Mon, 17 Jan 2005 22:02:09 +0100
trunk: changeset 1934
Fixed everything that requires locale stuff to check CF_NO_LOCALE.
/* * libtu/tester.c * * Copyright (c) Tuomo Valkonen 1999-2002. * * You may distribute and modify this library under the terms of either * the Clarified Artistic License or the GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or later. */ #include <stdio.h> #include "misc.h" #include "tokenizer.h" #include "util.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Tokenizer*tokz; Token tok=TOK_INIT; libtu_init(argv[0]); if(!(tokz=tokz_open_file(stdin, "stdin"))) return EXIT_FAILURE; while(tokz_get_token(tokz, &tok)){ switch(tok.type){ case TOK_LONG: printf("long - %ld\n", TOK_LONG_VAL(&tok)); break; case TOK_DOUBLE: printf("double - %g\n", TOK_DOUBLE_VAL(&tok)); break; case TOK_CHAR: printf("char - '%c'\n", TOK_CHAR_VAL(&tok)); break; case TOK_STRING: printf("string - \"%s\"\n", TOK_STRING_VAL(&tok)); break; case TOK_IDENT: printf("ident - %s\n", TOK_IDENT_VAL(&tok)); break; case TOK_COMMENT: printf("comment - %s\n", TOK_COMMENT_VAL(&tok)); break; case TOK_OP: printf("operator - %03x\n", TOK_OP_VAL(&tok)); break; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }