File(filename, delim='\t'; header = 2) |> DataFrame # Extract the columns you want to plot X = Int64.(data[mystart:myend,:iter]) Y = Float64.(data[mystart:myend, :ssim]) #line_style = line_styles[i] line_color = line_colors[index] trace = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x=X, y=Y, mode="lines", hovertemplate="%{x:.0f},%{y:.1f}", line_color=line_color, line_dash="longdash", name="zerod") push!(identity, trace) end layout = Layout(yaxis_type="log", legend_title_text="SSIM") # Set legend title if save_plot && !isempty(save_path) plotlyjs = plot([orig;identity;adhoc;rotation;affine;zerodual], layout) open(save_path, "w") do io PlotlyBase.to_html(io, plotlyjs.plot) end elseif save_plot println("Please provide a valid save path.") end return plot([orig;identity;adhoc;rotation;affine;zerodual],layout) end ######################################################### # FUNCTION FOR PSNR ######################################################### function psnr_plot(name :: String, save_plot::Bool=true) save_path = "./img/$(name)256x256_pdps_known_psnr_plot.html" ################################################# orig = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() ################################################# directory_path = "./img/" files = readdir(directory_path) filtered_files = filter(file -> startswith(file, "$(name)256x256_pdps_known_proximal") && endswith(file, "0.txt"), files) # Define an array of line styles and colors # line_styles = ["solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "longdash"] line_colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "grey"] for (index,file) in enumerate(filtered_files) filename = directory_path*file #data = readdlm(filename, '\t', skipstart=1) data = CSV.File(filename, delim='\t'; header = 2) |> DataFrame # Extract the columns you want to plot X = Int64.(data[mystart:myend,:iter]) Y = Float64.(data[mystart:myend, :psnr]) #line_style = line_styles[i] line_color = line_colors[index] trace = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x=X, y=Y, mode="lines", hovertemplate="%{x:.0f},%{y:.1f}", line_color=line_color, line_dash="dot", name="proxi") push!(orig, trace) end ##################################################### identity = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() ##################################################### directory_path = "./img/" files = readdir(directory_path) filtered_files = filter(file -> startswith(file, "$(name)256x256_pdps_known_primalonly") && endswith(file, "0.txt"), files) # Define an array of line styles and colors # line_styles = ["solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "longdash"] line_colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "grey"] for (index,file) in enumerate(filtered_files) filename = directory_path*file #data = readdlm(filename, '\t', skipstart=1) data = CSV.File(filename, delim='\t'; header = 2) |> DataFrame # Extract the columns you want to plot X = Int64.(data[mystart:myend,:iter]) Y = Float64.(data[mystart:myend, :psnr]) #line_style = line_styles[i] line_color = line_colors[index] trace = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x=X, y=Y, mode="lines", hovertemplate="%{x:.0f},%{y:.1f}", line_color=line_color, line_dash="dashdot", name="primo") push!(identity, trace) end ##################################################### adhoc = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() ##################################################### directory_path = "./img/" files = readdir(directory_path) filtered_files = filter(file -> startswith(file, "$(name)256x256_pdps_known_greedy") && endswith(file, "0.txt"), files) # Define an array of line styles and colors # line_styles = ["solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "longdash"] line_colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "grey"] for (index,file) in enumerate(filtered_files) filename = directory_path*file #data = readdlm(filename, '\t', skipstart=1) data = CSV.File(filename, delim='\t'; header = 2) |> DataFrame # Extract the columns you want to plot X = Int64.(data[mystart:myend,:iter]) Y = Float64.(data[mystart:myend, :psnr]) #line_style = line_styles[i] line_color = line_colors[index] trace = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x=X, y=Y, mode="lines", hovertemplate="%{x:.0f},%{y:.1f}", line_color=line_color, line_dash="dash", name="greed") push!(identity, trace) end ##################################################### rotation = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() ##################################################### directory_path = "./img/" files = readdir(directory_path) filtered_files = filter(file -> startswith(file, "$(name)256x256_pdps_known_rotation") && endswith(file, "0.txt"), files) # Define an array of line styles and colors # line_styles = ["solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "longdash"] line_colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "grey"] for (index,file) in enumerate(filtered_files) filename = directory_path*file #data = readdlm(filename, '\t', skipstart=1) data = CSV.File(filename, delim='\t'; header = 2) |> DataFrame # Extract the columns you want to plot X = Int64.(data[mystart:myend,:iter]) Y = Float64.(data[mystart:myend, :psnr]) #line_style = line_styles[i] line_color = line_colors[index] trace = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x=X, y=Y, mode="lines", hovertemplate="%{x:.0f},%{y:.1f}", line_color=line_color, line_dash="longdashdot", name="rotat") push!(identity, trace) end ##################################################### affine = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() ##################################################### directory_path = "./img/" files = readdir(directory_path) filtered_files = filter(file -> startswith(file, "$(name)256x256_pdps_known_dualscaling") && endswith(file, "0.txt"), files) # Define an array of line styles and colors # line_styles = ["solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "longdash"] line_colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "grey"] for (index,file) in enumerate(filtered_files) filename = directory_path*file #data = readdlm(filename, '\t', skipstart=1) data = CSV.File(filename, delim='\t'; header = 2) |> DataFrame # Extract the columns you want to plot X = Int64.(data[mystart:myend,:iter]) Y = Float64.(data[mystart:myend, :psnr]) #line_style = line_styles[i] line_color = line_colors[index] trace = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x=X, y=Y, mode="lines", hovertemplate="%{x:.0f},%{y:.1f}", line_color=line_color, line_dash="solid", name="dusca") push!(identity, trace) end ##################################################### zerodual = Vector{GenericTrace{Dict{Symbol, Any}}}() ##################################################### directory_path = "./img/" files = readdir(directory_path) filtered_files = filter(file -> startswith(file, "$(name)256x256_pdps_known_zerodual") && endswith(file, "0.txt"), files) # Define an array of line styles and colors # line_styles = ["solid", "dash", "dot", "dashdot", "longdash"] line_colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "grey"] for (index,file) in enumerate(filtered_files) filename = directory_path*file #data = readdlm(filename, '\t', skipstart=1) data = CSV.File(filename, delim='\t'; header = 2) |> DataFrame # Extract the columns you want to plot X = Int64.(data[mystart:myend,:iter]) Y = Float64.(data[mystart:myend, :psnr]) #line_style = line_styles[i] line_color = line_colors[index] trace = PlotlyJS.scatter(;x=X, y=Y, mode="lines", hovertemplate="%{x:.0f},%{y:.1f}", line_color=line_color, line_dash="longdash", name="zerod") push!(identity, trace) end layout = Layout(yaxis_type="log", legend_title_text="PSNR") # Set legend title if save_plot && !isempty(save_path) plotlyjs = plot([orig;identity;adhoc;rotation;affine; zerodual], layout) open(save_path, "w") do io PlotlyBase.to_html(io, plotlyjs.plot) end elseif save_plot println("Please provide a valid save path.") end return plot([orig;identity;adhoc;rotation;affine;zerodual],layout) end end # Module