Fri, 05 Jul 2024 10:59:21 -0500
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################## # Experiment running and interactive visualisation ################## module Run import GR using Setfield using Printf using ImageQualityIndexes: assess_psnr, assess_ssim using FileIO #using JLD2 using DelimitedFiles using AlgTools.Util using AlgTools.StructTools using AlgTools.LinkedLists using AlgTools.Comms using ImageTools.Visualise: secs_ns, grayimg, do_visualise using ..ImGenerate using ..OpticalFlow: identifier, DisplacementFull, DisplacementConstant export run_experiments, Experiment, State, LogEntry, LogEntryHiFi ################ # Experiment ################ struct Experiment mod :: Module DisplacementT :: Type imgen :: ImGen params :: NamedTuple end function, e::Experiment) displacementname(::Type{DisplacementFull}) = "DisplacementFull" displacementname(::Type{DisplacementConstant}) = "DisplacementConstant" print(io, " mod: $(e.mod) DisplacementT: $(displacementname(e.DisplacementT)) imgen: $( $(e.imgen.dim[1])×$(e.imgen.dim[2]) params: $(e.params ⬿ (kernel = "(not shown)",)) ") end ################ # Log ################ struct LogEntry <: IterableStruct iter :: Int time :: Float64 function_value :: Float64 #v_cumul_true_y :: Float64 #v_cumul_true_x :: Float64 #v_cumul_est_y :: Float64 #v_cumul_est_x :: Float64 psnr :: Float64 ssim :: Float64 #psnr_data :: Float64 #ssim_data :: Float64 end struct LogEntryHiFi <: IterableStruct iter :: Int v_cumul_true_y :: Float64 v_cumul_true_x :: Float64 end ############### # Main routine ############### struct State vis :: Union{Channel,Bool,Nothing} start_time :: Union{Real,Nothing} wasted_time :: Real log :: LinkedList{LogEntry} log_hifi :: LinkedList{LogEntryHiFi} aborted :: Bool end function name(e::Experiment, p) ig = e.imgen id = if haskey(p, :predictor) && ~isnothing(p.predictor) identifier(p.predictor) else e.mod.identifier end if haskey(p, :variant) id *= "_" * p.variant end # return "$($(e.mod.identifier)_$(@sprintf "%x" hash(p))" return "$($(id)_$(Int64(100*p.α))_$(Int64(10000*p.σ₀))_$(Int64(10000*p.τ₀))" end function write_tex(texfile, e_params) open(texfile, "w") do io wp = (n, v) -> println(io, "\\def\\EXPPARAM$(n){$(v)}") wf = (n, s) -> if isdefined(e_params, s) wp(n, getfield(e_params, s)) end wf("alpha", :α) wf("sigmazero", :σ₀) wf("tauzero", :τ₀) wf("tildetauzero", :τ̃₀) wf("delta", :δ) wf("lambda", :λ) wf("theta", :θ) wf("maxiter", :maxiter) wf("noiselevel", :noise_level) wf("shakenoiselevel", :shake_noise_level) wf("shake", :shake) wf("timestep", :timestep) wf("displacementcount", :displacementcount) wf("phantomrho", :phantom_ρ) if isdefined(e_params, :σ₀) wp("sigma", (e_params.σ₀ == 1 ? "" : "$(e_params.σ₀)") * "\\sigma_{\\max}") end end end function run_experiments(;visualise=true, visfn = iterate_visualise, datatype = OnlineData, recalculate=true, experiments, save_prefix="", fullscreen=false, kwargs...) # Create visualisation if visualise rc = Channel(1) visproc = Threads.@spawn bg_visualise_enhanced(rc, fullscreen=fullscreen) bind(rc, visproc) vis = rc else vis = false end # Run all experiments for e ∈ experiments # Parameters for this experiment e_params = e.params ⬿ kwargs ename = name(e, e_params) e_params = e_params ⬿ (save_prefix = save_prefix * ename, dynrange = e.imgen.dynrange, Λ = e.imgen.Λ) if recalculate || !isfile(e_params.save_prefix * ".txt") println("Running experiment \"$(ename)\"") # Start data generation task datachannel = Channel{datatype{e.DisplacementT}}(2) gentask = Threads.@spawn e.imgen.f(e.DisplacementT, datachannel, e_params) bind(datachannel, gentask) # Run algorithm iterate = curry(visfn, datachannel, State(vis, nothing, 0.0, nothing, nothing, false)) x, y, st = e.mod.solve(e.DisplacementT; dim=e.imgen.dim, iterate=iterate, params=e_params) # Clear non-saveable things st = @set st.vis = nothing println("Wasted_time: $(st.wasted_time)s") if e_params.save_results println("Saving " * e_params.save_prefix * "(.txt,_hifi.txt,_params.tex)") perffile = e_params.save_prefix * ".txt" hififile = e_params.save_prefix * "_hifi.txt" texfile = e_params.save_prefix * "_params.tex" # datafile = e_params.save_prefix * ".jld2" write_log(perffile, st.log, "# params = $(e_params)\n") #write_log(hififile, st.log_hifi, "# params = $(e_params)\n") #write_tex(texfile, e_params) # @save datafile x y st params end close(datachannel) wait(gentask) if st.aborted break end else println("Skipping already computed experiment \"$(ename)\"") # texfile = e_params.save_prefix * "_params.tex" # write_tex(texfile, e_params) end end if visualise # Tell subprocess to finish, and wait put!