hg topics [OPTION]... [-r REV]... [TOPIC]

View current topic, set current topic, change topic for a set of revisions, or see all topics.

Clear topic on existing topiced revisions:

hg topics --rev <related revset> --clear

Change topic on some revisions:

hg topics <newtopicname> --rev <related revset>

Clear current topic:

hg topics --clear

Set current topic:

hg topics <topicname>

List of topics:

hg topics

List of topics sorted according to their last touched time displaying last touched time and the user who last touched the topic:

hg topics --age

The active topic (if any) will be prepended with a "*".

The '--current' flag helps to take active topic into account. For example, if you want to set the topic on all the draft changesets to the active topic, you can do: 'hg topics -r "draft()" --current'

The --verbose version of this command display various information on the state of each topic.

options ([+] can be repeated):

--clear clear active topic if any
-r --rev REV [+] revset of existing revisions
-l --list show the stack of changeset in the topic
--age show when you last touched the topics
--current display the current topic only
-T --template TEMPLATE display with template

global options ([+] can be repeated):

-R --repository REPO repository root directory or name of overlay bundle file
--cwd DIR change working directory
-y --noninteractive do not prompt, automatically pick the first choice for all prompts
-q --quiet suppress output
-v --verbose enable additional output
--color TYPE when to colorize (boolean, always, auto, never, or debug)
--config CONFIG [+] set/override config option (use 'section.name=value')
--debug enable debugging output
--debugger start debugger
--encoding ENCODE set the charset encoding (default: UTF-8)
--encodingmode MODE set the charset encoding mode (default: strict)
--traceback always print a traceback on exception
--time time how long the command takes
--profile print command execution profile
--version output version information and exit
-h --help display help and exit
--hidden consider hidden changesets
--pager TYPE when to paginate (boolean, always, auto, or never) (default: auto)
