
changeset 50
parent 49
child 51
--- a/DenoiseTest/src/DenoiseTest.jl	Fri Jan 08 12:32:09 2021 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# Denoise testing
-module DenoiseTest
-# Our exports
-export test_denoise, default_params
-# Dependencies
-using Printf
-using FileIO
-using ColorTypes: Gray
-# ColorVectorSpace is only needed to ensure that conversions
-# between different ColorTypes are defined.
-import ColorVectorSpace
-import TestImages
-using AlgTools.Util
-using AlgTools.LinkedLists
-using ImageTools.Denoise
-using ImageTools.Visualise
-# Parameters
-const default_save_prefix="denoise_result_"
-const default_params = (
-    α = 1,
-    # PDPS
-    # τ₀ = 5,
-    # σ₀ = 0.99/5,
-    # FISTA
-    τ₀ = 0.9,
-    ρ = 0,
-    accel = true,
-    noise_level = 0.5,
-    verbose_iter = 10,
-    maxiter = 1000,
-    save_results = false,
-    image_name = "lighthouse",
-    save_iterations = false
-# Main testing routine
-function test_denoise(;
-                      visualise=true,
-                      save_prefix=default_save_prefix,
-                      kwargs...)
-    # Parameters for this experiment
-    params = default_params ⬿ kwargs
-    params = params ⬿ (save_prefix = save_prefix * params.image_name,)
-    # Load image and add noise
-    b = Float64.(Gray{Float64}.(TestImages.testimage(params.image_name)))
-    b_noisy = b .+ params.noise_level.*randn(size(b)...)
-    # Launch (background) visualiser
-    st, iterate = initialise_visualisation(visualise)
-    # Run algorithm
-    x, y, st = denoise_fista(b_noisy; iterate=iterate, params=params)
-    if params.save_results
-        perffile = params.save_prefix * ".txt"
-        println("Saving " * perffile)
-        write_log(perffile, st.log, "# params = $(params)\n")
-        fn = (t, ext) -> "$(params.save_prefix)_$(t).$(ext)"
-        save(File(format"PNG", fn("true", "png")), grayimg(b))
-        save(File(format"PNG", fn("data", "png")), grayimg(b_noisy))
-        save(File(format"PNG", fn("reco", "png")), grayimg(x))
-    end
-    # Exit background visualiser
-    finalise_visualisation(st)