(rc, nothing) close(rc) wait(visproc) end return end ###################################################### # Iterator that does visualisation and log collection ###################################################### function iterate_visualise(datachannel::Channel{OnlineData{DisplacementT}}, st :: State, step :: Function, params :: NamedTuple) where DisplacementT try sc = nothing d = take!(datachannel) for iter=1:params.maxiter dnext = take!(datachannel) st = step(d.b_noisy, d.v, dnext.b_noisy) do calc_objective stn = st if isnothing(stn.start_time) # The Julia precompiler is a miserable joke, apparently not crossing module # boundaries, so only start timing after the first iteration. stn = @set stn.start_time=secs_ns() end verb = params.verbose_iter!=0 && mod(iter, params.verbose_iter) == 0 # Normalise movement to image dimensions so # our TikZ plotting code doesn't need to know # the image pixel size. sc = 1.0./maximum(size(d.b_true)) if verb || iter ≤ 20 || (iter ≤ 200 && mod(iter, 10) == 0) verb_start = secs_ns() tm = verb_start - stn.start_time - stn.wasted_time value, x, v, vhist = calc_objective() entry = LogEntry(iter, tm, value, #sc*d.v_cumul_true[1], #sc*d.v_cumul_true[2], #sc*v[1], sc*v[2], assess_psnr(x, d.b_true), assess_ssim(x, d.b_true), #assess_psnr(d.b_noisy, d.b_true), #assess_ssim(d.b_noisy, d.b_true) ) # (**) Collect a singly-linked list of log to avoid array resizing # while iterating stn = @set stn.log=LinkedListEntry(entry, stn.log) if !isnothing(vhist) vhist=vhist.*sc end if verb @printf("%d/%d J=%f, PSNR=%f, SSIM=%f, avg. FPS=%f\n", iter, params.maxiter, value, entry.psnr, entry.ssim, entry.iter/entry.time) if isa(stn.vis, Channel) put_onlylatest!(stn.vis, ((d.b_noisy, x), params.plot_movement, stn.log, vhist)) end end if params.save_images && (!haskey(params, :save_images_iters) || iter ∈ params.save_images_iters) fn = (t, ext) -> "$(params.save_prefix)_$(t)_frame$(iter).$(ext)" # save(File(format"PNG", fn("true", "png")), grayimg(d.b_true)) # save(File(format"PNG", fn("data", "png")), grayimg(d.b_noisy)) save(File(format"PNG", fn("reco", "png")), grayimg(x)) if !isnothing(vhist) open(fn("movement", "txt"), "w") do io writedlm(io, ["est_y" "est_x"]) writedlm(io, vhist) end end end stn = @set stn.wasted_time += (secs_ns() - verb_start) return stn end hifientry = LogEntryHiFi(iter, sc*d.v_cumul_true[1], sc*d.v_cumul_true[2]) st = @set st.log_hifi=LinkedListEntry(hifientry, st.log_hifi) return st end d=dnext end catch ex if params.handle_interrupt && isa(ex, InterruptException) # If SIGINT is received (user pressed ^C), terminate computations, # returning current status. Effectively, we do not call `step()` again, # ending the iterations, but letting the algorithm finish up. # Assuming (**) above occurs atomically, `st.log` should be valid, but # any results returned by the algorithm itself may be partial, as for # reasons of efficiency we do *not* store results of an iteration until # the next iteration is finished. printstyled("\rUser interrupt—finishing up.\n", bold=true, color=202) st = @set st.aborted = true else rethrow(ex) end end return st end function bg_visualise_enhanced(rc; fullscreen=false) process_channel(rc) do d imgs, plot_movement, log, vhist = d do_visualise(imgs, refresh=false, fullscreen=fullscreen) # Overlay movement GR.settextcolorind(5) GR.setcharheight(0.015) GR.settextpath(GR.TEXT_PATH_RIGHT) tx, ty = GR.wctondc(0, 1) GR.text(tx, ty, @sprintf "FPS %.1f, SSIM %.2f, PSNR %.1f" (log.value.iter/log.value.time) log.value.ssim log.value.psnr) if plot_movement sc=1.0 p=unfold_linked_list(log) x=map(e -> 1.5+sc*e.v_cumul_true_x, p) y=map(e -> 0.5+sc*e.v_cumul_true_y, p) GR.setlinewidth(2) GR.setlinecolorind(2) GR.polyline(x, y) x=map(e -> 1.5+sc*e.v_cumul_est_x, p) y=map(e -> 0.5+sc*e.v_cumul_est_y, p) GR.setlinecolorind(3) GR.polyline(x, y) if vhist != nothing GR.setlinecolorind(4) x=map(v -> 1.5+sc*v, vhist[:,2]) y=map(v -> 0.5+sc*v, vhist[:,1]) GR.polyline(x, y) end end GR.updatews() end end end # module