changeset 12
parent 11
child 13
--- a/	Mon Mar 30 16:46:47 2020 -0500
+++ b/	Mon Apr 20 09:17:51 2020 -0500
@@ -11,10 +11,34 @@
   * Structs: iteration, field replacement
   * Calculation of norms, dot products, projections
   * Conditional thread execution macros
-  * Template for conveniently writing iterative algorithms using `do`-block anonymous functions as algorithm steps, with visualisation/verbosity implemented generally in iterator. 
+  * Template for conveniently writing iterative algorithms using `do`-block anonymous functions as algorithm steps, with visualisation/verbosity implemented generally in iterator.
   The code is used, for example, by <>.
+## Installation
+To install this package, first clone the repository with [Mercurial](
+$ hg clone
+(Canonical public repository URL indicated here.)
+Then add the repository to Julia with `Pkg.develop`:
+julia>] develop LOCATION_OF/AlgTools/
+Here replace `LOCATION_OF/AlgTools` with path where you cloned AlgTools. (If you did not change directory after cloning, simply use `AlgTools`.)
+Afterwards, you may use the package with:
+julia> using AlgTools
+This package is not and is not planned to be available via `Pkg.add` as it is based on the worst and must unusable version control system ever invented: Git.
 ## Iterative algorithms example
 The package includes `simple_iterate` which helps separating the computational step of iterative algorithms for visualisation routines. It is merely intended to serve as a template, as different applications require different visualisation routines to be implemented in a replacement of `simple_iterate`.  The computational step is implemented as a `do`-block anonymous function that gets passed another function is a parameter for doing the verbosity on request. Example:
