Fri, 03 May 2024 13:08:41 -0500
Update manifest
#################################################################### # Immutable linked lists (different from the mutable lists of # #################################################################### __precompile__() module LinkedLists using DelimitedFiles using ..StructTools ############## # Our exports ############## export LinkedListEntry, LinkedList, unfold_linked_list, write_log ############# # Data types ############# struct LinkedListEntry{T} value :: T next :: Union{LinkedListEntry{T},Nothing} end LinkedList{T} = Union{LinkedListEntry{T},Nothing} ############ # Functions ############ function Base.iterate(list::LinkedList{T}) where T return Base.iterate(list, list) end function Base.iterate(list::LinkedList{T}, tail::Nothing) where T return nothing end function Base.iterate(list::LinkedList{T}, tail::LinkedListEntry{T}) where T return tail.value, end # Return the items in the list with the tail first function unfold_linked_list(list::LinkedList{T}) where T res = [] for value ∈ list push!(res, value) end return reverse(res) end # Write out a a “log” of LinkedList of IterableStructs as a delimited file function write_log(filename::String, log::LinkedList{T}, comment::String) where T <: IterableStruct open(filename, "w") do io print(io, comment) writedlm(io, [String.(fieldnames(T))]) writedlm(io, unfold_linked_list(log)) end end end