Fri, 03 May 2024 13:06:24 -0500
################################################## # Visualising and data-collecting iteration tools ################################################## module Visualise using Printf using FileIO using Setfield #using Plots #using Measures import GR using AlgTools.Util using AlgTools.StructTools using AlgTools.LinkedLists using AlgTools.Comms using ..ColourTools ############## # Our exports ############## export LogEntry, bg_visualise, visualise, secs_ns, iterate_visualise, initialise_visualisation, finalise_visualisation ################## # Data structures ################## struct LogEntry <: IterableStruct iter :: Int time :: Float64 function_value :: Float64 end struct State vis :: Union{Channel,Bool,Nothing} visproc :: Union{Nothing,Task} start_time :: Union{Real,Nothing} wasted_time :: Real log :: LinkedList{LogEntry} end ################## # Helper routines ################## @inline function secs_ns() return convert(Float64, time_ns())*1e-9 end ################ # Visualisation ################ function bg_visualise(rc) process_channel(do_visualise, rc) end # function do_visualise(imgs) # plt = im -> plot(grayimg(im), showaxis=false, grid=false, aspect_ratio=:equal, margin=2mm) # display(plot([plt(imgs[i]) for i =1:length(imgs)]..., reuse=true, margin=0mm)) # end grayGR = x -> begin y = round(UInt32, 0xff*clip(x)) return 0x010101*y + 0xff000000 end function fill_viewport(vp, c) GR.savestate() GR.selntran(0) GR.setscale(0) GR.setfillintstyle(GR.INTSTYLE_SOLID) GR.setfillcolorind(c) GR.fillrect(vp...) GR.selntran(1) GR.restorestate() end function do_visualise(imgs; refresh=true, fullscreen=false, windowsize=nothing) n = length(imgs) # Get device dimensions in metres and pixels scrw, scrh, pw, ph = GR.inqdspsize() imgaspect = n > 0 ? float(size(imgs[1], 1))/float(size(imgs[1], 2)) : 1 # Scaling to maximum size window sc=0.7 # Set up window and transformations GR.clearws() GR.setscale(0); GR.selntran(1) # - First OS window size if !isnothing(windowsize) w, h = float.(windowsize) elseif fullscreen w, h = float(scrw), float(scrh) elseif scrw/n>scrh w, h = float(sc*scrh*n), float(sc*scrh*imgaspect) else w, h = float(sc*scrw), float(sc*scrw/n*imgaspect) end GR.setwsviewport(0, w, 0, h) # NDC to device if w>h canvas=[0, 1, 0, h/w] else canvas=[0, w/h, 0, 1] end GR.setwswindow(canvas...) fill_viewport(canvas, 1) # World coordinates to NDC if imgaspect/n<h/w y0 = (canvas[3]+canvas[4])/2 ww = (canvas[2]-canvas[1])/2 y1 = y0-ww*(imgaspect/n) y2 = y0+ww*(imgaspect/n) GR.setviewport(canvas[1], canvas[2], y1, y2) else x0 = (canvas[1]+canvas[2])/2 hh = (canvas[4]-canvas[3])/2 x1 = x0-hh*(n/imgaspect) x2 = x0+hh*(n/imgaspect) GR.setviewport(x1, x2, canvas[3], canvas[4]) end GR.setwindow(0, n, 0, 1) # Clear background # Plot images for i=1:n im = imgs[i]' sz = size(im) GR.drawimage(i-1, i, 0, 1, sz[1], sz[2], grayGR.(im)) end if refresh GR.updatews() end end function visualise(channel_or_toggle, imgs) if isa(channel_or_toggle, Channel) put_onlylatest!(channel_or_toggle, imgs) elseif isa(channel_or_toggle, Bool) && channel_or_toggle do_visualise(imgs) end end ###################################################### # Iterator that does visualisation and log collection ###################################################### function iterate_visualise(st :: State, step :: Function, params :: NamedTuple) try for iter=1:params.maxiter st = step() do calc_objective if isnothing(st.start_time) # The Julia precompiler is a miserable joke, apparently not crossing module # boundaries, so only start timing after the first iteration. st = @set st.start_time=secs_ns() end verb = params.verbose_iter!=0 && mod(iter, params.verbose_iter) == 0 if verb || iter ≤ 20 || (iter ≤ 200 && mod(iter, 10) == 0) verb_start = secs_ns() tm = verb_start - st.start_time - st.wasted_time value, x = calc_objective() entry = LogEntry(iter, tm, value) # (**) Collect a singly-linked list of log to avoid array resizing # while iterating st = @set st.log=LinkedListEntry(entry, st.log) if verb @printf("%d/%d J=%f\n", iter, params.maxiter, value) visualise(st.vis, (x,)) end if params.save_iterations fn = t -> "$(params.save_prefix)_$(t)_iter$(iter).png" save(File(format"PNG", fn("reco")), grayimg(x)) end st = @set st.wasted_time += (secs_ns() - verb_start) end return st end end catch ex if isa(ex, InterruptException) # If SIGINT is received (user pressed ^C), terminate computations, # returning current status. Effectively, we do not call `step()` again, # ending the iterations, but letting the algorithm finish up. # Assuming (**) above occurs atomically, `st.log` should be valid, but # any results returned by the algorithm itself may be partial, as for # reasons of efficiency we do *not* store results of an iteration until # the next iteration is finished. printstyled("\rUser interrupt—finishing up.\n", bold=true, color=202) else throw(ex) end end return st end #################### # Launcher routines #################### function initialise_visualisation(visualise; iterator=iterate_visualise) # Create visualisation if visualise rc = Channel(1) visproc = Threads.@spawn bg_visualise(rc) bind(rc, visproc) vis = rc else vis = false visproc = nothing end st = State(vis, visproc, nothing, 0.0, nothing) iterate = curry(iterate_visualise, st) return st, iterate end function finalise_visualisation(st) if isa(st.vis, Channel) # Tell subprocess to finish, and wait put!(st.vis, nothing) close(st.vis) wait(st.visproc) end end end # Module