
changeset 0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/AlgorithmBothGreedyV.jl	Tue Apr 07 14:19:48 2020 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# Predictive online PDPS for optical flow with unknown velocity field
+module AlgorithmBothGreedyV
+identifier = "pdps_unknown_greedyv"
+using Printf
+using AlgTools.Util
+import AlgTools.Iterate
+using ImageTools.Gradient
+using ..OpticalFlow: Image,
+                     ImageSize,
+                     DisplacementConstant,
+                     DisplacementFull,
+                     pdflow!,
+                     horn_schunck_reg_prox!,
+                     pointwise_gradiprod_2d!,
+                     filter_hs
+using ..Algorithm: step_lengths
+# Iterate initialisation
+function init_displ(xinit::Image, ::Type{DisplacementConstant})
+    return xinit, zeros(2)
+function init_displ(xinit::Image, ::Type{DisplacementFull})
+    return xinit, zeros(2, size(xinit)...)
+function init_rest(x::Image, u::DisplacementT) where DisplacementT
+    imdim=size(x)
+    y = zeros(2, imdim...)
+    Δx = copy(x)
+    Δy = copy(y)
+    x̄ = copy(x)
+    return x, y, Δx, Δy, x̄, u
+function init_iterates( :: Type{DisplacementT}, xinit::Image) where DisplacementT    
+    return init_rest(init_displ(copy(xinit), DisplacementT)...)
+function init_iterates( :: Type{DisplacementT}, dim::ImageSize) where DisplacementT
+    return init_rest(init_displ(zeros(dim...), DisplacementT)...)
+# Algorithm
+function solve( :: Type{DisplacementT};
+               dim :: ImageSize,
+               iterate = AlgTools.simple_iterate, 
+               params::NamedTuple) where DisplacementT
+    ######################
+    # Initialise iterates
+    ######################
+    x, y, Δx, Δy, x̄, u = init_iterates(DisplacementT, dim)
+    init_data = (params.init == :data)
+    # … for tracking cumulative movement
+    if DisplacementT == DisplacementConstant
+        ucumul = [0.0, 0.0]
+    else
+        ucumul = [NaN, NaN]
+    end
+    #############################################
+    # Extract parameters and set up step lengths
+    #############################################
+    α, ρ, λ, θ, T = params.α, params.ρ, params.λ, params.θ, params.timestep
+    R_K² = ∇₂_norm₂₂_est²
+    γ = 1
+    τ, σ, σ̃, ρ̃ = step_lengths(params, γ, R_K²)
+    kernel = params.kernel
+    ####################
+    # Run the algorithm
+    ####################
+    b_next_filt=nothing
+    v = iterate(params) do verbose :: Function,
+                           b :: Image,
+                           🚫unused_v_known :: DisplacementT,
+                           b_next :: Image
+        ####################################
+        # Smooth data for Horn–Schunck term
+        ####################################
+        b_filt, b_next_filt = filter_hs(b, b_next, b_next_filt, kernel)
+        ##################
+        # Prediction step
+        ##################
+        if init_data
+            x .= b
+            init_data = false
+        end
+        pdflow!(x, Δx, y, Δy, u, params.dual_flow)
+        # Predict zero displacement
+        u .= 0
+        if params.prox_predict
+            ∇₂!(y, x) 
+            @. y = (y + σ̃*Δy)/(1 + σ̃*(ρ̃+ρ/α))
+            proj_norm₂₁ball!(y, α) 
+        end
+        ############
+        # PDPS step
+        ############
+        ∇₂ᵀ!(Δx, y)                       # primal step:
+        @. x̄ = x                          # |  save old x for over-relax
+        @. x = (x-τ*(Δx-b))/(1+τ)         # |  prox
+        horn_schunck_reg_prox!(u, b_next_filt, b_filt, θ, λ, T, τ)
+        @. x̄ = 2x - x̄                     # over-relax
+        ∇₂!(y, x̄)                         # dual step: y
+        @. y = (y + σ*Δy)/(1 + σ*ρ/α)     # |
+        proj_norm₂₁ball!(y, α)            # |  prox
+        if DisplacementT == DisplacementConstant
+            ucumul .+= u
+        end
+        ########################################################
+        # Give function value and cumulative movement if needed
+        ########################################################
+        v = verbose() do
+            ∇₂!(Δy, x)
+            tmp = zeros(size(b_filt))
+            pointwise_gradiprod_2d!(tmp, Δy, u, b_filt)
+            value = (norm₂²(b-x)/2 + θ*norm₂²((b_next_filt-b_filt)./T+tmp)
+                     + λ*norm₂²(u)/2 + α*γnorm₂₁(Δy, ρ))
+            value, x, ucumul, nothing
+        end
+        return v
+    end
+    return x, y, v
+end # Module
